My Way To You

Chapter 306 - Official Call Out

".... If something happens to me I want to make sure Edlyn is taken care of." Ariana said as she helped Edlyn off the ground. "Isn't easier to hook her up with the ice prince?" Talisha asked with a smirk. Ariana and Edlyn flinched. "Whoa, something happened didn't it?!" Halina asked excitedly. Edlyn face became unreadable while Ariana started to sweat. "It's not good..." Ariana mumbled as she looked away.

"You b*ch!" Viola bellowed as she stormed up to the group of girls. "How dare you seduce my beloved with the help of that slut!" She continued to scream as she raised her hand. Talisha caught Viola's wrist and glared at Viola as he was the closest one to her. But to everyone's surprise Edlyn stepped forward and slapped Viola across the face. 

"You!" Viola hissed as she gingerly covered her swelling check. Talisha released Viola and bowed out. "After you." She said as she took a few steps back. "No you!" Edlyn yelled as she shoved her index finger into the middle of Viola's chest. "You have no right to start calling my friend a slut! She's a good person and as far as I know you accepted Xander's proposal not that long ago. So how could I steal him if I left you with him?" Edlyn said coldly as she glared at Viola.

Ariana felt so much pride at that moment. Edlyn had been such a quiet and reserved girl in front of others but at this moment she was holding her own. She shouldn't have worried over Edlyn's growth in society and just selfishly stayed by her side. "You brainwashed him! He says that it was the first time we ever met, he doesn't remember out fleeting glance, he doesn't remember any of our tender moments, he doesn't even remember my name! It must be because you cast some sort of enchantment to have him forget about me! You-you-you seductress!" Viola yelled as she raised her hand again.

Ariana rushed forward and pulled Edlyn back just as Viola swung. The momentum she used was too much and she stumbled forward and fell flat on to the ground. "You were supposed to help me!" Viola hissed after she lifted herself up, her face dyed red from the fall and embarrassment.

"No, I should have been firm about hearing your story first. If I had known your were such a psychopath with grand delusions of romance I would have never helped you! Instead I would have refered you to a doctor!" Ariana yelled as she held Edlyn protectly in her arms.

"I should have never sought out a slut's advice. I thought someone with your experience would know how to properly keep a man at her side." Viola said darkly as she rose from the ground. "Instead all your good for is laying on your back with your legs wide open." Viola continued. Edlyn pushed herself out of Ariana's embrace and kicked Viola in the stomach, sending her flying backwards.

"My friend did nothing but help you and a you do is talk sh*t. If what Ariana said was true then it sounds like you tricked her into helping you! You're disgusting! It's also your fault Ariana and I got into a fight. Now you need to pay for the pain and suffering we went through." Edlyn sneered as she towered over Viola. "So face me." Edlyn scowled as her lips curled upwards.

Viola's body shock with anger. She clutched at the cobblestone road, dragging her nails across the stones as her fingers curled inwards. "Battle! I call for an offical battle! Right now!" Viola yelled at the top of her lungs. "Don't regret it." Edlyn laughed darkly as she turned around and walked towards Ariana. "Davita." Ariana called out. 'Yes?' Davita answered with big, excited eyes. "Get Breeze and Rain, we are having an offical battle." Ariana said as she glared at Viola. 

Students started to gather again and it looked like Viola's group had come to help her off the ground. 'On it.' Davita replied before she zoomed off. "Let's make our way to the battle grounds then." Ariana sighed as she took Edlyn's hand. She then stopped in front of Viola and gave her a disdainful glare. "There's no way for you to back out now." She chuckled at Viola before leaving her behind.

"How are you feeling?" Ariana whispered to Edlyn as they lead the way to the battle grounds. "Truth?" Edlyn asked in a squeaky, mouse like voice. "Mmmh." Ariana answered with a head nod. "I'm so scared." Edlyn said as she gave Ariana a tearful look. Ariana was dumbfounded and almost tripped over her own feet. Ariana let go of Edlyn's hand and quickly brought her hands up and started to sign. "Then why did you call out that b*tch?!"

Edlyn nodded her head and brought up her own hands. "I don't know?! I got so mad when I heard what she said that I decided to pretend to be you and kinda took it too far." Edlyn signed with a weary smile. "Well you did an amazing job! I was completely fooled thinking how strong you were. It turns out you were not thinking at all! Edlyn, you could get seriously hurt! Have you at least called Thor over?" Ariana furiously signed.

Edyn facepalmed herself. "I'll do it now." She signed then pressed her hands over her chest, a small amount of magical energy was released like a telepathic signal. "Well now that is done. Have you thought of that things punishment?" Ariana signed as she smirked. Edlyn shook her head no. "You should." Ariana said proudly. "Why?" Edlyn asked with a curious gaze. 

"Like hell my friend, oh I'm sorry, LIKE HELL MY BEST FRIEND WILL LOSE TO A INSIGNIFICANT GUTTERSNIPE!" Ariana shouted as loud as she could. It was Edlyn's turn to look dumbstruck. Ariana laughed as she winked at Edlyn. "Have faith in yourself, you're stronger then you look." 

"Only you would think that." Edlyn sighed as her shoulders sagged. "Oh sweet heart, I know you are." Ariana teased as she slapped Edlyn's back. Edlyn let out a small shriek from the sudden impact. "Don't let yourself down, remember you're not fight for anyone but yourself. That piece of sh*t also spewed it's contents on to you too. So beat her up good and make her learn her lesson."

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