My Way To You
Chapter 39 Eve - Part 1
*Warning graphic scenes
Eve couldn't stop shaking after she was tied up and tossed into the backseat of the black BMW. She could see that her kidnappers were sitting up at the front while behind her was the shocking scene of the car crash. A body had gone through the windshield and was sprawled onto the hood of the black car while her own teal Camry was steaming on the side of the road by a lap post.
"The princess is secured we are on our way to the first checkpoint." The husky voice said and Eve quickly turned her head towards the man. She had been kidnapped before and knew asking questions would lead to her being gagged so instead she quietly studied her surroundings. "Sorry princess we can't have you figuring out where you are." The husky voice said as he turned to face Eve, he pulled out a weird cylinder object and started spraying her face. Eve pulled her face away but it was too late. Her eyelids started to get heavy and her vision started blur and to get darker.
When Eve woke up again she was sitting on a cold floor, of what looked like furnace room, both hands were cuffed to a pipe. She sighed as she looked at her cliche surroundings and turned her gaze quickly towards the person who was starring at her intensely. Her heart skipped a beat as she looked at a the man who pulled her out of her car. He had golden brown hair, amber coloured eyes, a strong jaw and nose. He walked up to Eve and placed a hand under her chin and moved her face around. After he was satisfied her let her go and unscrewed the cap on a bottle of water. "Drink."
Eve moved her head to the side, letting her body tremble a bit. "Why should I? If I'm feed or have my thirst quenched, it means I have to use the bathroom..." The man grabbed her chin with force and made her face him. He put the bottle to her lips and tilted the bottle upwards to make her drink. Water spilled over her sealed lips and down her white blouse. "Sh*t!" He shouted as he pulled away slightly, blushing slightly as he moved to take off his buttoned shirt. He looked at her awkwardly and tried to cover her properly but the handcuffs were in the way. He gave up and placed the back of his shirt over her front and buttoned the collar around her neck.
Eve blushed at his blushing face and because of his well toned body. Even though he was only wearing a sleeveless shirt now, it didn't stop her from watching his tight muscles slightly move as he secured his shirt around her. She swallowed back her saliva and thought she might as well give it a shot. "Last kidnappers were sadistic... they would act nice, give me water and food and then torture me while I tried to hold in my bodily fluids.... I'm scared. I don't want to have that happen again."
The young man who looked like he was in his 20's stopped moving for a second. Then faced her with an unwavering gaze. "I will not let them do that to you." Eve let out a sigh of relief then started trembling again. "It's not drugged is it?" The man grabbed the bottle and drank half of the contents and sat in front of her. After a few moments her pressed the bottle against her lips. "No." He said in a low voice and Eve obediently started drinking the water. He watched as she took her last drops of water and moved the bottle away. He then placed a thumb over her slightly pouted lips and wiped away the excess moisture.
Eve could feel her lips blazing from the heat of his thumb and she looked up into his eyes. "Are you not afraid of me?" He whispered. "No." Eve said honestly and the man moved his hand away. He got up and and walked away from her. She could hear a door creak open and close and she was left all alone in the room. Eve let out a small laugh as she made a half heart attempt to break free from the handcuffs. "Happy birthday to me." She whimpered as she laid her head against the pipe and allowed silent tears to roll down her face.
The door opened again and she lifted her face to look at who came, it was the man again and he had a blanket in his hand. "Is that for me?" She asked shyly but the man seemed to be in a daze. He shook his head as if clearing his thoughts before wrapping the blanket around her. "Sleep, you are going to be here for a while." Eve instantly felt fear run through her veins and paled. The man looked worried and sat down beside her. "I have been assigned to watch you by big brother. I won't do anything to you and will make sure to protect you, so sleep, it will be over before you know it."
Eve leaned her head against the pipe again and cried herself to sleep, while the man kept his word and sat beside her silently watching and listening to her. She woke up and saw that she was still in the damp, poorly light room, handcuffed to a pipe. Beside her was the man, soundlessly sleeping. She couldn't help but admire his face, his lips were slightly plump, not sexy but alluring, making her want to test their softness. His eyes were almond shaped and had the longest eyelashes she had ever seen. They had a natural curl that any woman would kill for. His skin was slightly tanned but it had a bit of a peach colour to it, he must have been used to working out in the sun but used sunblock to make sure he didn't burn.
When he started to stir, Eve quickly looked away as she blushed from her own embarrassment. She knew better then to stare at her captor but she needed all his details when she filed her police report. "Are you awake?" He said in a groggy voice that made her heart thump hard against her chest. "Mmh." She answered and felt his hand on her face again. He gently brought her gaze towards his and starred. Eve could feel herself melting under his touch and gaze. "Your hungry right I will get you some food. After you eat I will take you to the bathroom." He said as he released her face. "I will be back soon." He said as he got up and left the room.
