My Way To You

Chapter 283 - Poll

Talisha and Halina's jaw dropped. They couldn't believe what they were hearing.

"Xander in the guard's uniform was very attractive." Edlyn giggled as her face flushed. "Exactly! But what would be the best uniform for him to wear? You know to really highlight his masculinity. I personally think a scholar's outfit would make him look more dashing!" Ariana said excitedly.

"Hahahaha! I think it would make that cold face of his look even colder!" Talisha laughed out loud in an unladylike manner as she tossed her embroidery project onto the table. "No way! He's not cold! Just really misunderstood! He's super sweet but if we're talk about his masculinity... I think a chef's uniform would look best on him. Like the one your brother Roy wears at the cafe." Edlyn said in a dreamy voice.

Edlyn had brought up her hands and placed them over her cheeks in an attempt to hide her embarrassment but her cheeks were too red. Unknown to Edlyn the blush crept in to the bridge of her nose and ears and Ariana didn't have the heart to point it out, she was too cute.

"Oh, yes! Bringing you breakfast in bed! Or better yet when you come home, he's standing in the kitchen with a loose top, slacks and an apron tied on. He then turns to you with a warm smile and he asks you What would   you like first? A bath, dinner or me? " Ariana squealed with sparkling eyes. Edlyn nodded her head vigorously in agreement.

"Honestly! Wow, wow, wow I wouldn't know what to choose! Cough, cough, cough. Of course I am imagining this scenario with Cayden in mind." Ariana said as she flushed a bright red.

"That sounds great but I think Icarus wearing a royal military uniform would really make my day!" A girl in the group next to their's chimed in loudly. Ariana looked over and she couldn't help but smile. The girl had a stoic face as she skillfully continued her embroidering on the handkerchief but her face was glowing a bright red. "Which position though? Each one wears a different colour and style depending on their ranking." Ariana asked as she stared at the girl.

"Regiment Commander of course! The white and gold uniform would make his pure image look so manly!" Another girl squealed. "Oh what about Lobo as a pirate? Or a naval officer?" Another girl shouted.

Ariana smiled. Her wish came true the class turned into a giant debate as they called out their favourite guys. Their embroidery teacher, Mrs. Clover was too absorbed into her racy novel to even care what they were doing, let alone talking about but today her ears perked up.

The grip on her novel tightened as her elegant body trembled with excitement, she hadn't turned the page of her novel for a few minutes and she was dying to jump in. The moment one of the girls said they needed to write down their ideas. She slammed her book on her desk and pulled out a pad of paper and pen from her top drawer. "Well ladies let's organise what you were all talking about!" Mrs. Clover said as her nostrils flared.

The room went silent. They were not expecting to hear Mrs. Clover speak to them. She was a very dull person, though she was very beautiful. She had dark skin, lime green eyes, red wine hair that was pinned up in dramatic sweeping waves that it made her look like she just woke up from a dream like state. However she had no enthusiasm in teaching them anything other then what was written on the board.

The girls would come into class everyday hoping to learn something new but it was always a very detailed diagram written on the board with instructions. They were supposed to do the same stitch for the entire class and nothing else. Many girls had already been practicing their embroidery and decided to do their own things, Mrs. Clover would never care. She would sit in class reading her racy novels, look at their work at the end of the class and nod. However told they actually seen her change her facial expression and were blown away.

Mrs. Clover looked at her class and suddenly felt embarrassed. She quickly composed herself and turned back into her dreamy faced self.

"Now ladies, cough, we must remember that embroidery is an essential part to being a lady and we must devote a considerable amount of time to practicing our techniques." Mrs. Clover said as she adjusted her gold rim monoclonal. "But I will allow time to have class discussions about this great debate. I will also include the other classes and complie the data. I hope I can have an answer for all you ladies in two weeks. Then the real debate then can start. Dismissed." She continued to say as her lime green eyes flashed with joy. 

"So you got your wish." Talisha smirked as she shoved her disassembled embroidery ring and frayed handkerchief into her bag. "I know I'm so excited!" Ariana said with a beaming smile. Edlyn looked behind her and saw that the new topic quickly took over the old. She then looked at Ariana and quietly contemplated what she wanted to say. Something was definitely going on and she was not going to be left in the dark.

Ariana's heart felt ten times lighter. As she packed up her stuff a swan like girl walked up to Ariana and tapped her shoulder. She looked so sweet and cute but elegant all at the same time. Ariana quickly covered her mouth with her hand to stop herself from squealing in delight, she was too cute. The swan like girl looked at Ariana with her big, round, blue grey eyes. She batted her long, eyelashes as she stared, her giant, soft, platinum blonde curls framed her face delicately.

Ariana melted, the aura around the girl made her fell the urge to protect her and hug her at the same time. The girl was just an inch or two shorter then her but the Sean like girl's height didn't take away from her cuteness. "Did you need something?" Edlyn asked with an obvious pout. The swan like girl nodded her head gently.

Ariana's eyes sparkled as she looked at the girl. "Please speak your mind." Ariana said happily as she fought the urge to stretch out her hand and pet the girl's soft and silky looking hair. "I need love advice." She said in a clear, bell like voice.

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