My Way To You

Chapter 289 - Can We Talk?

Ariana sighed as she looked at a sleeping Brie's face. She felt content, she never imagined that she would be holding an infant in her arms as she rocked in the rocking chair. Her Lumas had made themselves comfortable on the Dabney's bed while Vasu sat on the top of the rocking chair.

"I don't think I want to put her down yet." Ariana admitted as she peeked at Brie's slightly pouty face. 'I want to hold her too.' Vasu sulked as he looked at Ariana's arms enviously. "You must miss being human." Ariana said as she slowly got up from the rocking chair.

Vasu jumped into the air. He floated beside Ariana as she placed Brie into her bassinet. 'Not so much.' Vasu replied. 'Speak for yourself! I was still trying to figure out life before I died.' Aroha said with a heavy sigh. 

Ariana peeked at Aroha before looking back down to Brie's sleeping face. She gently brushed Bries's brown, tuff's of hair to the side. "Aroha you finally feel like keeping your promise?" Ariana said in a teasing tone. Aroha flinched. She averted her gaze as sweat started to roll down her chubby body. 'I was just waiting for the right time.' Aroha said awkwardly, refusing to look at Ariana. 

"Can we talk now? Unless you want me to start thinking about the giant mess I stepped into." Ariana said as she turned around. Her eyes were sparkling with anticipation as she crawled onto the bed. Aroha sighed heavily as she finally brought her gaze to Ariana. The other Lumas stayed perfectly still as they closely watched Aroha.

'I was never a real older sister in my past life... But there was always one person who treated me as one until the very end...'


"Big sister Kyomi!" A young girl called out as she burst through the door. "Nurray honestly! What have I told you about your bad habits! Go back outside and try again!" Kyomi shouted as she flung a pillow to the young girl's face. "Hehe. Sorry big sister Kyomi but I don't think we have time for that." Nurray laughed as the pillow slide down from her face. "Nonsense! You always have time to fix yourself! Now go on or else my ears will become deaf to your words!" Kyomi hissed.

Nurray looked at Kyomi with her big, blue eyes and started to pout. "Honestly big sister Kyomi if you don't like me anymore just tell me so!" Nurray cried out. "Seriously Nurray, of course I love you but what will happen after I leave for school?" Kyomi said as she started to rub her temples. "That's what I wanted to tell you!" Nurray shouted as she jumped on to Kyomi's bed.

Though Nurray was a petite girl she knew how to use the full power of gravity causing Kyomi's books to fly up into the air just as she landed. "N-U-R-R-A-Y." Kyomi growled. "It's happened! My parents want to formally adopt you! They said there should be no reason for them to prolong the enavitable anymore, so you will legally be my big sister! You don't have to go to D University anymore! With our family background you can start A University with me! Isn't this great news?!" Nurray squealed.

Kyomi flinched. She felt pieces of ices started to flow through her body. The cold feeling was spreading through her whole body. This was not what she wanted. The air in her lungs was starting to freeze over and she was finding it hard to breathe. 

Kyomi's dark, grey eyes started to tremble. Kyomi was the poorest person in her elemntary school. She came from a singe parent home, her mother ran off with another man when she was only five years old. Leaving her alone with her father. Though Kyomi was still young and able to adapt to her new surroundings easily, however her father was a different story.

Everyday was hell, Kyomi had to take on all the responsiblities of the house. She spent many night learning how to cook and clean because her father always found excuses to work over time. She was starting to get really lonely and her father would only leave her enough money on the table every morning for her to go buy groceries. She was expected to wake up early every morning, she needed to have breakfast on the table by 5:30 and her father's lunch packed so her could go to his chauffeur job.

Kyomi was the only kid in school that never had new clothes, shoes or a real backpack. She always used a plastic bag to carry all her things. Until one day her father was waiting for her at home. He had made his own coffee and sat at the table while a pile of beautifully wrapped gifts sat in the middle of the table. "Kyomi." He called out as he stretched out a hand for Kyomi to grab. 

Kyomi couldn't hold back her desire. It had already been two years since she properly seen her father smile and she jumped at the chance to have his affection. "Things are going to change." He whispered as he pulled Kyomi into his arms. "I won't be a bad father anymore." He said as tears rolled down his face. After that Kyomi and her father moved into the Kim's residence and her father became a full time chauffeur to Mr. Jun Kim and his family.

After they moved in, the Kims were absoultely welcoming. Mrs. Kim loved Kyomi and wanted her to become friends with their youngest daughter Nurray, since they were the same age. Mr. Kim always joked that Kyomi could always become part of their family if she married their middle child Si Chen. They always warned her to stay away from the oldest child, their son Ushi, he was already engaged to another.

Then Mr. & Mrs. Kim would laugh out loud and say. "Just kidding! If you fall in love with either one we would feel blessed. So take your pick!"

They boys would blush every time and Kyomi would always smile polietly in response. Love between them was never forbbiden, especially as the years flew by and Kyomi showed how intelligent she really was. 

Kyomi swore to herself that she would only see these people as family as they given her a chance to live with her father, given her a chance to go to a better school, given her another chance for her to enjoy her youth. Everything was wonderful. She loved everyday especially when she became closer to Nurray. Soon enough Kyomi started to take care of Nurray just like an older sister.

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