My Way To You

Chapter 223 - Speaking to Ophelia

Ariana facepalmed herself when she tried to grab her ribbon to tie off half her hair but remembered that is was still in the locker with her dirty clothes. She removed her hand and cringed at the thought of trying to get her clothes now. She then bit her bottom lip as she stared at herself in the mirror. "Screw it. I'm braiding it." She said to herself. Her roommates had already left. When they got back from Gregory's apartment, each girl got dressed as fast as they could. It was practically a war zone as they rushed around.

Ariana was happy she didn't use make-up, her skin was usually smooth and flawless. Her natural beauty was something she felt pride over, fair skin rosy cheeks, beautiful dark pink lips and sparkling aquamarine eyes. Her hair was a deep black that couldn't be compared to the other shades of black seen making her features pop but today she debated whether to borrow some of Halina's make-up. Especially when she finished off braiding her hair back. She looked sickly with all her hair pulled back.

Her face was pale, big bags had formed under her eyes, her lips were a pale pink and eyes were a translucent pink. Her hair had no shine or silky, it was greedy and gross feeling. She cursed herself for being lazy and not going to the bathhouse but it wouldn't have mattered since she cooked up a storm at Gregory's. "Ha, haha. Side braid, I'll do a side braid instead." She said desperately to herself as she untied her hair. Hoping that her hairstyle wouldn't make her look worse. "Nope." Ariana groaned as she looked herself over again. The side braid barely help, even with an elegant swoop of her hair and fringe angle.

'Here.' Vasu sighed as he floated towards Ariana. "No! I know what you're thinking and no healing. My body will become dependent on it." Ariana said as she stepped away from Vasu. 'No it won't.' Vasu said as he stared. "Are you sure?" Ariana asked suspiciously. She was only using it as an excuse to stop Vasu since he had been acting incredibly fatigued after healing Duko. She wondered if he need rest himself so she refused his help so she blurted out her first thoughts.

Vasu stayed silent. "Vasu?" Ariana asked as her blood ran cold. 'Maybe?' Vasue said as he averted his gaze. Ariana was surprised, she didn't think her excuse would be real but then again if she looked at it objectively, wouldn't it be like an addict with coffee? Coffee seemed harmless but over time people became dependent on it to wake up every morning. At least that's what she observed with her parents. When she voiced her opinion on the matter her parents denied that they were not addicts. Ariana always wondered if they were in denial and decided to never drink coffee.

Now she was facing a similar dilemma, Ariana shivered. "I want my body to get stronger on its own so unless I really need it I don't want to abuse your powers." Ariana stated as she took her stance. Vasu looked hurt. He really wanted to help and didn't expect to be rejected. "But hugs are always welcomed." Ariana said as she opened her arms. Vasu perked up immediately and rushed in for an embrace. 

'You spoil him.' Aroha chirped as she stared at them from their bed. "Giving love and affection can't be a bad thing." Ariana said with a defiant tone. "Vasu is still making choices and will be okay without me so there is no need for your opinion in parenting.' Ariana said in a snotty tone. 'Do what you want.' Aroha said as she turned her beak upwards.

Just as Ariana was about to say the final word in their little passive aggressive argument, Duko burst in through the open window. 'Halina left!' Duko shouted as he appeared before Ariana. Ariana nodded her head then turned and looked at Ophelia, who was nestled up in her nest like bed. "Ophelia I need to talk to you." Ariana said as she walked over. 'Talk to my master.' Ophelia said as she moved her head away from Ariana.

Ariana was shocked with Ophelia's attitude. She had never acted out or broke her elegant like manner before. "Hey, you've been acting kinda weird lately. What's wrong? Are you not okay?" Ariana asked as she brought her hand up and stroked Ophelia's back. 'It's my own problem." Ophelia said sadly. "If you don't want to talk about it with me, you can always talk to Halina you know. You guys have a bond and she probably has better insight to your life then anyone else. So don't keep everything to yourself. Ask for help." Ariana said gently as she continued to stroke Ophelia's back.

"I don't think I can. Not to her, not to you, not to anyone else." Ophelia said as she started to become more gloomy. "Well... What about your husband?" Ariana asked. Ophelia's head shot up so fast that Ariana was worried that Ophelia would have snapped her slender neck in half.

'How do you know about my husband?!' Ophelia shouted angrily. "I'm trying to get close with Gautam Waldemar, I was told to learn from him but he keeps me at a distance.and that's a little problematic. So I was told you're currently married to Gautam's familiar. Please Ophelia, I need your and your husband's help. I need to know how I can prove myself to Gautam?" Ariana asked pitifully. 

'My husband is not someone you can handle." Ophelia said darkly. "That will be my problem not yours." Ariana stated as she steeled her face. Ophelia locked gazes with Ariana and held her stare. Ariana refused to look away. "Why not ask my master to command me? You know I can not disobey her." Ophelia stated bluntly. "There are grey areas... I know you can not disobey your master but I know if it's anything to do with me you can't tell her either." Ariana stated matter-of-factly.

"You didn't answer my question." Ophelia sighed in defeat as she continued to stare at Ariana.

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