My Way To You

Chapter 366 - Nurse's Office

Suddenly a black bubble surrounded Ariana and Cayden. They were lifted upwards and out of reach of the sand face creature's Ariana had already blacked out but Cayden watched as the creature was taken care of with a flick of his wrist. Shadows rose up and devoured the creature. It screamed as its life was taken away. Cayden watched at the sand creature was tore at as if it had real flesh. He then turned to his saviour. Hatred rose up into Cayden's heart as he looked into the man's two different coloured eyes. "Saved you." The man said as he looked at Cayden.  


Ariana eyes fluttered as light entered into her pupils. She groaned as she tried to push away the light. "Sorry but you will have to suck it up buttercup." A female voice laughed as she smacked Ariana's hand away. Ariana eyes shot wide open, panic started to sink in and she scrambled to sit up. "Cayden!" She gasped. "You're boyfriend? He's fine but you have-" The voice said but she was interrupted by Ariana's whimpers. 

"Oh my goodness girl! You're on of those jump in head first kind of gal aren't you?" The voice said with a cute giggle. "Sorry." Ariana responded automatically as she hugged herself. "Now see here! Beauty Queens such as yourself shouldn't even have that word in their vocabulary." The voice said as she put away her pen light. "I can admit to my own mistakes." Ariana said as she blushed. "Mmmh, sensible aren't you? But then again you can't be Queen without having a good head." The voice said gently. Ariana blinked away the light spots and finally saw the person in front of her. 

Ariana's jaw dropped, it was a tall and stunning woman. She had long, straight, auburn hair that she tied at the base of her neck with a thin grey ribbon. Her hair swept over shoulder and laid across her flat chest and reached down to her navel. She had a long fringe that framed her delicate looking face and bangs that were slightly curled. She had thin lips, a long nose and beautiful persian green eyes that made her fair skin look delicate.

The woman stared at Ariana as Ariana gawked back. The woman laughed, her laugh sounded so sweet, pure and clear. "Oh my! Did you by chance fall in love with me?" She asked. Ariana quickly closed her mouth and started to blush a brighter red. "I'm just teasing!" The woman said as she slapped Ariana's thigh.

Ariana whole body screamed. She didn't think she was that sore. "How long have I been out?" Ariana asked awkwardly. "Not long, maybe an hour?" The woman asked as she turned to look at someone else. "About." The man said and Ariana slowly turned to the person who answered, breaking out into a cold sweat as she did.

"Hello teacher." Ariana said so feebly that it caused the woman to start laughing. "TEACHER!? Gautam what are you doing to your students to make them give you that kind of greeting?!" She laughed loudly as she hugged her sides, tears streaming down her face. "I don't know what you're talking about Kyrie." Waldemar answered with a bored expression. "Oh come on Tommy boy! Smile. Not everyday such a cutie like her will give you such a sincere greeting! If I was you I would be over the moon... but then again your heart could only ever be moved by," Kyrie started to say but Waldemar gave her a deadly glare.

"... Right. The stick in the mud is back." Kyrie said with an obvious pout. "I guess you want some space now. I'll just go over to handsome then, gonna see if the medicine kicked in and all that fun stuff." Kyrie said as she walked over to the other end of the room. Ariana followed Kyrie with her eyes and spotted Cayden. Ariana instantly lit up but heard Waldemar clear his throat.

Ariana brought her gaze back to her teacher and waited. "You're pathetic you know that right?" Waldemar asked as he stared Ariana down, the bags under his eyes were still prominent and his expression screamed bored. "Nope." Ariana quickly replied as she averted her gaze.

Waldemar stayed silent as he stared down Ariana. "S-s-so is that our new school nurse?" Ariana asked awkwardly hoping that she could change the subject. Waldemar continued staring. "She seems nice. Are you by chance friends with her? You must be, with the way you two talk to each other." Ariana continued but she could barely hold a smile in place. Waldemar grunted. Ariana cried internally.

"You just love getting into trouble. If there wasn't a chance you shared her blood I would have left you there to die." Waldemar sighed as he finally stopped staring. Ariana pursed her lips. She couldn't understand why Waldemar hated her so much. Waldemar then brought his hand up and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Detention. Strating today when the last bell rings, you need to come to my classroom." Waldemar said. Ariana dropped her gaze and looked at her hands. She couldn't protest, what had happened earlier was not her fault but if she did sneak out with Cayden then things would have been different. "O-okay." Ariana stuttered.

"So handsome won't be able to move for another 4 hours at least." Kyrie said as she approached the two. "I thought you said he was fine?!" Ariana shouted a little too loudly as she looked at Kyrie. She instantly turned red from embarassment and averted her gaze.

"Oh! Your boy toy is fine but he can't move a muscle. Whatever happened to him has shot his nerves." Kyrie explained then turned to Waldemar. "Wally Polly are you sure you don't want to tell the headmaster about these two?" Kyrie asked as she brought a perfectly manicured index finger to her cheek. 

"They were already reported sick. Telling him more then that is pointless especially when I can just punish them." Waldemar said as he looked at Kyrie. "F-ine... But no next time! After this Mar-Mar you will owe me one if you try to make me hide anything from that s.e.xy beast of a man." Kyrie said as she hugged herself and shivered.

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