My Way To You

Chapter 391 - Jiro's Betrayal Part 1

"Do you wish not to pledge yourself to me?" The deep voice asked. Jiro pursed his lips as he stared at the opal. "Jiro..." A soft female voice called out. Jiro quickly turned to the direction of the voice. No one was there. "Jiro..." The voice called out again, this time it was a lot closer and clearer. "TU!" Jiro called out. He then remembered Tu's words. "... Pass the tests... do not fail or we all die...." 

Jiro scowled as he raised his chin to the light of the opal. He then took long strides towards it and raised his hands. He reached out and roughly grapsed the opal that was the size of Cuju ball. Surprisingly he felt a cool sesation run through his body. "What are you doing?!" The opal shouted in a mixture of a child like voice and deep baritone voice, overlapping eachother. 

Soon the cool sensation started to turn hot but Jiro held onto to the opal tightly. "J-i-r-o," Jiro stuttered with force. His face was starting to tense up and the blood drained from his face, the heat from the opal was suppressing his voice. "STOP!" The overlaping voice shouted. "You do not know what you are doing?!" It said in a panicked voice. "L-O," JIro tried to continue. "I searched your memories you do not know what you are getting yourself into!" The overlaping voice shouted.

"You are being tricked!" The overlaping voice yelled as a a wave of intensifying heat washed over his body. Jiro closed his eyes, the pain was unspeakably unbearable. Suddenly the heat stopped. Jiro oppened his eyes and looked around. He was no longer in front of the opal but floating above the palace. "You have no idea what's really happening." A child like voice said beside his ear. 

Jiro turned to his left and was face to face with a flaming, tiger cub. "Are you the opal?" Jiro asked in surprise. "Yes and no. I am Tora and I am a fire spirit!" Tora said proudly. "Tora?" Jiro asked. "That's right Tora! I am the fire spirit from the Heavenly Mountains." Tora replied. "The Heavenly Mountains?!" Jiro shouted in surprise. "But aren't you too small to be down in our realm?" Jiro then asked.

Tora flinched. "I, I-I, that's why I encased my soul! Don't you know that sleeping is the best way to grow?!" Tora said in a huff. "How long have you been sleeping then?" Jiro asked. "No idea. I only wake up when someone powerful is near me. I think the last time I woke up was a 100 years ago? Maybe." Tora said sheepishly. "Then princess Masao?" Jiro asked. "No idea who that is." Tora said with a small head shake.

"So you didn't lend your power to a once ancient Kingdom that fought against the men who invaded our lands from the East? Saving our people from slavery? Human trafficking? Ending a war that had lasted over 20 years?" Jiro asked. ".... N-o-o-o. When did this happen exactly?" Tora asked. "A 100 years ago!" Jiro shouted. Tora stared at Jiro then turned away. 

"We are here to make you understand what you are getting into, not to ask about my past." Tora said as he turned away from Jiro. "Wait what about fulfilling my desires?" Jiro asked. "Just follow me first then we'll talk." Tora said as he raced of towards the palace. "Wait how do I move?' Jiro asked as he tried to propel himself forward.

A small, firey whisp came slithering from Tora's body and ensnared Jiro around the waist. He was then dragged forward and was positioned right behind Tora. "Tu, do you have the plans for the expedition towards the maze canyons?" The Emperor asked as a room filled with men gazed upon him. "What sorcery is this?" Jiro asked in confusion. "This is one of my holy powers." Tora said smugly.

"But what is this?" Jiro asked again as he pointed to his doube sitting beside Tu. "Your memories." Tora replied nonchalantly. "My memories?" Jiro asked. "Yes... Sort of." Tora answered. "We're looking back at your memories but with a slight twist." Tora said as he moved his gaze to the meeting. "Let's fast forward a bit." Tora mumbled as the meeting suddenly sped up. 

Jiro watched in amazement as the people below him started to move at an alarming rate. "Here!" Tora shouted and the scene stopped right as everyone started to leave. "Jiro, I will see you later. I will talk with his Excellency over the plans." Tu said softly as she batted her long eyelashes. Jiro smiled then placed a sweet kiss on her forehead. "Wake me the moment you are done. It doesn't matter how late it is." Jiro said affectionatley before letting Tu go.

Tora then jumped infront of Tu the moment she turned away. Tu brought up her sleeve and scowled as she wiped the kiss away. Jiro was shocked. He had never seen Tu looked so disgusted in their entire relationship. "What trick are you playing?" Jiro growled. "I'm not playing any tricks." Tora pouted. "Then how do explain this?!" Jiro hissed as he pointed to Tu's face.

"... It get's worse." Tora said apologectically as he looked at Jiro with a pitiful face. "What nonsense!" Jiro shouted but Tora followed Tu. "Wait, where is she going?" Jiro asked as he looked around the halls. "This isn't the way to the war room." Jiro continued. "I know." Tora replied. "So you know where she's going?" Jiro asked. "I do." Tora replied courtly.  

"Then! Where is she going!" Jiro shouted in frustration. "I know... you know too... I looked at your memories. I know you know exactly where she's going." Tora replied pitifully. "Nonesense! I never followed her that night!" Jiro shouted. "No but you've walked these halls." Tora replied.

Tu brought up her fist and knocked on the door. "Come in." A familiar voice called out. "What are you doing?!" Jiro yelled in a panic. "Tu, please stop!" He continued. Tu walked in. Her scowl from earlier turned into a seductive smile. Her cheeks flushed as her eyes sparkled with something he had never seen before. "Tu." The familiar voice called out as a hand reached out and caressed her face. 

A small m.o.a.n escaped her lips as the man before her chuckled. "Tu." He said again as his lips descended down to her neck and his hands became busy with the task of undressing her. "Yaalon." She m.o.a.ned. "NO!" Jiro screamed.

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