My Way To You

Chapter 245 - Ketchup

Ariana shot up from the couch with full force. "Why?!" Ariana shouted. Brie started to stir and shifted in her bassinet. Mr. Dabney started to rub Brie's tiny back, comforting her so she wouldn't wake up. "Roselyn?" Ariana whispered. "It's getting late. Pascal can you show Ariana to her room. Lobo you should go back to your dorm room, don't worry we will take care of her." Mrs. Dabney said in a mother like tone that it caught everyone off guard. She then got up, walked over to the bassinet and rolled it back to the master bedroom.

"It's getting late." Mr. Dabney said as he scratch the back of his head. "Lobo I swear I'll protect her and my family tonight. If anything happens I'll send word." Mr. Dabney said as he started to push Lobo and Mirela back outside, the Lumas rushed into the living room. "I'll see you tomorrow then." Lobo called out before Mr. Dabney closed the door. "She won't say anything to them." Mr. Dabney said as he faced the door. "Even if her silence costs her life?" Ariana replied solemnly. 

"Even if they torture her, she will not talk." Mr. Dabney said before turning around. "Can I save her? If it's a curse or anything worse I can save her." Ariana said desperately. She wasn't going to let Mrs. Dabney die. "You can't." Mr. Dabney said firmly. "Why?" Ariana asked as she felt her heart ache. "You save her then it means you exist. It means she saw your face. It means you are in this Academy. Roselyn wanting to keep silent is her choice, don't force her to do something she doesn't want to do. Besides it also doesn't stop them from going after her again if she's saved." Mr. Dabney said coolly.

Ariana paled, she felt helpless. How could both groups be so extreme? They both wanted the same thing but for different reasons, was loyalty so demanding but then again... "Mr. Drake, my adoptive grandfather do you think they have him? Is that why my grandmother can't find him? Or... No, sorry I don't mean to change the subject... This is just too much. Why? Why is my life so valuable? I don't want this... I rather hand myself over and reform the group." Ariana said bitterly.

"If you could how many lives do you think you'll be destroying?" Mr. Dabney asked. Ariana couldn't understand. "They all took an oath, though Roselyn doesn't need to follow it so closely since her master is half a**ed about things, but the point is she will be fine. So will the others. Honestly she will probably live a long enough life. She will be able to see her grandchildren maybe even great grandchildren but if you step in and try to change things for your own selfishness... You'll kill hundreds of people. Don't be so stubborn with your own ideals without knowing the whole picture. Now come follow me."

Mr. Dabney started to walk towards a door that was beside the bathroom door. Ariana silently got up and followed while the Lumas followed her. Behind the door was a set of stairs, Mr. Dabney flipped a switch before walking down the stairs. Ariana felt a chill run down her back as the words "Lab" echoed within her head. "This is mostly Roselyn's lab. We have a spare bedroom to the left, it's pretty nice and cozy in there. You're free to come and go as you please. We would have given you Brie's room if we knew you were actually coming." Mr. Dabney said as he turned to look at Ariana. He felt awkward after seeing her face. The words "Experimentations" were written across her face so he felt he needed to explain further.

"Thank you." Ariana mumbled robotically as she stiffly moved towards the bedroom door. "Hey, uhmmm, you know, so do you need anything?" Mr. Dabney asked as he tried his best not to blush. "Eh?" Ariana said as she turned to look at Mr. Dabney. She tilted her head to the right with her mouth hanging open. "You know girl like things..  pajamas, extra blanket, belly warmer, glass of milk.... Sanshdheyeb pahdjdj." Mr. Dabney said as he slightly covered his mouth at the end, making it hard for Ariana to understand. 

"Sorry did you just say a sandwich?" Ariana asked as she pointed at Mr. Dabney. "No. I said sanpkrbdyebebld paaaaaaaaaap." Mr. Dabney said as he dragged his downwards over his mouth. Ariana grabbed his hand and held it away from Mr. Dabneys mouth. Just to be safe she grabbed his other hand and held it away. "Just one more time please." Ariana said as she looked at Mr. Dabney's blushing face. "Sandhdhs psss." He grumbled as he looked away. "Sand hands pass? What's sand hands pass?" Ariana asked in utter confusion.

"With a side of fries." Mr. Dabney said as his face glowed brighter. "Fries?!" Ariana shouted. "You know... For the ketchup that spills out..." Mr. Dabney said pitifully as his face turned so red it looked ready to burst. "Ketchup? Ketchup, ketchup, ketchup.... Ket-chup... Ohhhh! Sanitary pads! You can't say sanitary pads? Really why? You have a wife! She's bleeding now." Ariana couldn't help but laugh as she released Mr. Dabney's hands. "And you're not my wife." Mr. Dabney said bitterly as his face glowed red. "No thank you. I will be fine." Ariana giggled as she wiped tears from her eyes. 

"You sure?" Mr. Dabney said as he breathed out a sigh of relief. "I'm good now. Go on to bed. I bet the both of you are tired." Ariana said as she waved Mr. Dabney away. Mr. Dabney took a few steps back, looking completely uneasy. Ariana just smiled. Mr. Dabney turned and placed one foot on the step. "Oh, if there are ketchup stains I'll let you know." Ariana said as she suppress a giggle. She saw that Mr. Dabney's ears turned a bright red. "Good night brat!" He shouted before running up the stairs. 'You okay?' Vasu asked when they were finally alone. "Ya but I want to talk to all of you right now. We need to come up with a plan to save them."

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