My Way To You

Chapter 286 - Ugly Crying

Ariana placed her foot back down and stood perfectly still. "Well I'm glad you agree. Communication is always the key to a healthy relationship." Ariana said as she pulled out her handkerchief and began dabbed at her forehead. Her nerves were going hay wire, she wanted to escape from this person so badly but at the same time she wanted to stay find some clues about the people involved. She needed to properly earn them.

"Yes! Honestly if that b*tch doesn't back down I will fight it out with her instead! She won't see me coming! Thank you Miss Drake you have greatly exceeded my expectations." Viola said as she quickly composed herself. Ariana could feel her heart rate slow down a little. She knew that she was dealing with a psychopath and had to choose her words carefully.

"I'm sure the young... Young man will appreciate your ability to use words over glances. He may even discover how intelligent you are! I mean you are in the top 3%! So you have an advantage over the fly ?" Ariana asked.

"Yes I do. I mean a first year in the 10% will have nothing over my level of intelligence. I believe my lover will fall deeper in love with me when he hears my serene voice. Thank you Miss Drake, this chat was most helpful. I will be taking leave first and trust that you will keep our conversation in complete confidence?" Viola asked as she raised a single eyebrow.

Ariana's heart sank. She was happy that it wasn't Cayden Viola was after as in comparison she was a perfect scorer while Viola wasn't. However her words caused her heart to plummet. "The fly is in the 10%?" Ariana asked cautiously. Her mouth had gone dry after she asked.

"Why yes. A two faced pink haired wench that has nothing better to do then seduce my future husband. Now that he has been officially free for the last few weeks I dare say he has been waiting for an opportune moment to propose to me. Well I really must be going. I want to catch my beloved and have a meal together. Good evening Miss Drake." Viola said as she elegantly walked away.

Ariana dropped to her knees. Her eyes were wide and shaking. She thought back to why Edlyn had tried to drag her away. Did she know? Of course she knew! Edlyn was more observant then anyone. She knew what Viola wanted and Ariana betrayed her by helping the enemy. "Sh*t." Ariana muttered as she hung her head in shame.

"Lobo? Did you follow me by chance?" Ariana called out hoping he would answer. Nothing. "Ginger babies? Mama Ginger?" She called out instead. Nothing. "Mirela? Someone? Anyone?! I did something really bad!" Ariana cried. Vasu appeared in front of Ariana and snuggled his face against her cheek. 'Don't cry.' Vasu whispered. "I'm a bad friend!" Ariana cried even harder as she slowly raised her hands and caught Vasu. 

'You can still fix things.' Loralei said softly as she and the other Lumas started to appear. "No... I can't! Not yet! I need to make it up to her first, I don't want that psycho to hurt Edlyn, I need to watch out for her from a distance but I want to run up to her and apologize! I want us to be friends forever but I can't keep her isolated! Everyone hates me! I'm being selfish! I know I am but I can't help it! I don't want Edlyn to be lonely anymore! I'm a bad, bad, bad friend for wanting her to myself! I'm hurting her more!" Ariana cried her heart out.

"Hey, hun you need to s-stop those tears." A familiar voice called out. Ariana turned and with tears running down her face she looked at Mr. Dabney. "Why are you out here?" She asked in between sobs. "You're crying... It's so loud my wife heard it and thought something was dying out here." Mr. Dabney answered awkwardly. 

"I am dying!" Ariana shouted as she death hugged Vasu against her body. "Okay, okay. I'm gonna bring you back home and let Roselyn save you from your death ?" Mr. Dabney said in an even more awkward but calmly way as he slowly approached Ariana. 

Ariana nodded her head and tried to get up from the ground. Her legs had gone weak and she fell right back down. Another round of tears started up again. "NO! No, please no more tears!" Mr. Dabney shouted. Ariana looked up and couldn't help but cry even harder. "I'm sorry!" She cried.

"I?! Nope! I'm done! Sorry but you need Roselyn." Mr. Dabney shouted as she expertly scooped up Ariana and raced back towards his house.

Mrs. Dabney was waiting at the window, hoping to catch her husband before he came back into the house. Brie was soundlessly sleeping and she knew that she would be too loud when she started questioning her husband. When she finally caught sight of her husband she nearly jumped out of her skin. She rushed to the door and ran out.

"Oh my G*d! Pascal what the hell happened to her?!" Mrs. Dabney shouted at the top her lungs as she rushed up to them. "She ugly cried." Mr. Dabney replied as he held out Ariana. "Well how the hell am I supposed to help her?! Do I look like I can just carry her?! Am I that strong in your mind?! Bring her in, bring her in! You think you would get used to ugly crying when you have me around! It's the same solution regardless of age! You better get used to this! Don't give me that look Pascal! I am not letting you run off so I can do this by myself! Look, think of this as practice for when Brie gets to her age! Must be Cayden that caused this though, boys are practically always the cause of ugly crying." Roselyn lectured.

"Uhm, love? Can we go inside please? I think you may have made it worse." Mr. Dabney said as he looked down. Ariana started to cry even harder. "Ah! Inside, inside, inside! Honestly Pascal you could have just left me talking to myself and started everything!" Mrs. Dabney shouted as she started to usher Mr. Dabney into the house.

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