My Way To You

Chapter 393 - Jiro' Betrayal Part 3

Jiro's face flushed, he clenched his jaw as his eyes burned with rage. "Lies!" He yelled while Yaalon averted his gaze from Tu. "Yaalon, you know this to be true. That prideful man will never accept another man's child as his own. He will kill me and your son the moment he finds out." Tu said sorrowfully as she gently placed her hand on Yaalon's face and coaxed him to look at her. Tears brimming her eyes as she begged with her whole being.

"Son?" Yaalon echoed pitifully. "NEVER! I would protect your son with my life!" Jiro shouted in his defense. "That's right Yaalon. Your son. I am four months along and have been faking my menses." Tu admitted. Jiro dropped to his knees. "Four months?" Jiro asked pitifully, looking at Tu with pain striken eyes.

"Four months... That was our first night." Yaalon said. Soon the doubt and confusion started to lift from his gaze and it was being replaced with joy. "That's right." Tu said happily. "Tu!" Yaalon cheered as he caught Tu with in his embrace. Tu giggled and moved her just a bit so that Yaalon could lay beside her. "Four months..." Jiro said as he turned to look at Tora. "That's right." Tora answered. 

"Same night you confessed your undying love to Tu and asked her to be your wife." Tora continued. "Of course it was!" Jiro laughed hysterically. "Jiro, pull yourself together. It's not over." Tora warned. "I don't care anymore just let me die." Jiro said as he looked at Tora with utter despair. "No. Not yet. There is no way I will let you kill yourself without knowing the whole truth." Tora said as he narrowed his gaze. "It hurts so much." Jiro whispered. "And it will get worse." Tora sighed.

"Tu, you can't go with the army tomorrow! You and our child will be in danger!" Yaalon said in a panic. "My love, I have a plan. I just need to know that you will take me as your wife." Tu said. "Of course! I will do anything you want as long as you and the child are safe." Yaalon replied with conviction. Jiro doubled over. His hands were now on the floor as his heart was stabbed again. 

"Thank you! Thank you my love!" Tu cried pitifully. Yaalon murmured sweet words as he brought Tu closer into his embrace. Jiro lost his strength and with great difficuty he urged his body to sit and face the two lovers. "Yaalon, I will be doing horrible things to those men and Jiro. No matter what will you always look at me the same?" Tu asked after she calmed down. "You will always be my beloved Tu, no matter what happens." Yaalon replied. 

"Then how will you explain the baby to the Council?" Tu asked with a worried tone. "Go forward with your plan to sacrifice Jiro. We will tell everyone that you're carrying his child and I will honour his memory by raising the child as if he was my own. Then take you as my wife so that the chlld wil be raised with loving parents." Yaalon explained.

"Tora this must be a lie! How do you know all this information if this is coming from my memories!" Jiro growled as he found his strength and glared at Tora. "You will see when we are done here." Tora replied flatly. "Yaalon! You will be putting our child at risk if you do something like that!" Tu protested.

"Tu, I can not allow people to know that this is my child! Think of what wil happen to my uncle's reputation?! Especially when the army comes back... Tu, I am already betraying him enough as it is. Is it so bad that people believe that our son is his? I need to honour him some how." Yaalon said pitifully. "Honour him differently! If you do this there will be a lot of people who will be afraid of, maybe even curse me and you especialy when they are faced with the army when they come back!" Tu yelled.

"They will no longer be the men and women that was loved by their families. Maybe even one day those men and women will resent the throne for cursing them with immortality and power. They will have to watch their loved ones die while they live forever. It's better that they believe that the man that made them that way, the man that sacrificed his life for the Nation was the cause." Tu continued.

"We will have to have another child right away so that those men and women feel pity for our family. That we have mericiful hearts and we will announce that our second child be the heir to the throne. We will take repsonsibility for Jiro's actions and have our first son become a scholar. He will bring those cursed men and women hope by devoting himself to finding a cure for their curse and then we can restore balance." Yaalon explained.

"Tu, I will not allow anyone to harm either of our children ever." Yaalon continued. Tu nodded her head. "Yes, yes that makes sense. Make the world believe that Jiro is at fault and that his child is the solution. No one will allow any harm to happen to the child and everyone will favour the throne for raising and shelltering their saviour! Yaalon I knew you were brilliant!" Tu cheered.

Jiro's face paled he coudn't believe what he was hearing. "Tu but you must tell me that you will be safe in the maze canyons." Yaalon said as he slowly started to get out of bed. Jiro tried to get up from the ground but Yaalon was faster and walked right through him. "You're just witnessing what already happened. You can't interfere even if you want too." Tora explained as Jiro's face changed from confusion to understanding.

"Yaalon, I swear I will be alright. I will play on Jiro's sense of righteousness and direct him towards the opal. The walls move in a particular pattern at hour intervals but there is a trick to see which path you should take. It's small and I'm sure I will spot the symbol right away, once I walk the path of the tiger I will head to the safe zone. Once Jiro arrives I will stick to the shadows and make sure that he follows my instructions." Tu said with a dark smile.

"What insructions Tu?" Yaalon asked.

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