Eve silently sat in the room, straining her ears as she patiently waited for the man to return. When she heard the creaking of the door as it opened, her eyes lit up with anticipation. Unfortunately who walked in wasn't the man who was with her before. The new man was the same height as the other but his was less built, he had slicked back burgundy hair, deep purple eyes and a crooked smile that sent chills down her whole body. "I see Owen has been keeping you company. Didn't think your type would make him want to spend the whole night with but I guess you have some sort of techniques that could make a stiff like him melt."
Eve tried to push herself against the wall as warning bells went off in her head. The man licked his lips and started to undo his belt and pants. "Let me have a taste princess, I can guarantee you that I can rock your world better then that virgin oh excuse me ex-virgin Owen." He quickly grabbed her ankles and pulled her towards him. Eve started screaming her protests but the man was bigger and stronger then her. He pinned her legs she tired to kick his groin. "Your a naughty little princess aren't you?" He said as he then moved his right hand up her bare leg and slipped it under her skirt.
Eve tried to fight his attempts to pull down her panties and decided to open her legs wider to make it harder to pull down. "Stop struggling or I won't be so gentle." He said as he gave up pulling her panties off and just ripped them instead. "Please no! Stop! Please I'm begging you!"
The man pushed up her skirt and grabbed her waist. She started to jerk her body around when she saw his erected member. He grabbed her by the waist, positioned himself right underneath her entrance and she screamed even louder. He started to get frustrated because she moved her opening all over the place. He let her go and sat on her chest. He started slapped her face a few times to show his dominance but Eve didn't give up her fight. "You stupid b*tch! I will have my way with you!" He screamed as he kept hitting her. Tears stained her swollen face and she lost all her energy when he he got off of her and kicked her in the gut. "Finally! Now I can have my fu-ahhh!" He screamed.
Eve looked up and saw Owen standing with his back facing her as he wrapped his hands around the man's neck. "Zoran, what the f*ck do you think you were doing?!" Eve couldn't see Zoran's face but she could hear his attempts to gasp for air. Owen the whipped Zoran's body against the wall causing Zoran to spit up blood. "O-owen, buddy I was trying to just get a taste. Only a little taste, I mean look at her! A princess like her has no idea what suffering is! So why not cause her a little harm? She deserves it! Her whole family deserve to suffer!" Zoran said as he lifted him self up of the ground then started laughing hysterically.
Owen punched the area right next to Zoran's face, making an indent into the concrete. "We listen to my big brother and follow the plan. She was not to get hurt or treated inhumanely, that was the deal." Zoran wiped the blood from his mouth and directly looked Owen in the eyes. "Right, handcuffing her to a pipe all day is humane." He said with a smirk. Then pushed Owen away, he looked back at Eve and walked out of the room. Owen hit the wall again and turned to looked at Eve. His eyes showed so much hurt and resentment that Eve had no idea what to say.
"I'm sorry." He said as he reached into his pant pocket, pulled out a key and undid her handcuffs. He took the blanket and covered her whole body. He easily picked her up and swung her over his shoulder, like a sack of potatoes. Eve couldn't see a thing the blanket was blocking her view and she was helplessly hanging upside down. Owen quickly walked out of the room and down a hall, made a few turns here and there. Opened more doors and finally stopped. He gently moved Eve off his shoulders and onto something soft. Eve moved the blanket from her face and looked around.
She was no longer in a cold furnace like room but a modest looking bedroom. There were a few motorcycle posters on the walls, a shelf with a couple of books, two doors, a desk, a small closet and of course the small bed she was laying on. "Owen, where am I?" She asked softly. Owen"s body flinched when he heard his name and slowly turned around to look at her. "My room..." Eve looked at Owen's blushing face and made a small "Oh." sound. Owen brought his hand behind his head and started to rub it as he dropped his gaze. "I have a small bathroom to the left, your welcome to use it... this is the main door... I wouldn't recommend you leaving my room or you will find yourself in the same situation...."
Eve hugged the blanket and shook her head. "I'll be good, I will not leave I promise." Owen dropped his and and peeked at her from under his eyelashes. "Good... lock the door after I leave... I have a key but I will knock three times then two so you know it's me.... if I don't knock hide." Eve started to relax and Owen grabbed a small rag. He looked at the rag then her face before he disappeared into the bathroom. She could hear the water running so she decided to get out of the bed and fix up her clothes. Owen came back, extended his hand with the wet rag. "For your face." He said as he averted his gaze. Eve gingerly took the rag as her fingertips brushed his hand. "Thank you."
