My Way To You

Chapter 357 - Let's Go Out As a Family

There was an awkward silence in the kitchen and Ariana just decided to eat her breakfast. She honestly didn't know what to do, she had already told the school she was still recovering so she was excused. However she didn't think the Lumas would still be reluctant but then again she felt awful knowing they had to give up their wish for her to move on.

With a heavy sigh Ariana polished off her bowl of oatmeal. Cayden walked over and grabbed her bowl. He then placed a small kiss on her temple then walked back to the sink. Ariana blushed as she gingerly touched where Cayden kissed. She looked at Cayden and saw that he started to wash her dish. She wanted to open her mouth and protest but a sweet memory surfaced. The act reminded her of their time together at the cafe. 

Ariana leaned back into her chair and smiled. She wanted to cherish this moment, even though they were pressed for time. She needed to make her bonds with the Lumad but at the same time she couldn't force them to talk to her. "Let's go out." Cayden said as he placed the clean bowl in the drying rack.

"But it's Monday. You have to go to class." Ariana replied. Though that was what she said but it wasn't how she felt. She wanted Cayden to spend more time with me. Cayden walked towards Ariana and gently lifted her face with his hand. He placed a weet kiss on her lips. "There is nothing wrong with a little distraction." Cayden said softly as he pulled back. 

Ariana's eyes glazed over as she looked at Cayden. "Okay." Ariana sighed. Cayden let out a deep chuckle then looked over Ariana. "Do you have any other clothes here?" He asked as he looked at Ariana. "You don'tlike what I'm wearing?" Ariana asked. Cayden's eyes lingered on Ariana and she started to blush from the silence. It felt like Cayden was undressing her with his eyes. "I do but I think I should be the only one looking at that outfit." Cayden said with a small growl.

Ariana looked at Cayden with curious eyes. Cayden sighed and bent over. He brought up his hand and placed it over top of her left b.r.e.a.s.t. He flashed a devilish smile as he gently squeezed. "It looks like I gave you one of my hoodies after we spent the night together. I love the idea of you wearing it around the house or room but... Buy it's a huge distraction." Cayden said as his breath started to become uneven.

He then leaned in further and placed a kiss in the crook of her neck. "How can you not understand how you make my body feel?" He said as he lifted his lips and kissed a little higer on her neck. Ariana shivered, her heart rate increased and she couldn't help but go along with Cayden's tempo. "Do you want me to change?" She asked as Cayden moved away from her neck. "What do you think?" Cayden whispered as he brought his lips to her ear. 

Ariana started to raise her hands and tried to wrap her arms around Cayden's neck when suddenly warm liquid spilled all over her lap. "Oh!" Ariana cried out in a panic as her hoodie dress absorbed the liquid. Cayden moved back and looked at what happened. Vasu sat on the table looking completely innocent but right in front of him was Ariana's turned over tea cup.

"I'll clean up." Cayden said with heavy sigh as Ariana got up. "Okay. Thank you." Ariana said as she looked at the giant tea stain on her hoodie dress. "Sorry Cayden, I'm going to change." Ariana said apologetically as she turned to leave. Cayden nodded his head then bent down to clean up the tea from the floor.

Ariana came back up and the air in the room was heavy. She wasn't sure what happened but Vasu was sitting in a corner on the couch while Cayden watched him from a far. They each looked upset while the other Lumas sat quietly on the table. "Vasu what's wrong?" Ariana asked as she went over to him and picked him up. 'I'm sorry I stained your hoodie.' He said with puppy dog eyes. 

Ariana felt an arrow pierce her heart. Vasu never acted cute but when he did it was deadly. "It's okay Vasu. I treated it right away so the stain won't stay." Ariana said as she cuddled her chibi, pink deer. In the midst of their cuddle Vasu lookd back at Cayden and gave him a smirk. Cayden could feel his temper rise as he looked at them.

"We should leave now. I let Mrs. Dabney know that we are going out to destress. She said it was fine and she will babysit your Lumas." Cayden announced courtly as he looked at the Lumas. "Why? The've always been with me, this shouldn't be any different." Ariana said as she furrowd her brows. "We're going on a date." Cayden replied. 

"Let's make this a famiy outing instead." Ariana suggested enthusiastically. "A family outing?" Cayden asked as his expression started to soften. "Yes! Let's say this is practice for the future." Ariana said but in reality she already promised herelf to spoil her Lumas and leaving them behind didn't sound right. She started to list everything she wanted to get the Lumas and what to see in her head that she completely missed Cayden's expression.

Cayden was in total shock. His eyes turned wide as he blushed a beet red. He tried pursng his lips to surpress his smile but his lips trembled as it held their position. His eyebrows were raised in surprise and even his ears turned a bright red. 

"Oh! It's going to be so much fun!" Ariana shouted happily causing Cayden to slightly sober up. He quickly turned away from Ariana and hid his face. He was even more embarassed that he couldn't hide his feelings. "Cayden?" Ariana called out. Cayden flinched, he wasn't calm enough to face Ariana yet. "Cayden?" Ariana called again. "Can you take the Lumas out first? I will let Mrs. Dabney know there is a change in plans." Cayden said in a higher then normal pitched voice.

"Okay." Ariana said as she looked at Cayden's back a second longer. Than she quickly collected her Lumas and took them outside. After Cayden heard the door close he started to take a few huge breathes in.

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