My Way To You

Chapter 204 - Shouldn't You Know?

"Ariana." Vanessa called out sweetly. Her overly cutesy voice sent chills running down Ariana's back, making every hair on her body stand up straight. "Why?!" Ariana gasped as she approached Vanessa with lightning speed. "Why in the name of all that is good and holy are you talking like that again?!" Ariana shouted as she stared down Vanessa.

"Sorry, sorry. My parents were with me not too long ago. My dad was pretty shocked when he saw me like this." Vanessa said as she twisted her body left and right showing off her new dress. Ariana looked her over carefully and instantly lit up. Vanessa was wearing a light blue, cropped, denim jacket with a light grey, satin blouse and layered, red wine coloured, pleated skirt that went to her mid thighs. She had a black velvet head band in her sandy blond hair with its burgundy streaks slightly curled around her chin. The headband had a sweet little bow on the far right and she wore matching black velvet, ankle boots.

"You wore one of the outfits we bought together!" Ariana shouted happily. "Shocked my dad to the heavens. He couldn't take the change, started to practically cry. Said it must have been Cayden breaking the engagement to cause me to lose my mind." Vanessa said as she did a single eyeroll. "You're joking." Ariana asked daring not to ask Vanessa to repeat herself. "You must be proud. He did it, he got the families to withdraw the marriage contract." Vanessa said with an obvious scowl.

"Well yes I'm happy but that's not what I was asking. I mean, why would your dad freak? Your a grown young lady, he should be happy that you are looking so fashionable and elegant and beautiful and cute." Ariana said with great emphasis on her compliments. Vanessa slightly blushed and flicked her hair back to mask her embarrassment. "You would think? But he wanted to make sure I was still his little girl so I had to talk like before. It was horrible."

"Vanessa?" Ariana asked as she hugged Vasu in her arms. "I thought you were avoiding me." Vanessa flinched, her eyes grew wide as her face paled. "Well, I was." Vanessa replied awkwardly. "But, but my mother saw you as you left bathhouse. We were sitting in the common room drinking tea and she suddenly changed. She wanted to go after you and started to babble about you. Asking me questions and I couldn't answer anything. I mean, I could don't get me wrong but there was a question I couldn't answer." Vanessa finished saying then went totally quiet. 

The quiet atmosphere was starting to become suffocating. Ariana couldn't wait any longer her nerves were already shot from before from her family and she was able to calm down slightly with the Dabneys but she had no patience for anything else today. "Felix?" Ariana called out. "Don't come out!" Vanessa shouted back in hysteria. Unfortunately for Vanessa, Felix appeared before her feet, ears down, his fluffy tail curled around his body, he looked so guilty it was adorable. 'Sorry.' He murmured as he turned his big, beautiful black eyes from Vanessa to Ariana. "I'm sorry to call you but I want to know what's going on." Ariana asked as she looked at Felix. 

Felix's hair stood on end when they made eye contact and he couldn't help but drop his gaze. 'My master's mother asked if you have any connection to the jewel eyed priestess.' Felix answered regrettably. "Felix!" Vanessa shouted as she stomped her foot but all it did was make Felix cower on fear. "Why does it matter?" Ariana asked Vanessa as she took a step closer to her. 

Vanessa involuntarily took a few steps back but Ariana kept closing the gap. Vanessa's eyes started darting back and forth as she broke out in to a cold sweat. Then her eyes locked on to a certain spot by the shrubbery. Ariana eased up and stopped moving. "Duko?" She called out quietly. 'Yes.' Duko replied from with in her earring. "Am I being watched?" Ariana asked and before Duko could even reply or come out a loud sound came from the left of them. "Alright princess you caught me!" 

"Duko, stay put." Ariana whispered then turned to face the familiar voice. "Lobo, don't you know it's rude to secretly follow a young lady?" Ariana asked in a mocking tone. "I'm just doing a favour for my friend that's all." Lobo said as he walked over with a devilish smile. Ariana sighed as she turned back to Vanessa to apologize but her jaw dropped. 

Vanessa had turned a bright red as she watched Lobo walk towards them. "Vanessa?" Ariana called out. Vanessa was completely absorbed in what she was looking at, her eyes started to sparkle and she momentarily stopped breathing. Ariana freaked and quickly rushed over to Vanessa. The moment she was close enough she grabbed her small shoulders, Ariana shook her petite body. "Vanessa?!" Ariana called out. Vanessa snapped out of her trance and looked up at Ariana with small traces of tears in her eyes. "Sorry?" Vanessa said as she exhaled. 

"You okay?" Ariana asked as she let out a sigh of pure relief. "Mmmmh? Ya, sorry. I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to have tea sometime." Vanessa asked softly. "Vanessa are you asking me to spend time with you?" Ariana asked skeptically. Vanessa looked at Ariana and nodded her head. "Tomorrow?" Vanessa asked as she tilted her head to the right. 

Ariana let Vanessa go and couldn't help but let out another sigh. "Sure. I'll meet up with you at 2, at your room." Ariana replied. "Mmmmh, good. I'm gonna go... That way now. Okay?" Vanessa asked as she pointed to a random direction. Ariana paled, this was not the usual Vanessa, something was wrong. "Lobo can you take Vanessa where she needs to go. I'm a little worried." Ariana asked as she turned to Lobo. His pink eyes sparkled with fear and guilt. "I'm sorry but I have to keep my promise at the moment." Lobo replied.

"Tell Cayden that I'm fine on my own! I don't need a babysitter!" Ariana shouted in frustration. "Cayden." Vanessa called out as she snapped back to reality. "Why would you mention Cayden?" She said as her temper started to rise. "Vanessa? Shouldn't you know Lobo? I mean he's Cayden's friend. They are usually together." Ariana asked as she raised her eyebrow in suspicion.

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