My Way To You
Chapter 3 The Battle of The Women
Ariana couldn't help but stare at Rin, the bruising on her body and face were starting to disappear."Rin how is your body healing itself without any herbs or potion?" she asked curiously as she walked up to Rin for a closer look.
Rin bent down and looked into her eyes."It's an ninja's secret." she said quietly as she brought her index finger to her lips.Ariana's eyes widened with wonder and soon Rin could see the stars sparkling within them."You are so amazing!" she said in a loud whisper.Rin rubbed her head and opened the bedroom door."Well young lady we best be on our way, oh and don't mind me when I'm in front of others.... I don't get along well with others and rub people the wrong way." she said as she looked out into the hallway.
Ariana stepped beside her and slipped her hand into Rin's."You don't seem that way with me." she said happily.Rin looked down at Ariana and face palmed herself."Honestly do you not remember what happened when we first met?" Rin said as she dragged her hand down her face.
Ariana brought Rin's hand against her face and snuggled for a moment before she released it.She looked up at Rin and her eyes changed instantly.Ariana became cool and proud."Certainly, you were arrogant and violent.You looked at me like I was lower then the dirt you stepped on.You knocked me out because of my reaction to being sold to a brothel and got beaten for the lack of self control." Rin involuntarily shivered at Ariana's demeanor.She was not acting like the cute little girl that had done her hair.
Ariana's tone change to someone of pure bred nobility, an elite among the best of the best. "Why do you think I made your former master hand you over to me?Revenge my dear Rin, revenge... but it turns out your just a big softy and have a pretty smile so I changed my plans.I like you and want you with me as a big sister... my new family if you will.So Rin I want you to be proud of your new little sister and I will show you what I can do in order to set us both free." she proclaimed then walked into the hallway leaving Rin dumbfounded.
Once Ariana and Rin made their way downstairs, Ariana quickly made mental notes of who took notice of Rin.With a giant smile on her face she skipped towards the bar and jumped on to the stool.She lifted up the menu and skimmed over the items.
Soon a red headed bombshell of a woman sashayed towards her.She placed a hand on top of the menu and gently pulled it down until it laid flat on the oak counter."Well, well, well the proud Rin has now been ordered to take care of a brat." she said with a snarky giggle.
The girls in the room all joined in on the laughter.Ariana started swinging her legs left and right until she could swivel around completely.The women stopped laughing and wondered if the young girl was ok in the head while Ariana counted and saw every face in the room.She stopped spinning in front of the red head and looked her over from top to bottom
"I'm hungry." she said in a whiny tone that caused the red head to roll her eyes."You gotta pay to eat, got no coin then it's added to your tab." she said impatiently as she tapped her manicured fingers against the counter.Ariana tilted her head to the side and looked at her curiously.
"Are you Lady Zula's mother?" she asked innocently.The red head had stopped tapping her fingers, her face became flushed as the other women in the room tried to muffle their laughter."No I'm Ariel, I am the queen, the shinning star among the women of this brothel." she boasted as she stuck out her chest and threw back her hair.
"So you're a mermaid?" Ariana asked as she clasped her hands together and bright her tiny face forward.Her eyes grew wide with anticipation.Ariel toppled onto the counter and lifted her head up as brushed back her wavy red hair."No I am human." she said between clenched teeth."Oh..." Ariana said as she lowered her hands and hunched her back.
A moment later she sat straight up and smiled at Ariel. "So what special ability do you have to be queen of the brothel?" she asked excitedly.The women roared in laughter as they watched Ariel's face twist in anger.Rin walked up and placed a hand on Ariel's fair shoulder."She is only 12 years old she has no idea what happens here." Rin said lazily.
Ariel smacked Rin's hand away and hissed her disdain."So she's a naive virgin.Well miss virgin people come here to have a good time." she said in a seductive voice.Ariana brought her fist to her mouth and sat there thinking about what Ariel was trying to say.Suddenly Ariana's face lit up and she hit her fist against the palm of her other hand. "So you can sing beautifully like a mermaid!" she exclaimed.
Ariel flushed a deeper shade of red and the women watching had to hold each other up as they laughed."We entrain men!" she shouted at the top of her lungs.Ariana cocked her head and laughed."Ohhhhh.... so you dance too!" she smiled brightly.