Owen rubbed the back of his head again and then walked over to the closet. He pulled out a grey hoodie and a pair of black shorts. He put them on the bed and turned around. "Take your time freshening up... I am going to talk to my brother... I don't think I can get you another plate of food but you are safe here so lock the door and remember three knocks then two." He said before he left the room. Eve rushed towards the door and locked the door and deadbolt.
She pressed her forehead against the door and silently counted to 60 before she felt safe enough to strip off her clothes. She looked around and found a towel and walked into the bathroom. It was a small room with a sink, mirror, toilet and shower head with extendable hose. She turned on the shower on and placed the towel on top of the sink. She sat on top of the toilet seat, looked around. She found a small bar of soap and then grabbed the showerhead from its clip. To her surprise it only had one temperature, freezing cold. She quickly finished up, dried herself off and put on the clothes that Owen left for her.
She patiently waited for Owen to come back but found that her body couldn't stop shivering, she pulled the hood up, wrapped herself up in the blanket and laid down on the bed. It was long after that that she heard Owen's knocking. She sprang up and opened the door. She gasped as she watched Owen walk into the room with a bloody lip and black eye. "I'm sorry I took so long but here is some food." Eve grabbed the tray and placed it on the desk, she grabbed the rag she used before and rushed to the bathroom. She came back, made Owen sit on the bed and started blotting is wounds with the damp rag.
"Why are you so hurt?" She asked as her eyes teared up a bit. "Princess, this is not necessary." Eve's heart felt like it shattered when she heard him call her princess. She swallowed back a whimper, she dropped the rag and hugged him. "Eve." Owen was momentarily stunned and became stiff as she embraced him. "I'm sorry?" Eve tightened her embrace and brought her lips next to his ear. "Eve... please don't call me princess, Zoran did and I don't like it. So call me by my name, Eve." Owen didn't know what to do, so he let his body act on its own. He slowly brought his arms up and wrapped them around her small body. "Eve." He said in a low voice that sent a pleasurable chill through her body.
Owen couldn't explain what he was feeling but he knew he needed to move Eve off of him. As he gently parted from her, fear completely took over. Eve was limp, her eyes were closed and she seemed to be panting erratically. He didn't know what to do and scooped her up in his arms, rushing out of his room while she laid securely in the princess carry.
Eve couldn't stop shaking after she was tied up and tossed into the backseat of the black BMW. She could see that her kidnappers were sitting up at the front while behind her was the shocking scene of the car crash. A body had gone through the windshield and was sprawled onto the hood of the black car while her own teal Camry was steaming on the side of the road by a lap post.
"The princess is secured we are on our way to the first checkpoint." The husky voice said and Eve quickly turned her head towards the man. She had been kidnapped before and knew asking questions would lead to her being gagged so instead she quietly studied her surroundings. "Sorry princess we can't have you figuring out where you are." The husky voice said as he turned to face Eve, he pulled out a weird cylinder object and started spraying her face. Eve pulled her face away but it was too late. Her eyelids started to get heavy and her vision started blur and to get darker.
When Eve woke up again she was sitting on a cold floor, of what looked like furnace room, both hands were cuffed to a pipe. She sighed as she looked at her cliche surroundings and turned her gaze quickly towards the person who was starring at her intensely. Her heart skipped a beat as she looked at a the man who pulled her out of her car. He had golden brown hair, amber coloured eyes, a strong jaw and nose. He walked up to Eve and placed a hand under her chin and moved her face around. After he was satisfied her let her go and unscrewed the cap on a bottle of water. "Drink."
Eve moved her head to the side, letting her body tremble a bit. "Why should I? If I'm feed or have my thirst quenched, it means I have to use the bathroom..." The man grabbed her chin with force and made her face him. He put the bottle to her lips and tilted the bottle upwards to make her drink. Water spilled over her sealed lips and down her white blouse. "Sh*t!" He shouted as he pulled away slightly, blushing slightly as he moved to take off his buttoned shirt. He looked at her awkwardly and tried to cover her properly but the handcuffs were in the way. He gave up and placed the back of his shirt over her front and buttoned the collar around her neck.
Eve blushed at his blushing face and because of his well toned body. Even though he was only wearing a sleeveless shirt now, it didn't stop her from watching his tight muscles slightly move as he secured his shirt around her. She swallowed back her saliva and thought she might as well give it a shot. "Last kidnappers were sadistic... they would act nice, give me water and food and then torture me while I tried to hold in my bodily fluids.... I'm scared. I don't want to have that happen again."
