My Way To You

Chapter 308 - La Puta Stone

"Rain what are you doing?" Ariana asked as she stepped beside him. "I'm adjusting the water arena to make it more of an even playing field for both fighters." He replied as he snapped his fingers and a whirlpool was added in the center of a jaged rock formation. "Can I help?" Ariana asked with sparkling eyes. "I dragged you with me hoping that you would offer." Rain said with a smirk.

"You're bad! I thought I was in serious trouble." Ariana pouted as she gave Rain a small body check. "Oh no, you're still in trouble but I honestly do need your help." Rain replied as a devious glint flashed in his eyes. Ariana paled, she couldn't see a way out of her punishment.

"I'm sorry I was mean." Ariana said softly but Rain narrowed his gaze at her. "Really sorry." She said quickly. "Oh you will be." Rain said causing Ariana to utterly become speechless. Rain started to laugh, he brought up his hand and started to mess up Ariana's hair.

"Most students think I hate you so I might as well keep up that appearance." Rain explained. "Why?" Ariana asked in confusion as she tried to fix her hair. "... Edlyn needs your help first. I only have ten minutes to set up the field." Rain said as his smile dissappeared. "Right! So how do I do this?" Ariana asked as she pointed to a ball of swirling, golden orange light. It floated a good 5 feet from the ground and theres was nothing else around it. In the center was a solid, round, blue world the size of exercise ball.

"Not much. It's idiot proof so even Mr. Dabney could referee over a match if I need him too." Rain said indifferently. Ariana pursed her lips as she looked at Rain, she didn't like Rain making fun of Mr. Dabney. "Well explain it well because I could prove you wrong." Ariana tried to say as calmly as possible but her blood was boiling. Rain was starting to get too cocky. Rain looked at Ariana and wasn't sure what her problem was. Then it hit him she had a close relationship with the Dabneys. Rain coughed awkwardly as he blushed slightly.

"The entire La Puts stone is touch enchanted. You can zoom in and zoom out by bringing your index and thumb fingers and placing them directly on to the stone's surface. Pinch to get a expand out, push your fingers apart to get a closer look. Touch any area on the stone to add or place certain things. Think about what you want. Picture it in your head then remove your finger and snap. As long as you pictured it in your head properly it will materialize." Rain explained as he demonstrated.

Storm clouds appeared on the opposite side of the stone. "It's so simple how does the stone not get confused when other referees are in this... uh, room." Ariana said as she took a quick look around. The room she was mentioned was a small appartment style room. There was a large, plush sofa, a door, a small kitchen and nothing else.

The room was practically dark as there were no windows. The only visible light was coming from the swirling lights around the La Puta stone and from three illuminescent clocks on the wall next to the door. The first was a neon pink, the second was a neon green and the last was a neon purple. Ariana didn't pay too much attention to the clocks but made mental note to inspect the clocks when she had a chance.

Breeze sat on the sofa, smiling his devlish smile as he stretched himself out. "You can't get confused. The moment you touch the La Puta stone it will only obey your thoughts. No one else's so there is no take back, no do overs or overrides. So be careful what you think off, you don't want to cause an unavoidable mishap." Breeze laughed as he watched Ariana closely.

Ariana had gone quiet. She looked at Rain and wondered if teaching her how to us the La Puta stone had more meaning that what he initially said. "3 minutes left Ariana." Rain called out breaking Ariana out of her thoughts.. "On it." Ariana mumbled as she placed her hands on the world. She turned the ball back to where the whirlpool was and started to tap an area a little way off. "That b*tch is going to look for ways to trap Edlyn. So let's do this." Ariana said as she snapped her fingers.

Rain watched as Ariana moved around the world with ease and add new obstacles to the arena. "Done." Ariana called out as she looked at Rain. "30 seconds left master." Breeze called out. Rain spun the stone vertically with one swift movement of his hand and then stopped it with his index finger. "A or B?" Rain asked as he looked at Ariana. She looked confused for a split second then shouted "B!" 

Rain nodded his head. "Edlyn Abela." He said as he removed his finger and then snapped. He spun the world along it's horizontal axis. He stopped it again with his finger. "Viola Calypso." He said as he removed his finger again then snapped. The La Puta stone started to blink a soft red colour then two spots lit up. The La Puta stone stopped blinking and returned to it's origanl blue state.

"That's time." Breeze called out just as the neon pink clock started to glow brighter and blink. "Right." Rain replied as he walked over to the clock. He then double tapped the center of the clock. The clock dimmed then shrunk in size. It started to slim down then turned in to a microphone. The microphone floated outwards and Rain grabbed it. He switched it on and walked over to the La Puta stone. "Call forth your familiars!" Rain instructed coldly as he looked at the La Puta stone.

He then pressed a botton on the microphone and two holograpich screens appeared above the La Puta stone. Side by side the screens showed Edlyn and Viola in a slight variation of the uniforms Ariana and Vera wore when they battled. A dark purple, one piece suit that hugged their bodies.

The bottom half of the suit were shorts while the top half was a halter top that wrapped around their necks and covered their whole backs. The girls wore had black, ballet flats on their feet instead of the hiking boots and they still wore a steam punk belt. Edlyn's hair was in a high ponytail while Viola's hair was tied off into a ballet bun. They both wore black, fingerless, gloves and a small, silver rope with an elongated, cylinder, canister was resting around their necks.

"Thor!" Edlyn shouted. "Ursula." Viola called out. The neon green clock on the wall started to pulse. Rain walked over to the clock and raised his hand. He stuckout his index finger and had it hover over the clock. "Fighters ready!" Rain said then double tapped the clock. "Fight!" He shouted.

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