There were women crying from laughing so hard while others couldn't hold it together anymore and fell to the floor.Ariel couldn't take the humiliation anymore and raised her hand and struck Ariana so hard in the face that she fell off the stool and landed hard on the floor.The women stopped laughing instantly and moved in closer to see if the young girl was ok.
Ariana looked up from the floor and her eyes became frosty and murderous.Ariel took a step back as she looked at the intensity of Ariana's glare.She gulped as she pulled out a pink fan from the red sash around the pink summer dress she was wearing.She opened the fan and started to flutter air onto her face in order to hide her fear.The other women could not see Ariana's face and she took advantage of that fact.She gave Ariel a devilish smirk before she bit down on her own lip until she tasted blood.Then looked at Ariel one last time and started to wail at the top of her lungs.
A crashing sound could be heard from the kitchen followed by a few curses.The women around Ariana started to pinch their cheeks, quickly brushed their hair with their fingers and smoothed out their dresses.Ariel pulled a beautiful brass compact from a red, satin pouch she had tied around her sash.She quickly opened it up and looked herself over.She then placed the compact back into the pouch just as a young man came running out from behind the double doors that lead to the kitchen.
"What's going on?!" he shouted over the cries.The women pointed towards Ariana who was on the floor crying her heart out while blood ran down her mouth."Oh my cutlery!" the man shouted as he hoped over the counter and went to pick up the young girl."Oh sweetie it's ok." he cooed as he gently patted her back and cradled her in his arms.Ariana stopped crying as she hugged the man's neck and started to sniff.
"That's a good girl." he said softly as he walked to the counter and placed her on top of it."Can uncle Roy see your pretty face?" he asked sweetly as he brushed back locks of her black hair from her face.
Ariana nodded as she wiped back her tears.She lifted up her face and looked at the young man before her.He was wearing a chefs uniform with a blue handkerchief tied into a knot around his neck.His skin was slightly tanned, his hair was a beautiful mahogany brown while his eyes were a gentle silver color.He was medium build and had a charming smile that Ariana couldn't help but smile back.
"Oh what a brave girl." he said as he gently touched her swollen cheek.He then stood up and untied his handkerchief.He gently placed the cotton material on her bleeding lip.He then turned around and took a few steps away from Ariana.He looked angery at the women before him and tried to figure out what happened.
No one stepped forward, he clicked his tongue and he turned his gaze to Rin.His jaw slightly dropped, he gulped and Ariana watched his Adam's apple move up and down as he stared at Rin.He quickly snapped out of his shock and turned serious. "Rin what happened." he demanded.Ariel stepped forward and batted her eyelashes."The girl was clumsy and fell on her own." she said softly as she reached out her hand to touch the young man's chest.
He side stepped her and kept his gaze on Rin."Rin I asked what happened." he said coolly while Ariel shot Rin a dirty look.Rin sighed and crossed her arms."It's like what Ariel said the girl was clumsy..." she started and Ariel jumped onto Roy and started to make circles on his chest with her index finger.
"See I told yo-u...." Ariel started to say but Rin quickly interrupted her."Clumsy with her words.She may have offended Miss Ariel and she in turn struck her when her temper was at her peak.I did remind her that the girl was only 12 and has no understanding of this world." she said flatly as she looked at the two.
Roy grabbed Ariel's hand and pushed her aside."Disgusting." he said quietly as he walked back to Ariana."Sweetie are you hungry?" he asked Ariana sincerely.She quickly nodded her head and her eyes shone with pure innocence."Do you want uncle Roy to make you something?" he asked as he pulled out her bow tie and rearranged her hair."Omurice!" she shouted with so much gusto that it caught Roy off guard.
He let out a heart felt laugh that made the women swoon."I'm sorry little lady I don't know what that is." Ariana didn't look saddened by the news at all instead she looked more excited."That's ok big brother Roy I can make it and share it with you as thanks!" Roy looked a little shocked by her words and rubbed the back of his neck."Are you sure you can cook?I mean your so small...." he said awkwardly.
