My Way To You

Chapter 333 - Family Fantasies

Edlyn walked over to the sink and looked at what Mrs. Dabney was doing. In no time Edlyn was asking a million and one questions about taking care of a baby while Mrs. Dabney smiled as she answered everything. Edlyn nodded her head as she listened carefully, making mental notes as Mrs. Dabney spoke.

By the time Ariana stepped out of the shower and got changed Edlyn was happily feeding Brie on the couch. Ariana smiled at the sweet scene. The front door opened and Xander walked in. He brought his gaze up and spotted Edlyn. "Welcome back." Edlyn said bashfully as she held the bottle for Brie. Xander's jaw dropped as he stood completely dumbfound in the doorway.

Ariana giggled as she walked up behind a very confused Edlyn. "Looks like he's picture his future family with his new bride." Ariana said beside Edlyn's ear. Edlyn lost the grip of Brie's bottle and it landed on her lap. Brie was upset to have her meal time interrupted and her face started to scrunch up. "Oh no. Here you go Brie." Edlyn said as she quickly grabbed the bottle and tried to put it back into her mouth.

"Nope. Got to disinfect the n.i.p.p.l.e of the bottle. I know your clean but Brie's still small and grems can hurt her especially if they get in through her mouth." Ariana said as she grabbed the bottle from Edlyn's hand. "Oh! What do I do?" Eldyn as as she started to painc. Small tears started to spill out of Brie's eyes as her cries slowly grew louder. "Comfort her." Mrs. Dabney said as her hands were knee deep in dough.

"Ah, ah, I forgot how." Edlyn said apologetically. Xander closed the door and walked over to the sink. He quickly washed his hands with soap, dried them off and walked over to Edlyn. He bent over and placed a small kiss on Eldyn's cheek as he grabbed Brie from her arms. "I got it." He said as Edlyn turned to stone.

With efficentcy Xander started to comfort Brie in various ways. Only letting himself have 20 seconds for each method, searching for the right one to get her to stop crying. Ariana walked over and handed Xander the bottle the moment he found the right position Brie prefered to lay in his arms. He took the bottle and tested the liquid on his wrist. "Good." He said then placed the bottle into Brie's mouth.

Brie greedily ate as she moved her tiny fingers. She opened her hands then closed them as if she was happy she was with someone who knew what they were doing. "You're pretty skilled." Ariana said as she watched Xander feed Brie with an emotionless face. "I have a younger sibling." Xander answered propmptly. "Sure but did your mom let you help take care of him?" Ariana asked.

Xander frowned as he glared at Ariana. "... No. I could only watch the wet nurse from a far." Xander admitted. "Good for you." Ariana said with a wink then nodded towards Edlyn. "Looks like your hidden talent made someone fall deeper in love with you." Xander looked over and instantly blushed. Edlyn was watching him with sparkling eyes.

"I guess the reverse can happen too." Ariana said as she placed a hand on Xander's shoulder. "W-w-what?" Xander asked with a shy expression. "She's imagining what life with you will be you and your babies." Ariana said as she patted Xander's shoulder. Xander's face glowed a bright red as steam fogged up his glasses. "I'm glad your confession went well." Ariana laughed as walked away.

Ariana then walked up to Mrs. Dabney and stepped beside her. She looked over the ingredients and automatically started helping her. "Shepherd's pie." Mrs. Dabney said without looking up. "I figured." Ariana said as she scrubbed the potatoes. "So what do you think?" Ariana asked as they prepped.

"About what?" Mrs. Dabney asked as she grabbed a a deep dish pan. "Them. Are they going to be able to pull it off? Do you think he can save her?" Ariana asked in a low voice. "That's so unlike you, to not trust in your own judgement. Shame on you." Mrs. Dabney chuckled.

"I'm serious." Ariana said bitterly. "They'll be fine. They mutually love each other. After dinner I will start my talk with them." Mrs. Dabney said as she started to line the pan with the dough. Ariana boiled some water quickly and then placed the potatoes in. "Is that enough time?" Ariana asked flatly. "I think so. Especially since they watched your little demonstration." Mrs. Dabney said as she poked Ariana's cheek. 

Ariana blushed. "Not funny." Ariana pouted. "Ya but I wish I stopped Xander though. I think the same solution can be used for you too." Mrs. Dabney said gently. "It was good we were interrupted. Cayden is still hiding so much from me." Ariana explained as she started to caramelize the onions. "What about you?" Mrs. Dabney asked.

"I killed my twin sister when I lived on Earth." Ariana said bluntly casuing Mrs. Dabney to almost drop the pan she had in her hands. "What?!" She whispered as loudly as she dared. Mrs. Dabney then looked over to Xander and Edlyn. They didn't notice and Xander was busy burping Brie. "Is that what Edlyn wanted you to tell Cayden earlier?!" Mrs. Dabney asked in a panic. "No." Ariana replied courtly then moved to add the beef and sauce into the frying pan.

"Then?!" Mrs. Dabey whispered. Ariana moved and opened the oven. "It's much worse." Ariana answered without going into detail. "How?! Does Edlyn know?" Mrs. Dabney asked as she slid in the pan into the oven. She then grabbed the timer and set it for 15 minutes. "I don't want to talk about, not now at least we need to focus on those two. As for Edlyn... she knows enough." Ariana replied with an expressionless face.

Suddenly Edlyn stood up and started to look for the wipes. Ariana smiled as she watched Edlyn turn the living room into a mess. "She accepted that part of me without question and for a while I stopped hating myself. I always wanted to have another sibling to make up for my mistakes but after trying I realized no one can ever replace Emmeline."

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