My Way To You

Chapter 342 - I Hate You ***Not Suitable for all Readers***

***Graphic and disturbing scenes ahead***

***Reader discretion is advised***

Eve pulled herself up as much as she could but she wasn't big or strong enough to get herself out. She brought up her knee and placed it right beside her hand. She used her knee to lift herself out of the hole in the ground. Eve then carefully stood up, knowing that the floor was soaked with blood. She looked around but the room was still pitch black.

"Emmy, tate my hand." Eve called out as she stretched out her hand. Emmeline grabbed the hand and Eve promptly started to pull her sister with all her strength. Emmeline whimpered as Eve pulled but Eve refused to stop, she started to walk backwards as she pulled. "Eevee it hwts." Emmeline cried. "I know but we need to move." Eve said as she pulled Emmeline out. 

Eve felt something warm and wet on her hand. She knew what it was and just wipped Emmeline's blood on her uniform. There was no time to waste. "Well that's a little heartless. Shouldn't you worry a little bit about hurting your sister Eevee?" Monty's sarcastic voice called out from with in the darkness.

Eve and Emmeline froze, each could her their hearts beating in between their ears. "So rude. No hi for your uncle Monty?" Monty aaked as a single flame produced in the sea of darkness. Eve and Emmeline looked over and grabbed each other. "Well that's not very nice." Monty said sadly as he brought the flame from a lighter close to his face. He looked positively insane as he looked at the girls. 

"Lizzah be a dear and grab the brats." Monty said as he turned to the darkness. There was no answer. "Lizzah?" Monty called out then he brought the flame towards a mound of white and red. "Oh right... Well I guess I will have to do it myself. I can't let you run away yet when I'm so close to getting what I want." Monty said as he dropped his lighter on to the mound.

Instantly the mound was engulfed in a giant flame. "That's better. I mean she isn't useful anymore so why not let her be the distraction?" Monty asked as he turned his gaze from Lizzah's burning body back to the girls. "I'm guessing we have 15 minutes before your father and his goons arrive." Monty said as he straightened himself up and dusted off his right blazer sleeve. 

"I would have had more time if that idiot didn't try to play hero but every successful man needs to have multiple contingency plans." Monty said as he then smoothed out his blazer's lapels. Eve slowly turned her gaze to the floor and saw that they were standing in a large puddle of red liquid that reflected the flames from Lizzah's body. The word hero echoed in her head as she looked for the source of the liquid.

Then she spotted him, dark brown hair, amber coloured eyes that stayed wide open as if staring at her, mouth slacked and holes in his chest. Eve covered her mouth with her hand, trying her best to not cry out loud. "Oh you saw the idiot? I was planning to kill him after everything was said and done but again a succesful man always has contingency plans. Now Emmy, my lovely Emmy come here." Monty said with an overly sweet voice as he stretched out his hand. 

Emmeline took a step forward without hesitation. "No!" Eve shouted as she held Emmeline in her arms. "What a bother... Sigh. Well Emmy, my darling can you help uncle Monty? Your sister has been a very bad girl and I don't think we can bring her along with us." Monty said as he pouted towards Emmeline.

Emmeline turned to Eve and gave her a very bitter face. "You're bad." Emmeline said as she pushed Eve away. Eve gasped and for the first time had a good whiff of the smell of burning flesh. Eve covered her mouth as she coughed and gaged. Emmeline looked at Eve with disdain as she watched her sister struggle to breath. Eve threw up then looked at Emmeline. 

"Oh you didn't give your meal to Emmy this time? You're so bad! Such a bad sister, she needs to be punished Emmy or else she will try to get you in trouble again." Monty said as he started to grab a few water bottles from an end table. "Yes." Emmeline said as she towered over Eve. "Good. Don't be too long my little angel. I really need to stay on schedule." Monty said as he unscrewed one of the water bottles and poured it over the flames.

The flames grew brighter and Monty looked calm and composed. He moved to unscrew the next bottle then walked up to the girls as he spilled the contents behind him then dropped the half empty bottle. "Sh*t." Monty said as some of the contents spilled up his pant leg.

With a deep sigh Monty moved away from the flames and opened another bottle he then tossed the bottle into the air and it landed near the burly man's body. Liquid spilled everywhere but it did what it was meant to do. Flames followed the trail just as Emmeline grabbed Eve by her collar.

Eve's eyes grew wide as she came face to face with a complete stranger. "Emmy?" She called out but Emmeline said nothing. Suddenly Eve's face stung, her eyes started to water as she was now looking away from Emmeline.

"Really Emmy. I taught you better then a slap but I really shouldn't stop you from having fun. Just make it quick. I'm done here." Monty said as he unscrewed the last water bottle and carefully walked up to the burly man's body. He then dumped the liquid all over the burly man's body. "Yes." Emmeline replied. Monty stepped aside then watched the burly man's body catch fire then walked towards the back door. 

Eve was horrified, she couldn't understand what was going on then suddenly she was thrown on to the floor face first. She was then flipped over and was now looking up at the ceiling while her face was covered in a layer of the burly man's blood. Emmeline laid right on top of Eve's body and raised her little fist in the air as she looked down at her sister. "I hate you." She said as she brought down her fist and punched Eve's face.

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