Ariana smiled brightly as her cheeks flushed slightly."I'm really good with my hands!I actually am the one who styled Rin's hair, doesn't she look pretty?" The people in the room were shocked as they all turned and looked at Rin.
Rin nodded at the statement and looked too bored to even start the conversation on how she did it.Roy looked back at Ariana and nodded his head."Yes she looks very pretty." Roy answered in a small daze.Ariana quickly hugged Roy bringing him back from wherever his mind wondered. "Then it's settled I will make Omurice!" she announced before she hopped off the counter.
"Wait. Wait, wait! I didn't agree." he said as he picked up Ariana again.She puffed out her cheeks and narrowed her eyes as she looked at Roy.He couldn't help but hug this cute creature."I can't let a child do something like that!" he shouted between his hugs.
"Why not?" a voice said from up above.Everyone turned to the stairs to see who had spoken.Everyone bowed as they saw Lady Zula appear from the stairs."Pardon my rudeness Madam but I was concerned for the little girl's safety."Roy said with conviction.
Lady Zula walked up to Ariana and grabbed her chin."Who damaged my new goods." she said slowly.The room became deadly silent as everyone looked to the floor. Ariana's eyes shinned brightly as she locked gazes with Lady Zula."I was clumsy with my words and offended aunty Ariel." she said remorsefully.
Lady Zula let go of Ariana's chin and kissed the top of her head."Thank you sweetie for being so honest." she said before she turned her deathly gaze at Ariel.She walked up to the woman in quick strides."Madam it was an accident and she caused herself bodily-ugh!" Ariel said as Lady Zula grabbed her hair by the roots and pulled her head back.
"You knew she was new here! You knew that I spent good money to get her and your temper got the better of you!" she spat as she slammed Ariel's face against the counter.She let go of Ariel's hair and let her body slide off the counter and on to the floor. "50 gold coins will be added to your tab for hurt the new product." she said nonchalantly.
Ariel spat blood onto the floor.""50 gold coins!" she whined but was instantly stopped by Lady Zula's sharp gaze."Fine 80 gold coin since you are feeling so generous." Ariel dropped her gaze and fought back her tears.Lady Zula lifted her noise into the air and half spun on the balls of her feet."Good now that we agree... Roy allow this child to enter the kitchen with Rin.I want to see her skills."
Rin bent down and looked into her eyes."It's an ninja's secret." she said quietly as she brought her index finger to her lips.Ariana's eyes widened with wonder and soon Rin could see the stars sparkling within them."You are so amazing!" she said in a loud whisper.Rin rubbed her head and opened the bedroom door."Well young lady we best be on our way, oh and don't mind me when I'm in front of others.... I don't get along well with others and rub people the wrong way." she said as she looked out into the hallway.
Ariana stepped beside her and slipped her hand into Rin's."You don't seem that way with me." she said happily.Rin looked down at Ariana and face palmed herself."Honestly do you not remember what happened when we first met?" Rin said as she dragged her hand down her face.
Ariana brought Rin's hand against her face and snuggled for a moment before she released it.She looked up at Rin and her eyes changed instantly.Ariana became cool and proud."Certainly, you were arrogant and violent.You looked at me like I was lower then the dirt you stepped on.You knocked me out because of my reaction to being sold to a brothel and got beaten for the lack of self control." Rin involuntarily shivered at Ariana's demeanor.She was not acting like the cute little girl that had done her hair.
Ariana's tone change to someone of pure bred nobility, an elite among the best of the best. "Why do you think I made your former master hand you over to me?Revenge my dear Rin, revenge... but it turns out your just a big softy and have a pretty smile so I changed my plans.I like you and want you with me as a big sister... my new family if you will.So Rin I want you to be proud of your new little sister and I will show you what I can do in order to set us both free." she proclaimed then walked into the hallway leaving Rin dumbfounded.
Once Ariana and Rin made their way downstairs, Ariana quickly made mental notes of who took notice of Rin.With a giant smile on her face she skipped towards the bar and jumped on to the stool.She lifted up the menu and skimmed over the items.
Soon a red headed bombshell of a woman sashayed towards her.She placed a hand on top of the menu and gently pulled it down until it laid flat on the oak counter."Well, well, well the proud Rin has now been ordered to take care of a brat." she said with a snarky giggle.
