My Way To You

Chapter 225 - Cafe Challenge

"This is not that good." Ariana said with a mouth full of cake. "What?! I was told that the cakes here are the best in the city!" Vanessa shouted as she grabbed her fork. She then stood up and stabbed Ariana's cake. She was able to cut off a big piece of cake and shoved it into her mouth. Her eyes went wide as her face turned green. "Urp!" Vanessa gagged as she grabbed her handkerchief. She quickly sat down and quietly spat the cake into her handkerchief.

"I should have thought of that." Ariana said after she swallowed the food in her mouth. She grabbed the cup of tea and sipped. "Oh this is worse." Ariana muttered as she swallowed the liquid. "I will believe you this time, I don't think my tongue wants to be abused again." Vanessa said as she gagged. "But everyone is eating and drinking so happily?" Ariana said as she looked around. "I can't believe I'm saying this but I prefer the cafeteria food at the Academy." Vanessa groaned.

"Did you just hear what that brat just said?!" A plump lady shouted loudly as she fanned herself with a purple, feathered fan. "What brat Virginia?!" A stalky looking woman shouted just as loudly as she leaned in toward the plump woman. "That brat over there says she prefers the cafeteria food at the Academy!" Virginia laughed so hard that her sections of flab jiggled along to the rhythm of the laughter. "The cafeteria at the Academy! The spinsters hangout! Ha! Ha! What a laugh! The brat must have had her tongue destroyed from eating their food for so long!" The stalky woman shouted hysterically.

Everyone in the cafe turned to laugh and stare at Vanessa. "You are the one who has had their tongues destroyed." Ariana said in a deadly tone as she stood up from her seat. The customers in the shop started to snicker at Ariana's comment. "What did you say?" The stalky woman said as she narrowed her gaze at Ariana. "Frederica don't let this brat agitate you. She's not worth it. Look how sickly she is! Must have been from the food over there at the Academy! Nothing compares to the cakes and teas at this cafe! Nothing! I dare even say that it's better then the one in Stella Amora!" Virginia laughed as she hide her disgusting laughing face behind a fan. 

"What did you just say?" Ariana said as her eyes grew wide and round. Her pupils dialted as a crooked smile stretched from ear to ear. "Poor child is dumb too. She can't even understand proper English!" Virginia shrieked in mocking tone. "Bring the chef out this instant!" Ariana demanded as her aura turned murderous. Everyone became silent. They all dropped their gazes to their plates and refused to make a sound.

"You want to meet my darling?" Virginia chuckled like she heard something ridiculous. "Bring out your chef unless you have something to hide?" Ariana openly mocked as she stretched out her arms, her face twisted with madness causing the two women to shiver. "You there! Call out my snookle doodle!" Virginia yelled at a young waitress close by. The girl jumped and ran back to the kitchen. Moments later a young man who looked like a smaller version of Virginia came out of the kitchen. He had slicked back, curly brown hair, yellow eyes and a double chin.

"I'm doing important work back there why was I called out?!" The young man shouted furiously. "I challenge you to a cook off!" Ariana shouted as she pointed to the young man. "Are you daft?! What gives you the right to challenge me?!" The young man laughed darkly as his fat hands that laid on the side of his body curled into fists. "My name is Ariana Drake, daughter of Lady Zula Drake. The owner of the Sugar Apple Cafe." Ariana said proudly.

The customers started to whisper furiously. From what Ariana could pick up, apparently it was hard to get into the Sugar Apple cafe. If you didn't want to wait hours in line you had to make a reservation far in advance. They also said that their bakery was even more exclusive, so when this cafe opened and boasted about being better then the establishments in Stella Amora people jumped to buy their food and tea.

"I always wanted to compete with the chef from the Sugar Apple Cafe but always seen it pointless since he's trash. A brothel house converted into a cafe? Ha! It's disgusting." The young man said as he gave Ariana a condescending smile. "My brother is a thousand times the man you are! But if you're too afraid to go against a little girl, well don't let me stop you. I can always inquiry back home why there's a rumor saying that it's impossible to get service at our establishments? I mean we serve about 80 people every hour and are open from 6 in the morning to 6 in the evening. That's 12 hours of service plus take out if you don't want to dine in." Ariana said as she crossed her arms over her chest and smirked.

"For anyone having a hard time with the math that's 960 customers a day just at the Sugar Apple Cafe, not including take out or shopping since we also sell products too. We give free cooking classes twice a week and host parties. On a slow day we take care of 1300 people a day. We had to expand and hire more staff. We also treat every employee fairly, give them amazing wages and benefits with the possibility to grow. So please tell me where did these malicious lies come from?" Ariana said arrogantly. While the mother son pair started to sweat.

The staff and customers started to gasp in surprise. They had no idea, and wondered when they could make a trip. "Bruno accept this brats challenge and show her your best dishes!" Virginia yelled as she slammed her fan against the table. "Little girl name the time and place!" Bruno shouted as his face turned red. "Right here, right now." Ariana declared. "Now?!" Bruno yelped. "That's right! Salad, one meal and dessert. You choose the judges so it can be fair." Ariana said with confidence.

"You're on!" Virginia yelled as she stood up.

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