My Way To You

Chapter 301 - What Did You Do?!

Xander caught Arina's wrist as he started to peel his back from the cobblestone road. "Xander?" Ariana asked awkwardly. Xander looked at Ariana coldly as he adjusted his glasses with his free hand. "We need to talk." He said with so much authority that it sent chills down Ariana's spine. "Okay but can you please let go of me first?" Ariana asked sweetly but Xander just stared. "No." He replied as he started to get up from the ground.

"Why?" Ariana asked as she cried pitifully in her heart. "You'll run away." Xander replied bluntly. Ariana's jaw dropped. 

"No I won't! You said we need to talk. Why in the world would I want or need to run away from you?" Ariana protested. Xander stared at Ariana for a long time. Ariana was starting to feel uncomfortable, Xander hadn't helped her off the ground yet, he was still holding her wrist and she was awkwardly sat on the cobblestone road.

Ariana sighed and tried to pull her wrist free but Xander tightened his grip. Ariana sighed even harder then decided to use Xander's strentgh to her advantage. She pulled herself upwards and stared back at Xander until she stood upright. 

"I don't believe you will stay to talk." Xander said flatly. "That's rude. I'm not that kind of person, you should know that by now. We've spent quite a bit of time with eachother by now long so you should at least know that I respect you." Ariana said in a huff.

"I spent time with Edlyn, you were just there in the background. I know nothing of you nor do I care if you respect me." Xander replied indifferently. Ariana knees practically buckled. "You?!" She hissed as she made a fist at Xander. "What about when you're guarding me?" She asked through gritted teeth.

"You were fine without me watching you, I spent so many nights sleeping outside and most of the time I switched shifts with Lobo. You were a waste of my time." Xander said nonchalantly. Ariana practically vomitted blood. "Then why are you wasting your precious time with me now?" Ariana asked as she wiped up her imaginary blood from her lips with her handkerchief. Xander just stared at Ariana.

Ariana sighed again. "All your happiness will fly away if you keep sighing." Xander stated with his emotionless face. "I know! I told Edlyn that!" Ariana snapped. "Then why do it?" Xander asked. "Because your infuritating! Did you know you are quite robotic when Edlyn is not around! It's like she is the source of your life! I don't know why you haven't made her your girlfriend yet?! That girl would be over the moon!" Ariana shouted.

Xander started to blush, his grip losened and Ariana pulled herself free. "So Edlyn is really all you can think about huh?" Ariana asked as she started to rub her wrist. "Is that wrong?" Xander whimpered with puppy dog eyes. The act caught Ariana off guard. "That look and tone should be illegal!" Ariana shouted as she shieled her eyes.

Xander tilted his head to the side and Ariana cursed. "What did you want to talk about?" Ariana asked in defeat. "... Edlyn is crying." Xander whispered sadly. Ariana flinched and the averted her gaze in shame. "I can't make her smile. I was told she got into a fight with you." Xander explained with such a sad face that it caused Ariana's heart ached. "I know." Ariana replied in gentle voice.

"Do something. She didn't go back to her room last night. I stayed with her all night. I watched her sleep and walked her as far as I could once the sun rose. I stood there thinking what I could do to get her to smile but my mind went blank when I remembered her tears. Just as I was about to leave, she came running back. You didn't sleep at the dorm last night, no one knew where you were." Xander said pitifully.

"I, I couldn't go back last night. I spent the night at the Dabneys because I did something really bad to Edlyn-?!" Ariana started to explain but within a split second Xander clamped his right hand on Ariana's neck.

"What did you do?!" Xander spat as he started to squeeze Ariana's neck. The Lumas tried to intervine but Ariana gave them a warning glare. The Lumas stayed back, anxiously watching the scene unfold.

"Hurt me if you dare." Ariana said defiantly as she stared at Xander with a smug look. "But I can guarantee you if you do... Edlyn will hate you for the rest of her life." She continued with a small, dark chuckle. Xander's eyes widened in horror and he instantly released Ariana. "So Edlyn is your weakness?" Ariana said with a contempt smile. She leaned in and put her finger underneath Xander's chin, raising his face. Though Xander was taller, Ariana wanted him to feel inferior.

Xander clenched his jaw as his looked downwards at Ariana with disgust. "Don't worry." Ariana laughed as she removed her finger. "I plan to make my peace with Edlyn soon. I just need to know why she is so isolated and make up for mistake. I can't go back to Edlyn's side until I have something to show my sincereity." Ariana explained with a small smile.

"What mistake?" Xander growled as his gaze turned ice cold. "I helped someone I wasn't supposed too and caused her pain. I acted like a bad friend, I didn't consider her feelings or rather I didn't pay close attention to how she was acting. If I did I would have caught my mistake beforehand but then again if I didn't make the mistake I would have never realized how lonely Edlyn is."

Xander looked at Ariana with disbelief. "Don't believe me? Help me with Edlyn then. It will be benefically to you too, since you haven't confessed your feelings." Ariana said with a teasing smile. Xander stood silently as he contemplated Ariana's words.

"You can always join me in my observations later. I plan to observe her for an entire week. Come find me after you thought things through or use the opportunity to get closer to Edlyn. It's up to you." Ariana said as she started to walk away. "It's your choice, you have free will so think about what you want." Ariana shouted out loud as she waved goodbye without looking back. Her Lumas quickly followed behind Ariana as she walked away but they made sure to glare at Xander as they floated by.

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