My Way To You

Chapter 419 - Barrier

'Are you sure about this? You just left Edlyn and,' Davita started to ask but Ariana silenced her with a cold glare. "What I do from now on is not your concern." Ariana replied before she picked up her pace. 'Ariana!" Rahul hissed. Ariana ignored Rahul and kept walking. 'This is wrong! You can't expect us to just follow you blindly!" Aroha shouted as she flew in front of Ariana's face. 

"Haven't you though? The only difference now is I am focused on doing what I need to do." Ariana said as she brushed aside Aroha. 'Can you just stop for a second and tell us what happened?' Duko asked. "... There is no time. Gautum is not willing to help me and I need to get to his office now." Ariana said. 'What? His office?' Duko asked. "I don't have time, I need to move." Ariana said coldly.

Duko changed in a flash. 'Hop on then.' He said. Ariana stopped walking and looked down at Loralei in her arms. Loralei still looked peaceful, so with out further hesitation Ariana jumped onto Duko's back and they raced off to the Academy.

Ariana jumped down from Duko's back the moment they reached the entrance of the drop off area. She looked down at Loralei and then placed her on Duko's back. She then walked up to the entrance and stared. "Is there really a barrier up?" Ariana asked. 'We don't know. The only one who would know is Loralei.' Aroha replied. "Sh*t." Ariana said under her breath. She then started to look around her feet and spotted a small rock.

She picked up the rock and tested the weight in her hand. When she was satisfied with the rock she pulled her arm back and flung the rock into the Academy's grounds. It flew through without interference and landed on the other side with a soft tumble. "I don't like it." Ariana said as she narrowed her gaze. She then walked up to the entrance and raised her hand to see if anything stopped it.

"Oye! I wouldn't go any further if I were you." A familiar voice called out. Ariana stopped walking and turned her head towards the voice. "So there is a barrier up." Ariana said nonchalantly. "Aye. Try to walk through it, you'll be sleeping for a few days with a slightly charred body... but more importantly I want to know how you got on the other side." The voice said. Ariana let out a small chuckle, as if she was amused with her situation. "Murray are you going to help me get in or not." Ariana asked in a loud voice. A few bushes started t o move and Murray jumped upwards.

"You know I will always be willing to help ya out but...." Murray said as he looked back at his family. "Ya know that we have ta report back to the Head." Martha shouted in her shrill voice. "I don't care." Ariana replied causing the bush folk to look at her with wide eyes. "Oye... what happened to you?" Murray asked.

"Yes, something seems off." Gus chimed in. "No, not off but missing." Bertha hummed. "I have something I must do and can't be held up." Ariana replied flatly. "Where's that heart of yours?" Ivan asked after everyone had gone awkwardly silent. "Yes! That's it! Where did your heart go?" Murray asked as he pointed at Ariana.

Ariana flinched and she could feel her Lumas staring wholes into her back. "I killed it." Ariana replied. "WHAT?!" Martha shrieked. "Now that can't be right...." Gus replied. "Yes ya might be right..." Murray mumbled. Tiny moved up and shook Murray's body. "Tiny?" Murray called out and Tiny pointed towards his eyes. Murray nodded with his whole body then walked towards Ariana. He stopped a few feet away and looked up. He stared into Ariana's eyes with his own beady, black eyes. "No, it's still there." He whispered causing Ariana to avert her gaze.

"If ya keep acting the way ya are, eventually ya'll kill the little light yous got left." Murray warned. "I don't need it." Ariana said through gritted teeth. "Little one... If ya promise to not kill that light we'll let ya in and not tell the Headmaster what you're up to." Murray said causing Ariana to turn and face him. "Why would you betray him?" Ariana asked as more of her life entered her eyes. "Ah, there it is." Murray said. Ariana dropped her gaze and half hugged herself.

"Let's sweeten the deal Murray! Why not help her too." Martha chimed in. "Yes, there must be a reason for those eyes." Gus said as he joined Murray. "I think it's a good idea." Ivan said as he, Tiny and Bertha walked up to Murray. "So we all agree, what do ya say little one? Will ya hold on to that light." Murray asked. Ariana hugged herself tighter and hesitated as she stared at her feet.

Suddenly a pink light entered her vision. She couldn't stop her body, she caught Vasu and held him against her chest. "Will you help me no matter what I do?" Ariana asked in a weak, shaky voice. "We swear." The bush folk said in unison while Tiny nodded furiously. Ariana brought up her hand and brushed away a tear that escaped. "I will try my best to keep holding on." Ariana said as she brought up her gaze.

"Oye, Murray! I like her answer, I like her answer. Do something and let her in." Martha shouted as she rushed forward and shook Murray, the force was so strong that leaves started to fall around him. "Oye Martha! How many ties have I told you to not make me go bald!" Murray shouted as he brushed off Martha's twig hands. "Well at least we don't have to decide who will be sacrificing their leaves." Gus said as he bent down and picked up the leaves.

He then walked up another foot and placed the leaves down, side by side and slid them forward. A massive crackling sound was heard and a pinkish purple light started to highlight a small opening. With each leaf the opening got bigger. "There, that should do it." Gus said as he stepped aside. Ariana took a deep breath in then took one step forward. Then she suddenly turned around and rushed up to Duko. She adjusted Vasu and then picked up Loralei.

She watched Duko revert back and then walked forward. "I did promise." Ariana mumbled as she walked up to the bush folk. "Aye you did." Murray said with a giant grin.

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