The young man who looked like he was in his 20's stopped moving for a second. Then faced her with an unwavering gaze. "I will not let them do that to you." Eve let out a sigh of relief then started trembling again. "It's not drugged is it?" The man grabbed the bottle and drank half of the contents and sat in front of her. After a few moments her pressed the bottle against her lips. "No." He said in a low voice and Eve obediently started drinking the water. He watched as she took her last drops of water and moved the bottle away. He then placed a thumb over her slightly pouted lips and wiped away the excess moisture.
Eve could feel her lips blazing from the heat of his thumb and she looked up into his eyes. "Are you not afraid of me?" He whispered. "No." Eve said honestly and the man moved his hand away. He got up and and walked away from her. She could hear a door creak open and close and she was left all alone in the room. Eve let out a small laugh as she made a half heart attempt to break free from the handcuffs. "Happy birthday to me." She whimpered as she laid her head against the pipe and allowed silent tears to roll down her face.
The door opened again and she lifted her face to look at who came, it was the man again and he had a blanket in his hand. "Is that for me?" She asked shyly but the man seemed to be in a daze. He shook his head as if clearing his thoughts before wrapping the blanket around her. "Sleep, you are going to be here for a while." Eve instantly felt fear run through her veins and paled. The man looked worried and sat down beside her. "I have been assigned to watch you by big brother. I won't do anything to you and will make sure to protect you, so sleep, it will be over before you know it."
Eve leaned her head against the pipe again and cried herself to sleep, while the man kept his word and sat beside her silently watching and listening to her. She woke up and saw that she was still in the damp, poorly light room, handcuffed to a pipe. Beside her was the man, soundlessly sleeping. She couldn't help but admire his face, his lips were slightly plump, not sexy but alluring, making her want to test their softness. His eyes were almond shaped and had the longest eyelashes she had ever seen. They had a natural curl that any woman would kill for. His skin was slightly tanned but it had a bit of a peach colour to it, he must have been used to working out in the sun but used sunblock to make sure he didn't burn.
When he started to stir, Eve quickly looked away as she blushed from her own embarrassment. She knew better then to stare at her captor but she needed all his details when she filed her police report. "Are you awake?" He said in a groggy voice that made her heart thump hard against her chest. "Mmh." She answered and felt his hand on her face again. He gently brought her gaze towards his and starred. Eve could feel herself melting under his touch and gaze. "Your hungry right I will get you some food. After you eat I will take you to the bathroom." He said as he released her face. "I will be back soon." He said as he got up and left the room.
Eve silently sat in the room, straining her ears as she patiently waited for the man to return. When she heard the creaking of the door as it opened, her eyes lit up with anticipation. Unfortunately who walked in wasn't the man who was with her before. The new man was the same height as the other but his was less built, he had slicked back burgundy hair, deep purple eyes and a crooked smile that sent chills down her whole body. "I see Owen has been keeping you company. Didn't think your type would make him want to spend the whole night with but I guess you have some sort of techniques that could make a stiff like him melt."
Eve tried to push herself against the wall as warning bells went off in her head. The man licked his lips and started to undo his belt and pants. "Let me have a taste princess, I can guarantee you that I can rock your world better then that virgin oh excuse me ex-virgin Owen." He quickly grabbed her ankles and pulled her towards him. Eve started screaming her protests but the man was bigger and stronger then her. He pinned her legs she tired to kick his groin. "Your a naughty little princess aren't you?" He said as he then moved his right hand up her bare leg and slipped it under her skirt.
Eve tried to fight his attempts to pull down her panties and decided to open her legs wider to make it harder to pull down. "Stop struggling or I won't be so gentle." He said as he gave up pulling her panties off and just ripped them instead. "Please no! Stop! Please I'm begging you!"
The man pushed up her skirt and grabbed her waist. She started to jerk her body around when she saw his erected member. He grabbed her by the waist, positioned himself right underneath her entrance and she screamed even louder. He started to get frustrated because she moved her opening all over the place. He let her go and sat on her chest. He started slapped her face a few times to show his dominance but Eve didn't give up her fight. "You stupid b*tch! I will have my way with you!" He screamed as he kept hitting her. Tears stained her swollen face and she lost all her energy when he he got off of her and kicked her in the gut. "Finally! Now I can have my fu-ahhh!" He screamed.
Eve looked up and saw Owen standing with his back facing her as he wrapped his hands around the man's neck. "Zoran, what the f*ck do you think you were doing?!" Eve couldn't see Zoran's face but she could hear his attempts to gasp for air. Owen the whipped Zoran's body against the wall causing Zoran to spit up blood. "O-owen, buddy I was trying to just get a taste. Only a little taste, I mean look at her! A princess like her has no idea what suffering is! So why not cause her a little harm? She deserves it! Her whole family deserve to suffer!" Zoran said as he lifted him self up of the ground then started laughing hysterically.
