My Way To You

Chapter 202 - You Still Want Me?

"After I signed, I had no one left. It was home then work, nothing else for almost a year. Then I decided to go to the movies to escape from my life. A colleague recommended it then I found myself absorbed with soundtracks from every movie I watched. I started to play the songs all the time, while I was eating, walking, writing and working in the lab. I finally turned my life around after the live action Al*ddin came out. I memorize the music and found strength to move forward but it didn't last. I collapsed one day at work. Was rushed to hospital, blood was drawn and they found cancer in my ovaries... I was being punished for finding happiness, I wasn't allowed to forget my son, he needed justice and I was willing to accept it. I refused treatment and it didn't take long for the cancer to spread, I died a few months later." Mrs. Dabney said as tears silently flowed downwards.

"You never got a chance to reunite with your son?" Ariana asked gently but her voice sounded three times louder then usual. "No, so I never got a chance to apologize to him." Mrs. Dabney said pitifully. "You have a chance to make it up to him." Ariana said as she took a few steps forward. The Dabneys looked at Ariana. "Brie, be the best you can be for her." Ariana said. "Don't run away from her, face her when times are tough and if it gets too tough call for help. Call me if you have too. Don't do this alone." Ariana said. More tears spilled from Mrs. Dabney's eyes. "I will." She said with a gentle smile.

Ariana let out a small breath of relief. Now that she knew Mrs. Dabney's past was not pretty and more then anything she might stay up most nights for the next year to make sure her daughter doesn't suddenly die. It wasn't fair to keep things from them, especially with their lives potentially turning more dangerous. Ariana stood tall and took a deep breath in then out. "Only Edlyn knows the full truth about me. No one else. She knows that I died, she knows that I hated my previous life. Before I go any further I need to know, Roselyn are you working together with the church?" Ariana asked. "Why would you ask that?!" Mr. Dabney asked as his temper rose, he was still gingerly holding his daughter against his chest as she slept soundly.

"No she has a right to know." Mrs. Dabney replied. "I don't care if it's a lie, I just want to hear you say that you aren't working for them." Ariana said desperately. "No, I am not with the church and neither is Pascal. We are with a small rebellion. To be more accurate, I am a long standing member of the Summoned Children of Other Realms, Principalities, Intelligence, Opinions, Nations and Space. The SCORPIONS and we are against the church but at the same time I can't say we haven't had our eyes on you." Mrs. Dabney said.

"So, was I played with? Did you approach me because you already knew about me." Ariana asked pitifully. "Truthfully, no." Mrs. Dabney said as her tears started to dry up. "We knew you existed but we, I had no idea where you were. So we fought against the church in our own way. We have been recruiting others, trying to build a small army so we can take down the church but without you it's a little hard." Mrs. Dabney explained. "But you knew who I was... Why didn't you tell Roselyn." Ariana asked Mr. Dabney.

Mrs. Dabney held out her hands and Mr. Dabney bent over and gently passed Brie to his wife. "You're a child. Using you for war is unthinkable." Mr. Dabney said flatly as he gently brushed a small amount of brown tuff to the side of Brie's face as she slept in his wife's arms. "So I never reported it." Mr. Dabney said as he stood up. "I think I can take the sling off now my love." He said as he wiggled his fingers. "Take it off then but I would leave the walking cast on for another hour." Mrs. Dabney instructed. "Mmmmh." Mr. Dabney said as he removed the sling and tested his arm. "You didn't get mad?" Ariana asked.

"Sorry?" Mrs. Dabney asked. "You didn't get mad because Pascal didn't tell you about me?" Ariana asked. "Of course not! I'm not devoted to the SCORPIONS, I am grateful they took me in after my family threw my out the first time in my preteens. They helped me figure things out and how to handle being both past and present me but that's it. I would never serve you on a silver platter to them! Especially when I like you so much! My goodness did you miss the memo? I want you as Brie's godmother! Hello! I want you as my family." Mrs. Dabney ranted. Ariana was left dumbfounded. Then she started to laugh. "You win, I shouldn't have worried about tell you everything." Ariana said as she hugged herself.

"I hope not! I mean this is now your home too! Especially if your offering help! If I could have my way you would be living with us from now on." Mrs. Dabney said with a giant humpf. "But I need to tell you more about what I'm hiding." Ariana said as she caught her breath and calmed herself down. "Whatever you tell us will not shock us." Mrs. Dabney said as she flashed a wicked grin. "My father is Shevar Guronui." Ariana announced nonchalantly. The Dabneys became stone faced. "I'm sorry but could you say that one more time?" Mrs. Dabney asked with a shaky voice. "My biological father is Shevar Guronui and because of my mixed blood I change into a garnet humanoid dragon when I get my period."

The Dabneys jaws dropped. "Nooooo, no, no, no, no, no. Are you sure?" Mr. Dabney asked as the shock wore off, to Ariana's surprise he paled a ghostly white.

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