My Way To You

Chapter 253 - Sleepless Night, Early Morning

Ariana woke up looking like a panda. She had huge bags under her eyes and it stood out more because of how fair her skin was. Ariana looked over to her right and saw Edlyn sleeping peacefully. She looked at her other roommates and saw that they were still deeply sleeping. Ariana wanted to get up and go for a walk or take bath at the bathhouse but shuddered when she remembered what happened last night with the mist creature. 

She brought up her index finger and stared at it debating what she wanted to do. After some sort of consideration due to lack of brain power because of sleep deprivation, she decided to bite down on her finger. She did so with enough force to break the skin. She pulled her finger away from her mouth and watched her blood closely. After a few heartbeats went by tiny vines crept upwards slowly from her wound. Ariana sighed as she grabbed a bandage from her cubby and placed it over her wound. She the  looked up at her Lumas who were sleeping in their giant bed. 

"It's going to take a little longer to heal you guys." She whispered apologetically. The Lumas didn't stir as the laid as a massive pile on top of their pillow. Ariana couldn't wait any longer. She had too much on her mind that sleep was impossible. She needed to sort everything out sooner rather then later. She didn't want another sleepless night. She cautiously slipped out of her bed and tip toed towards Edlyn's bed. She placed her hands on Edlyn's shoulder and gave her a gentle shake. She held her breath, readying herself to cover Edlyn's mouth in case she woke up in a fright. 

Ariana suddenly became disappointed. Edlyn didn't wake. She placed her hands on her again and shook her some more. Again she readied herself to cover Edlyn's mouth but again was disappointed to see that she didn't wake. Ariana loomed over Edlyn and an evil glint flashed in her eyes. She ripped off Edlyn's comforter and blanket in one swift movement. Thor heard the rustling and instantly woke up. He jumped on top of his  mother and started bouncing around. 'It's morning! It's morning mommy! Good morning!' He shouted happily. Edlyn groaned as she caught Thor and snuggled up against him.

"Still sleepy." Edlyn mumbled as she tried to lull Thor back to sleep. "Yes and you said you wanted your notes back right away." Ariana said as a vein popped out in her right cheek. Edlyn must have been having a good dream in order to forget what they had agreed upon hours ago. "Too early, me want sle-ep. *Yawn* Y-y-you.... Yo-o-ou sh-ould sleep too." Edlyn said in a sleepy like manner. "Fine I'll leave your notes her and go and take a bath by myself then. I feel gross from last night." Ariana said with a strained voice.

"Mmmh last night? Last night we studied and then you came back... You came back!" Edlyn shouted as she finally sobered up. "Morning." Ariana said as she watched Edlyn practically jump out of bed. "My notes!" Edlyn shouted. Ariana pointed to the pile of books. "Sorry you said bath? Do you mind if I join you? We should probably ask Talisha and Halina if they want to go too." Edlyn said happily. Before Ariana could open her mouth both girls grumbled their disapproval of going so early.

Ariana smiled at Edlyn. "Well I guess it will be just us. Unless the Lumas want to go?" Ariana asked as she turned to the Lumas. Vasu reluctantly floated upwards but fell right back down, landing on Ariana's bed while the others just slept. "Let me grab my stuff might as well change there." Ariana said with a soft giggle. Suddenly a pillow flew threw the air and hit her square in the face. "Shut up and go. I want to sleep." Talisha groaned. "Also give back my pillow." She continued after a short pause. She then raised her hand and open and closed her hand, gesturing that she wanted her possession back.

Ariana picked up the pillow and tossed it back in her general direction. The pillow landed with a thud and Talisha gave Ariana a thumbs up. With a heavy sigh Ariana grabbed everything and packed it into her bag. She looked at Edlyn who was ready to go. She quickly scooped up an unconscious Vasu and they walked out of the dorm room. The mindlessly chatted about the notes, questioning each other facts about what they needed to know for today's classes. They continued their ideal chatter until they were half way to the barrier. "So what happened?" Edlyn asked quickly when she saw the coast was clear. Ariana looked at Edlyn with a dreadful face. "You see...."

Edlyn slipped into deep thought. Her face was serious as she listened to every single word with out interruption. "Why won't they leave you alone?" Edlyn finally asked after a moment of silence. "They all resent my mother for her final decision." Ariana said sorrowfully. "No, it can't be just that. It's always been said she was loved by them and you even said the elementals said there would be no one who could replace her. There has to be more. Have you asked Mirela?" Edlyn asked as she gave Ariana a side glance.

"I should have but there were other things I needed to take care of first. The Lumas need to be healed or else I'd lose them. Also transforming in front of Lobo was not the greatest. More and more people are finding out my secret and I don't know if that is a good thing. I mean what if Cayden starts to hate me because I'm actually beast folk not human?" Ariana asked pitifully.

"Ask him yourself." Edlyn suggested. Ariana gave Edlyn a light laugh then gave her a doubtful face. "Hey Cayden, I need to tell you that I'm not really human and apparently when I change its rather disturbing. Do you still want to stay with me? Marry me? Start a family with duh me?! Ha! He would run for the hills and not look back." Ariana said sarcastically as she gave Eldyn a dramatic eyeroll. "Who knows maybe he'll accept you but he's standing right over there so talk to him." Edlyn said as she pointed. Ariana's jaw dropped when she saw a group of four young men standing around at the edge of the border.

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