My Way To You

Chapter 233 - Complicated Sky

Ariana reached down and wrapped her fingers around the branch. It had to have been a good two inches wide but it didn't look too long. Ariana started to breath rapidly as she psyched herself up to pull the small branch out. She screamed as she pulled and watched it come out of her thigh. She internally cursed that the branch for every inch lodged in to her leg, itwas actually longer then it seemed. She saw that small vines started to stretch out from the wound. She threw the stick away and started to run in the direction Lobo had gone.

"Everything will be okay." Ariana called out as she ran, saying it comfort Vasu and herself. The pain was horrible. "Why didn't you call me? If you didn't scream I would have-oh-for-the-love?! What the hell is that?!" Lobo shouted as he pointed to Ariana's thigh. "Stop talking and run." Ariana shouted in frustration. "You're part plant?" Lobo asked as he scooped up Ariana in a princess carry. "No, I told you my blood is alive." Ariana hissed as placed her hand over the wound and pressed down. "Alive and vines climbing out of a wound is completely different!" Lobo protested. "It's fine." Ariana said sternly. "We have to find the fairies. I don't know how long Vasu will last. He can barely hold his eyes open." Ariana said worriedly as she held Vasu in one arm tightly.

"We'll be there soon." Lobo said as he ran at full speed. "Where are we going?" Ariana asked. "Crystal Lake." Lobo answered as he effortlessly weaved through the trees. "Shouldn't be long now." Lobo said as he caught sight of bright light. He jumped through two trees and sighed when they reached the small clearing where the lake was.

Lobo sat Ariana gently to the ground, minding her leg. "Oh I get it, autumn breeze but the sky isn't that complicated it's just the different forests." Ariana said as she looked around. Lobo grabbed Ariana's hand and lifted it up. He tried to inspect her wound but her dress was stuck to her thigh. He grabbed the fabric and was about to rip it off when suddenly Ariana put her hand over top his. "Don't." She said quietly. "Right now that's not important." Ariana continued to say as she locked gazes with Lobo. "You're hurt." He replied. 

"Doesn't matter. Anyways Sienna said something about living underground so be careful when taking the plunge to see them." Ariana said as she gripped Lobo's hand. "Right. I know I found one of their tunnels by accident when I was traveling underground but I know I've seen them somewhere else before." Lobo muttered as he released the fabric of the dress. Ariana was trembling and he didn't know if it was from pain or fear.

"It's that how you spied on me?!" Ariana shouted. "Quiet let me think." Lobo shouted back. His mind couldn't focus. There were too many distracting thoughts and it was infuriating. "Ahhh! I can't remember! Sienna is not going to help me because the ginger root babies are napping but I'm done thinking! She can just be mad at me for all I care!" Lobo ranted just before he took a deep breath. "No wait!" Ariana shouted. She then got up and walked over to the lake.

She looked in to water and then back up to the sky. "Sorry Vasu. Just lay her for just a second." Ariana said rustled some leaves together in a pile with her foot then placed Vasu down. "Have you thought of something." Lobo asked as he watched her put Vasu on top of the leaves. "Ya. Watch Vasu for me." Ariana said as she turned away. She then ran forward and jumped into the lake. "Ariana!" Lobo shouted. 

A cold shock overwhelmed Ariana the moment her body hit the water. She had her eyes shut tight as she sank downwards. She opened her eyes slowly and looked up. She let some air bubbles out from excitement. It was a complicated sky. The scenery out side was now waves of the different sections of forest mixed with blue. Ariana quickly brought her gaze down and started to look around. Her chest was starting to burn, her lungs were starting to complain. So she started to swim upwards.

As she swam more air bubbles started to escape her mouth, she didn't think she sunk that far down. Something was wrong. Ariana started to panic she swam faster and faster but then realized she wasn't going upwards. Her vision started to darken, she was in real danger now. Her chest was really starting to hurt. Her arms started to go limp and her legs lost all will the colder she got.

She tried to cover her mouth with her hands to hold on to some air. Hoping she would start floating upwards. To her horror she was suspended in the water. She couldn't hold on any longer, her body started to curl for warmth. It hurt so much holding her breath but she still did her best.

She didn't know what to do now. It was useless to curl her body was starting to go numb from the cold. She closed her eyes and sent out a small pray in her heart. " Help..."  Ariana called out with the last of her air bubbles hoping her voice would carry within them. 

Suddenly warmth wrapped around Ariana's body. A breath of air was forcefully pushed in to her mouth from another. Ariana opened her eyes and felt her heart beat quicken. She saw a pair of grey eyes that sparkled silver. It gave her so much comfortable that she willed her arms to wrap around him but unfortunately that was the last of her strength. She blacked out.

'Ariana... Ariana.... Ariana.' A sweet bell like voice called out. Ariana slowly opened her eyes and saw a blurred vision of yellow and orange. "Mirela?" Ariana groaned. 'She's awake!' Mirela called out excitedly as she fluttered away. Ariana tried to sit up but was held down by a firm hand on top of her shoulder. "Cayden?" Ariana called out weakly as she looked to her left.

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