Owen punched the area right next to Zoran's face, making an indent into the concrete. "We listen to my big brother and follow the plan. She was not to get hurt or treated inhumanely, that was the deal." Zoran wiped the blood from his mouth and directly looked Owen in the eyes. "Right, handcuffing her to a pipe all day is humane." He said with a smirk. Then pushed Owen away, he looked back at Eve and walked out of the room. Owen hit the wall again and turned to looked at Eve. His eyes showed so much hurt and resentment that Eve had no idea what to say.
"I'm sorry." He said as he reached into his pant pocket, pulled out a key and undid her handcuffs. He took the blanket and covered her whole body. He easily picked her up and swung her over his shoulder, like a sack of potatoes. Eve couldn't see a thing the blanket was blocking her view and she was helplessly hanging upside down. Owen quickly walked out of the room and down a hall, made a few turns here and there. Opened more doors and finally stopped. He gently moved Eve off his shoulders and onto something soft. Eve moved the blanket from her face and looked around.
She was no longer in a cold furnace like room but a modest looking bedroom. There were a few motorcycle posters on the walls, a shelf with a couple of books, two doors, a desk, a small closet and of course the small bed she was laying on. "Owen, where am I?" She asked softly. Owen"s body flinched when he heard his name and slowly turned around to look at her. "My room..." Eve looked at Owen's blushing face and made a small "Oh." sound. Owen brought his hand behind his head and started to rub it as he dropped his gaze. "I have a small bathroom to the left, your welcome to use it... this is the main door... I wouldn't recommend you leaving my room or you will find yourself in the same situation...."
Eve hugged the blanket and shook her head. "I'll be good, I will not leave I promise." Owen dropped his and and peeked at her from under his eyelashes. "Good... lock the door after I leave... I have a key but I will knock three times then two so you know it's me.... if I don't knock hide." Eve started to relax and Owen grabbed a small rag. He looked at the rag then her face before he disappeared into the bathroom. She could hear the water running so she decided to get out of the bed and fix up her clothes. Owen came back, extended his hand with the wet rag. "For your face." He said as he averted his gaze. Eve gingerly took the rag as her fingertips brushed his hand. "Thank you."
Owen rubbed the back of his head again and then walked over to the closet. He pulled out a grey hoodie and a pair of black shorts. He put them on the bed and turned around. "Take your time freshening up... I am going to talk to my brother... I don't think I can get you another plate of food but you are safe here so lock the door and remember three knocks then two." He said before he left the room. Eve rushed towards the door and locked the door and deadbolt.
She pressed her forehead against the door and silently counted to 60 before she felt safe enough to strip off her clothes. She looked around and found a towel and walked into the bathroom. It was a small room with a sink, mirror, toilet and shower head with extendable hose. She turned on the shower on and placed the towel on top of the sink. She sat on top of the toilet seat, looked around. She found a small bar of soap and then grabbed the showerhead from its clip. To her surprise it only had one temperature, freezing cold. She quickly finished up, dried herself off and put on the clothes that Owen left for her.
She patiently waited for Owen to come back but found that her body couldn't stop shivering, she pulled the hood up, wrapped herself up in the blanket and laid down on the bed. It was long after that that she heard Owen's knocking. She sprang up and opened the door. She gasped as she watched Owen walk into the room with a bloody lip and black eye. "I'm sorry I took so long but here is some food." Eve grabbed the tray and placed it on the desk, she grabbed the rag she used before and rushed to the bathroom. She came back, made Owen sit on the bed and started blotting is wounds with the damp rag.
"Why are you so hurt?" She asked as her eyes teared up a bit. "Princess, this is not necessary." Eve's heart felt like it shattered when she heard him call her princess. She swallowed back a whimper, she dropped the rag and hugged him. "Eve." Owen was momentarily stunned and became stiff as she embraced him. "I'm sorry?" Eve tightened her embrace and brought her lips next to his ear. "Eve... please don't call me princess, Zoran did and I don't like it. So call me by my name, Eve." Owen didn't know what to do, so he let his body act on its own. He slowly brought his arms up and wrapped them around her small body. "Eve." He said in a low voice that sent a pleasurable chill through her body.
Owen couldn't explain what he was feeling but he knew he needed to move Eve off of him. As he gently parted from her, fear completely took over. Eve was limp, her eyes were closed and she seemed to be panting erratically. He didn't know what to do and scooped her up in his arms, rushing out of his room while she laid securely in the princess carry.
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