The girls in the room all joined in on the laughter.Ariana started swinging her legs left and right until she could swivel around completely.The women stopped laughing and wondered if the young girl was ok in the head while Ariana counted and saw every face in the room.She stopped spinning in front of the red head and looked her over from top to bottom
"I'm hungry." she said in a whiny tone that caused the red head to roll her eyes."You gotta pay to eat, got no coin then it's added to your tab." she said impatiently as she tapped her manicured fingers against the counter.Ariana tilted her head to the side and looked at her curiously.
"Are you Lady Zula's mother?" she asked innocently.The red head had stopped tapping her fingers, her face became flushed as the other women in the room tried to muffle their laughter."No I'm Ariel, I am the queen, the shinning star among the women of this brothel." she boasted as she stuck out her chest and threw back her hair.
"So you're a mermaid?" Ariana asked as she clasped her hands together and bright her tiny face forward.Her eyes grew wide with anticipation.Ariel toppled onto the counter and lifted her head up as brushed back her wavy red hair."No I am human." she said between clenched teeth."Oh..." Ariana said as she lowered her hands and hunched her back.
A moment later she sat straight up and smiled at Ariel. "So what special ability do you have to be queen of the brothel?" she asked excitedly.The women roared in laughter as they watched Ariel's face twist in anger.Rin walked up and placed a hand on Ariel's fair shoulder."She is only 12 years old she has no idea what happens here." Rin said lazily.
Ariel smacked Rin's hand away and hissed her disdain."So she's a naive virgin.Well miss virgin people come here to have a good time." she said in a seductive voice.Ariana brought her fist to her mouth and sat there thinking about what Ariel was trying to say.Suddenly Ariana's face lit up and she hit her fist against the palm of her other hand. "So you can sing beautifully like a mermaid!" she exclaimed.
Ariel flushed a deeper shade of red and the women watching had to hold each other up as they laughed."We entrain men!" she shouted at the top of her lungs.Ariana cocked her head and laughed."Ohhhhh.... so you dance too!" she smiled brightly.
There were women crying from laughing so hard while others couldn't hold it together anymore and fell to the floor.Ariel couldn't take the humiliation anymore and raised her hand and struck Ariana so hard in the face that she fell off the stool and landed hard on the floor.The women stopped laughing instantly and moved in closer to see if the young girl was ok.
Ariana looked up from the floor and her eyes became frosty and murderous.Ariel took a step back as she looked at the intensity of Ariana's glare.She gulped as she pulled out a pink fan from the red sash around the pink summer dress she was wearing.She opened the fan and started to flutter air onto her face in order to hide her fear.The other women could not see Ariana's face and she took advantage of that fact.She gave Ariel a devilish smirk before she bit down on her own lip until she tasted blood.Then looked at Ariel one last time and started to wail at the top of her lungs.
A crashing sound could be heard from the kitchen followed by a few curses.The women around Ariana started to pinch their cheeks, quickly brushed their hair with their fingers and smoothed out their dresses.Ariel pulled a beautiful brass compact from a red, satin pouch she had tied around her sash.She quickly opened it up and looked herself over.She then placed the compact back into the pouch just as a young man came running out from behind the double doors that lead to the kitchen.
"What's going on?!" he shouted over the cries.The women pointed towards Ariana who was on the floor crying her heart out while blood ran down her mouth."Oh my cutlery!" the man shouted as he hoped over the counter and went to pick up the young girl."Oh sweetie it's ok." he cooed as he gently patted her back and cradled her in his arms.Ariana stopped crying as she hugged the man's neck and started to sniff.
"That's a good girl." he said softly as he walked to the counter and placed her on top of it."Can uncle Roy see your pretty face?" he asked sweetly as he brushed back locks of her black hair from her face.
Ariana nodded as she wiped back her tears.She lifted up her face and looked at the young man before her.He was wearing a chefs uniform with a blue handkerchief tied into a knot around his neck.His skin was slightly tanned, his hair was a beautiful mahogany brown while his eyes were a gentle silver color.He was medium build and had a charming smile that Ariana couldn't help but smile back.
