My Way To You

Chapter 423 - Power of Belief

'Is it magic?' Loralei asked. "Still wrong." The fireplace replied. Ariana dropped her gaze and started to think as fast as she could. "... hint." Ariana mumbled as she thought. "I could, if it's for Evangeline's blood relation." The fireplace hummed as he looked to the side. Ariana lifted her gaze and was shocked. "But you know that my soul is not really her daughter." Ariana said softly. "Who said anything about you being her daughter...." The fireplace replied.

The room started to shake violently that purple and pink fissures appeared on the walls. "Quickly now. You have a minute left." The fireplace said. "There's no way, there's no way that could be the answer... but if they were close... Eevee! It's Eevee!" Ariana shouted.

Suddenly the handle that was attached to the back of the fireplace shot forward. The green flames spread sideways while a drawer stopped right beside Ariana. "Tat it! Twittly!" The fireplace shouted with a muffled voice. Ariana had no time to inspect what was inside and just grabbed everything. The fireplace pulled back the drawer and smiled. "Best of luck." He said before everything blurred. Ariana and Loralei were tossed out of the office and into the air.

'We got you!' Duko shouted and he and Aroha caught someone. Ariana landed on Duko's back and mumbled some swear words. 'I can't hold them back any longer!' Davita shouted from the entrance of the classroom. "What's going on?!" Ariana shouted as she raised her head. The items pressed against her body as tightly as she could. "Good, you made it...." Bertha said with a light sigh.

A black shadow in a blurred shape held Bertha in bewteen it's jagged teeth. It was a rather large size shadow and it couldn't stay still, as if it was having a hard time staying stable in the plane it was standing in. "Bertha!" Ariana shouted. Bertha smiled as her leaves turned brown and crumbled away. "Don't worry, I wanted this." She said just as she crumbled completely away. "No!" Ariana cried. 'Retreat!' Duko ordered as Rahul and Vasu fought of the shadow beast in front of Davita's wind barrier.

'Where to?!' Loralei shouted. 'There is no windows, where can we run too?!' Loralei continued. 'Can you change?' Aroha asked. 'I think I can.' Loralei said. 'Then change!' Aroha shouted as she flung Loralei into the air. In an instant Loralei changed and floated in the middle of the room. 'Now what?!' Loralei said in a panic. 'Ahh!' Davita shouted as Vasu and Rahul were tossed at her. 'PORTAL! NOW!' Aroha commanded.

'I don't know if I can! I have only seen it once!' Loralei shouted in protest. The beasts started to place their claws on the door frame, trying to pull themselves in but Vasu got up and blocked them. His legs were shaking and he was breathing hard. "Loralei I believe in you!" Ariana shouted. Suddenly a light exploded within Loralei and she glowed with swirls of neon purple. The beasts shouted in pain as they were pushed back.

Loralei raised her webbed hand and a massive, purple magic circle appeared. "I did it." Loralei said as her purple skin slowly started to change into a peachy flesh colour, her hair changed to a soft yellow and more rainbow scales appeared on her purple tail. "Loralei..." Ariana gasped. The Lumas rushed towards Loralei and the beast stayed at bay. Snapping their jaws and growling in disdain.

That was when Ariana caught sight of them. Her Lumas, not all of them but four of them, they were all different from their original forms. Loralei waved her webbed hand again and the magic circle swallowed them whole in a blinding light as howls of pain was heard from the hallway. Ariana closed her eyes and hugged her stolen goods against her body.

When Ariana opened her eyes and saw she was in the realm of darkness. Ariana looked around and saw so many different places that were all linked to the Academy grounds. The Lumas changed back into their chibi forms while Loralei swam around in delight in her new form. "I did it! I did it! I! Did! It!" Loralei sang beautifully. "Loralei I'm so confused and proud of you at the same time." Ariana said. "So am I!" Loralei replied back.

'So where do we go now?' Duko asked as he looked at Ariana. "I don't know." Ariana replied. 'Is it okay to ask you questions again?' Davita asked. "Davita... I'm so sorry. Yes please don't listen to past me... I was just so mad and scared I now know better... At least I think so, M-Murray, M-Martha, I-Ivan, G-Gus, T-Tiny and B-B-B, sob, Bertha gave their lives so I wouldn't give up on myself. I can't believe that I can do this on my own." Ariana said as she choked on some tears.

Davita flapped her wings in excitement and rushed to Ariana. 'I didn't like confused you.' Davita admitted as she curled around Ariana's neck and brushed back Ariana's tears with the tip of her tail. "But I can't involve my friends. Ingemar," Ariana started when she felt a rush of power slowly approach her. "Who's there?" She asked out into the dark realm. "Sorry, we should have called out to you." Adelram said apologetically.

"So good to see you again." Duana said happily. "We didn't think you would be able to do it." Blamore said with a sigh of relief. "You never know how to do anything without being showy!" Claec shouted bitterly. "Don't listen to him, he was the most worried about you." Hadria said as she rushed forward to greet Ariana. "How did you know I was here?" Ariana asked in surprise.

"You called us." Adelram said as he pointed to Ariana. "No, I didn't... Not this time at least." Ariana replied. 'Ariana, I think they mean what's in your hand.' Davita said as she left Ariana's neck and floated to her hand. Ariana slightly turned her hand upwards and a tiny, lapis blue stone was stuck in between her ring and middle finger. 'What is that?" Davita asked.

"Didn't Gautum tell you about it?" Alderam asked as he eyed Ariana. "No... He refuses to teach me." Ariana admitted with a small head shake. "So how do you have this?!" Hadria said as she floated away from Ariana. "I stole it."

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