My Way To You

Chapter 324 - Are You So Sure?

Ariana sighed as she sat into the hot spring. "This feels so go-od." Ariana said as she looked at her Lumas with a lazy gaze. "Been too long?" Edlyn asked with a small giggle. "Apparently. It's not like I was aware of time when I'm blacked out." Ariana said with a weak smile but Edlyn looked at Ariana with a sorrowful expression. "I didn't mean anything by that." She said but Ariana waved her hand. Dismissing Edlyn's words.

"It's okay. I bet I gave you quite a scare." Ariana said with a wink but Edlyn dropped her gaze and started to hug herself. "You have no idea. I was so scared in the arena, I thought I was going to die. I thought Thor was going to die and then... and then you came to save us. I'm really thankful but... You shouldn't have gone." Edlyn said as she raised her head and tears started to pool in her eyes.

"Don't be silly! Of course I would go save you. Look, if I had too I would do it all again. End of story." Ariana said with conviction. "No." Edlyn said sternly. "I am very greatful that you saved us but what about you?! You could have died, you were in a coma for so long and I couldn't do a single thing." Edlyn said bitterly as she started to dig her nails into her arms.

"Hey, hey, Edlyn... Honestly, if I was in any real danger the Lumas would have encased me. I was fine. Vasu warned me that I wasn't ready since that thing drained so much of my magic I just didn't listen and well pushed myself a little too much." Ariana explained apologetically. "That's another thing! Knowing that some creature is after you, why would you risk your saftey and observe me?! Don't you dare think that I would forget what you did." Edlyn said as angry tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Okay, I was wrong. I just, I don't know. I want everyone to be happy without me, I guess. I don't know how long I will be able to stay with everyone and I don't want to hurt anyone anymore." Ariana said pathetically. Edlyn sighed and wipped her tears away. "Like Lady Zula." Edlyn asked quietly. "I." Ariana said then went silent.

"You didn't have to say anything to her you know. Just like how you're hesitant with Cayden. You don't have to keep pushing people away." Edlyn said causing Ariana to slip further into the hot spring. Ariana started to blow bubbles with her mouth trying to avoid the discussion but Edlyn wouldn't stop staring at her. Ariana went completely under the water and waited. She wanted to clear her thoughts but she couldn't find a good enough excuse.

When her lungs started to burn, Ariana came back up. "Fine." Ariana gasped. Edlyn kept her gaze glued to Ariana and sighed a breath of relief when she finally said something. "I'm pushing her away because I don't want her worrying about me." Ariana said flatly. Edlyn raised her eyebrow in disbelief. "No really. If I can, I want her to stop looking at me and distance herself completley." Ariana replied honestly.

"Why?" Edlyn asked. "Sh*t is going to hit the fan soon. What if they use my mother as a hostage? If the worst comes I want her to run away and forget about me. I want her to hate me, I want her to live a happy life forgetting everything about me. So the best way to get her to do that is to tell her everything. The one she really loves is Evangeline not me." Ariana explained.

"Are you sure about that?" Edlyn asked. "I want to believe it." Ariana mumbled. "Well your wrong. Lady Zula acted just like my mom whenever I got sick. Lady Zula fussed and worried. She refused to leave your side and wanted to beat Cayden up because he took the chair next to you. I don't think she loves you becasue she sees Evangeline but instead loves you for you." Edlyn said with a gentle smile.

Ariana's eyes started to water and hated that her heart stung at the thought that she purposely hurt someone she loved too. "She's a great mom." Ariana said softly as she wiped her tears away. After a moment of silence Ariana composed herself. "Okay! Enough about me. So what are you going to do about Xander?" Ariana asked with a smirk.

"Nothing." Edlyn replied a little too quickly. "You can't keep thinking that he had some sort of relationship with Viola? That girl was be used." Ariana spat. "I know but... but I shouldn't be the one who makes the first move! If he wants to be with me then he should be the one to confess!" Edlyn shouted in frustration. "O-Oh! So you know he likes you?!" Ariana said excitedly.

"Of course I do... Well now I know for sure." Edlyn answered with a blushing face. "So what now? Are you just going to play hard to get or will you give him a chance to confess?" Ariana asked. "Oh no! You're not going to distract me so easily. I know you Miss Ariana Drake. You still need to tell me why you're hesitating with Cayden." Edlyn said with a humpf.

Ariana looked sheepishly as she brought her index fingers together. Edlyn glared at Ariana while Ariana avoided eye contact. "I am so scared to have him look at me dfferently." Ariana mumbled. "Why would he look at you differently? You know he was just as worried as Lady Zula was about you." Edlyn snapped. "I know... but Edlyn, even you haven't seen me in that form." Ariana said in a low voice.

Edlyn flinched. "You've never let me." Edlyn muttered in return. "It's hard for people to hide the fear they have when they see me. Lobo was different, his eyes lit up but that was because I was his salvation. If you or Cayden see me and I see that fear in your eyes... I don't know. I probably couldn't take it and then run away." Ariana replied honestly. She peeked at Edlyn and saw that her complextion changed.

"Hey you okay?" Ariana asked. "Are you sure I would be afraid of you?" Edlyn asked pitifully. "I don't know and it makes me scrared to think about it." Ariana admitted.

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