"Oh what a brave girl." he said as he gently touched her swollen cheek.He then stood up and untied his handkerchief.He gently placed the cotton material on her bleeding lip.He then turned around and took a few steps away from Ariana.He looked angery at the women before him and tried to figure out what happened.
No one stepped forward, he clicked his tongue and he turned his gaze to Rin.His jaw slightly dropped, he gulped and Ariana watched his Adam's apple move up and down as he stared at Rin.He quickly snapped out of his shock and turned serious. "Rin what happened." he demanded.Ariel stepped forward and batted her eyelashes."The girl was clumsy and fell on her own." she said softly as she reached out her hand to touch the young man's chest.
He side stepped her and kept his gaze on Rin."Rin I asked what happened." he said coolly while Ariel shot Rin a dirty look.Rin sighed and crossed her arms."It's like what Ariel said the girl was clumsy..." she started and Ariel jumped onto Roy and started to make circles on his chest with her index finger.
"See I told yo-u...." Ariel started to say but Rin quickly interrupted her."Clumsy with her words.She may have offended Miss Ariel and she in turn struck her when her temper was at her peak.I did remind her that the girl was only 12 and has no understanding of this world." she said flatly as she looked at the two.
Roy grabbed Ariel's hand and pushed her aside."Disgusting." he said quietly as he walked back to Ariana."Sweetie are you hungry?" he asked Ariana sincerely.She quickly nodded her head and her eyes shone with pure innocence."Do you want uncle Roy to make you something?" he asked as he pulled out her bow tie and rearranged her hair."Omurice!" she shouted with so much gusto that it caught Roy off guard.
He let out a heart felt laugh that made the women swoon."I'm sorry little lady I don't know what that is." Ariana didn't look saddened by the news at all instead she looked more excited."That's ok big brother Roy I can make it and share it with you as thanks!" Roy looked a little shocked by her words and rubbed the back of his neck."Are you sure you can cook?I mean your so small...." he said awkwardly.
Ariana smiled brightly as her cheeks flushed slightly."I'm really good with my hands!I actually am the one who styled Rin's hair, doesn't she look pretty?" The people in the room were shocked as they all turned and looked at Rin.
Rin nodded at the statement and looked too bored to even start the conversation on how she did it.Roy looked back at Ariana and nodded his head."Yes she looks very pretty." Roy answered in a small daze.Ariana quickly hugged Roy bringing him back from wherever his mind wondered. "Then it's settled I will make Omurice!" she announced before she hopped off the counter.
"Wait. Wait, wait! I didn't agree." he said as he picked up Ariana again.She puffed out her cheeks and narrowed her eyes as she looked at Roy.He couldn't help but hug this cute creature."I can't let a child do something like that!" he shouted between his hugs.
"Why not?" a voice said from up above.Everyone turned to the stairs to see who had spoken.Everyone bowed as they saw Lady Zula appear from the stairs."Pardon my rudeness Madam but I was concerned for the little girl's safety."Roy said with conviction.
Lady Zula walked up to Ariana and grabbed her chin."Who damaged my new goods." she said slowly.The room became deadly silent as everyone looked to the floor. Ariana's eyes shinned brightly as she locked gazes with Lady Zula."I was clumsy with my words and offended aunty Ariel." she said remorsefully.
Lady Zula let go of Ariana's chin and kissed the top of her head."Thank you sweetie for being so honest." she said before she turned her deathly gaze at Ariel.She walked up to the woman in quick strides."Madam it was an accident and she caused herself bodily-ugh!" Ariel said as Lady Zula grabbed her hair by the roots and pulled her head back.
"You knew she was new here! You knew that I spent good money to get her and your temper got the better of you!" she spat as she slammed Ariel's face against the counter.She let go of Ariel's hair and let her body slide off the counter and on to the floor. "50 gold coins will be added to your tab for hurt the new product." she said nonchalantly.
Ariel spat blood onto the floor.""50 gold coins!" she whined but was instantly stopped by Lady Zula's sharp gaze."Fine 80 gold coin since you are feeling so generous." Ariel dropped her gaze and fought back her tears.Lady Zula lifted her noise into the air and half spun on the balls of her feet."Good now that we agree... Roy allow this child to enter the kitchen with Rin.I want to see her skills."
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