My Way To You

Chapter 353 - Wedding Feast ***Fluff***

Xue was scared. She wasn't sure what was going on but someone grabbed her the moment she turned the corner. A firm hand covered her mouth as another grabbed her waist, pinning her against their body. She had no way of escape.

If she was going to die at least she got to share one more beautiful memory with Bai. She could die without regret. Tears started to flow from her eyes as she lowered her guard. She prayed her death would be swift. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you." A male voice said as he pulled her further into the shadows. Xue felt the kidnapper's hands slowly retracte from her body.

Xue turned around and was surprised to see it was one of Bai's guest. "I'm so sorry I didn't recognize you." Xue said as she bowed to the man. The man was shocked, he wasn't expecting Xue to be so polite especially when he scared the living daylight out of her. The man brought a fist to his mouth and coughed. "It wasn't necessarily in the best of ways that we meet." Th man said with an embarasse face.

"I guess your right." Xue said as she raised her head. There was an awkward sillence between the two. Xue didn't know what the man wanted and the man had no idea what to say to Xue. "Is Bai alright?" Xue finally asked. The man finally remembered his mission, he started to blush. "I'm sorry Miss Xue. My name is Guo Dequan, I am prince Bai's right hand man. I am here to take you to the prince. Please follow me." Dequan said as he turned away. 

"Does the prince need my help?" Xue asked as she closely followed behind Dequan. "You will see when you meet." Dequan said as he stayed in the shadows, avoiding all the guards and guests. It didn't take long for Dequan to take Xue to the outermost garden. There she spotted Bai and ran towards him without reserve. "Bai!' She called out as she ran. Bai turned around and spotted Xue. His face lit up.

He stretched out his arms and waited for Xue to jump into them. "I love you." She said as Bai caught her. Bai's eyes grew wide and round. "What did you just say?" He asked as he slightly pulled Xue away from his body and looked at her blushing face. "I love you." Xue said again as her face became gentle and radiant.

Bai could barely contain himself. He sealed Xue's lips and kissed her passionatey. "I love you so much." He whispered in between kisses. Xue started to become hot again and tried to pull away so she could catch her breath but Bai wouldn't let her. He became greedy and possesive as he kissed her passionately. "Bai..." Xue m.o.a.ned. 

Bai's blood started pumping, he could no longer hold back. His hands moved desperately around Xue's body as he search for a way to take her qipoa off. "Wait." Xue said breathlessly. Bai looked ashamed and embarassed. He averted his gaze and brought up his wrist so he could hide his mouth. His elbow pointed to his right as his cheeks and ears turned red. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have just assumed...." He said as his face turned a brighter red.

"No, Bai. I want to show you how to take this off." Xue whispered as she dropped her gaze to her hands. Bai dropped his wrist and gulped. He watched as Xue started to unbutton her qipoa. Bai couldn't keep his mind clear, he scooped Xue up and princess carried her towards the fringe fower bushes. In the middle of the sea of fringe flowers laid a blanket on top of the grass. Bai gently laid Xue on top as he sighed.

He looked at Bai affectionately and stroked her cheek. "You are so beautiful." He whispered as his hand moved downwards and started to unbutton the rest of her qipoa. "Bai." Xue said as he voice shaked with a mixture fear and anticipation. "Xue." Bai sighed as he open up the qipoa and saw her pure white body. "Truly beautiful." He whispered as he lowered his head and tasted the first round mountian on her body. 

Xue shuddered as Bai's tongue tasted and teased the peak. Bai's left hand brushed down Xue's body as his right massaged the mountian he greedily sucked. "B-Bai." Xue called out the moment he touched her lower area. Bai stopped sucking and lifted up his head. His fingers kept moving and explored Xue's wet cave. "Xue... In my heart you are already my wife." Bai said as he looked at Xue. "Husband." Xue said as she panted. 

Bai froze. His eyes shone with desire. He removed his colthing as fast as he could. "Wife... Say it again." He begged as he positioned himself in between Xue's legs. Xue looked down and felt herself blush hard. She saw Bai's lower member and wondered how something so big was going to fit inside her. She then looked up and saw Bai's anticipating face. She swallowed back saliva and opened her mouth. "My husband, I love you." She said softly.

Bai's last thread of self restraint snapped. He ravaged Xue's body like a savage animal. Xue cried out in pain but Bai could no longer process her words. Sweat started to roll down his face and made his body shine. While Xue felt like she was being ripped apart but after a while the pain subsided and her body started to feel funny.

She reached up and hugged Bai as m.o.a.ns escaped her lips. Bai's thursts started to increase in force. Xue's m.o.a.ns started to increase in volume. Bai sealed Xue's lips, swallowing her voice. Xue's body arched upwards just as Bai thrusted for the last time. Bai moved his lips away and stared at Xue's tear streaked face. "I love you." Bai said in between pants. Xue smiled brightly at Bai. "I love you too." 


"Your Highness, we must be going." Dequan said as watched Bai and Xue approach him. They walked hand in hand, Bai's face looked refreshed and lively while Xue looked exhausted but she smiled sweetly. "Dequan take Xue to the first checkpoint. Make sure no harm comes to her and then meet up with me when she is passed off. We'll leave at dusk by ship." Bai ordered as he passed Xue's hand to Dequan. "Yes your Highness." Dequan said as he took Xue's hand and bowed to Bai. 

"Where are you going?" Xue asked with concern. "To the feast." Bai replied as his eyes shined with murder.

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