My Way To You

Chapter 295 - So Much Pain

Si Chen wrapped his arms around Kyomi. His body trembled as he tightened his embrace. "You're not dirty! You don't bring shame to our name! My parents even want to protect you by adopting you legally." Si Chen said as small tears escaped his eyes. "Si Chen, I'm dirty. I caught an STI, I was pregnant with some unknown man's child, the medication caused me to have a miscarriage, I have been gossiped and talked about so much, people stay away... Si Chen I'm a jynx." Kyomi said pitifully.

"Shut up!" Si Chen shouted before covering Kyomi's mouth with his own lips. "The woman I love is not dirty." Si Chen said breathlessly. "I'm sorry Si Chen... I, I don't, I don't love you the way you want me too." Kyomi said apologetically. "That's right... hahaha, what was I expecting? You could never see me as a man... you only have Ushi in your heart... just Ushi." Si Chen laughed in a self mocking tone.

"Well I have news for you. Your precious Ushi is getting married to someone else. That's why he's coming home this weekend. It's to present his future bride. What are you going to do with your love now?" Si Chen said darkly.

Kyomi paled. Si Chen instantly regretted what he said when he saw how hurt she looked. "Kyomi..." He called out but Kyomi pushed him away. "Thank you Si Chen. I now know my decision is for the best. Please tell everyone good bye for me." Kyomi said as she ran out the room with her luggage in hand.


"Do you blame him?" Ariana asked Aroha. 'No. He just helped me avoid the truth, Ushi no longer loved me and I had to move on. I just wish I was stronger back then. I ran away from all my problems and because of that I caused so much pain for everyone.' Aroha explained.

"So where did you go?" Ariana asked. 'I had money, I stayed in a hotel until the dorms opened up. After that I studied to become a lawyer. I stayed away from the Kims for 7 years. When I finally felt I was strong enough to face everyone I withdrew a million dollars and carried it with me in a brief case.' Aroha said with sad smile.

'But like I said, I used up all my luck in life. When I came back Mr. & Mrs. Kim had died in a car accident, their brake lines were cut. Apparently it happened three years back but no one bothered to tell me. Si Chen was put in jail, he was framed for their deaths. Nurray was legally Kei's wife and Ushi... well Ushi was no where in sight. I have no idea what happened to him.' Aroha said sadlyly as more tears spilled from her eyes.

"Then... Aroha how did you die?" Ariana asked. The Lumas looked at Aroha pitifully as they silently listened to her story. 'I went to see Kei, I threw the briefcase at his feet and demanded to see Nurray. He just laughed at me then agreed. To my surprise Nurray was a shell of her former self. He had been forcing drugs on her and prostituting her to his business partners.'


"Nurray you're leaving with me!" Kyomi shouted as she embraced a limp Nurray. "Good luck, that child is so hooked on drugs I'm pretty sure she would die with out having her daily doses." Kei laughed darkly. Kyomi looked at Kei with so much hate and disdain that it made Kei laugh harder. "I'll tell you what if you can escape with Nurray from me and my men I will let you have Nurray. The finish line is the main City but if you can't...." Kei said with an amussed glint in his eyes.

"If we can't?" Kyomi asked. "I kill Nurray in front of you. After that you become my new wife." Kei explained as he walked up to the women. He then grabbed Kyomi's chin. "We had so much fun in the past... I can't wait to taste a matured Kyomi this time around." Kei said as his licked his bottom lip. "You pig!" Kyomi shouted as she slapped Kei's hand away.

"Oh! The kitty got herself some claws! Ha! Well I'll assume you have accepted my bet. Since you haven't said no. You have 15 minutes to get as far as you can. Don't get lost in the forest there's lots of other animals out there that love to hunt." Kei said coolly. Kyomi didn't hesitate. She scooped Nurray up into a princess carry and almost cried. Nurray had become skin and bones. Even if Kyomi didn't agree to the bet Nurray would have died at Kei's hands that day.


"Did you escape with Nurray?" Ariana asked in a hushed tone. 'Yes and No. It was just my luck, Nurray woke up and had a fit. She wanted her drugs and wouldn't listen. She ran like a mad women and I chased after her. Murray didn't care if she got hurt, she just ran while I tried my best to maneuver through the trees. Murray stopped at a cliff that over looked the City. Fate was so cruel, Nurray seized and fell off the cliff. I tried to save her but ended up falling off with her.... we both died that day. All I could do was reach out to Nurray as we both plummeted.' Aroha said as her body trembled.

'I apologized so many times as we fell but I have no idea if she heard me. The last words I uttered was I'm sorry .' Aroha continued. "Aroha..." Ariana whispered. Aroha started to glow with blue and gold swirls. 'Ah, it seems I have lost my connection to the Goddess. I am offically your loyal comrade.' Aroha said with a sad smile.

"Aroha I am so sorry." Ariana said pitifully as her eyes started to water. 'My past is my past. It wasn't all bad, I had a lot of good memories too... It, it was just my luck that I said something so cruel to my father. If I never said what I did then maybe all of that could have avoided.' Aroha said with a sad smile.

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