My Way To You

Chapter 428 - Black Tsunami

Ariana let out a small sigh and packed up her package. Leaving the package with Mrs. Dabney was not something she thought she couldn't do. She thought about how to get the package to Icarus as she made her way to the kitchen. She opened the window when she suddenly heard Mrs. Dabney scream. "Noooooo!" Mrs. Dabney shouted just as a wave of black sand swallowed up the house with Ariana still in it. "Sorry Roselyn but orders are orders." Kyrie laughed.

"How could you!" Mrs. Dabney cried. "Oh please. I'm doing you a favour." Kyrie said before he knocked out Mrs. Dabney. With black sand Kyrie lifted Mrs. Dabney's body into the air and walked away. The Dabney house was competely destroyed, rubble laid everywhere as glass shards were collected by the black sand as it slithered back to it's master. 

After the last of the sand left a set of feet rushed towards the remains of the house. "He's going to kill me." A voice said in a panic as he started to move bricks and pieces of wood aside. "Come on, you have to be okay." He said as he desperately searched. "Ugh." Ariana said as she tried to move but something was pinning her down. She looked up and was shocked. "XANDER?!" She shouted in surprise. Blood trickled down his forehead.

"I knew that idiot couldn't watch you properly." Xander said as he blocked rubble with his body. "Hold on I'll move." Ariana said but then she winced. She looked down and saw that her shin bone had snapped in half and was sticking outwards through her skin. "Xander, I'm sorry I can't move." Ariana said apologetically. "I can't either." Xander admitted as is arms started to shake. 

An idea entered her head and she looked up at Xander. "Xander you need to listen closely and don't argue." Ariana started. Xander sarcastically laughed. "I don't think I have much of a choice." He said as something flashed in his eyes. "You know the truth..." Ariana whispered. Xander's eyes widen as he stared at Ariana, they were so round and big that Ariana could see the splatters of bright gold, green and blue clearly in his brown eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about." Xander said in a low, threatening voice.

"Xander, you shouldn't fight it anymore." Ariana said as she looked into his eyes. She could see her own face refelected back at her. "I can't let it win." Xander whispered. "He is not someone who can take over, he's your very shadow from the realm of darkness. Xander he is you, just as you are him." Ariana said gently.

"You have no idea what you're talking about!" Xander spat. Ariana closed her eyes and smiled. "Yes, I do. Edlyn already read my letter and looked for you. You are here so you can drag me back to her but Xander I can't go back to Edlyn. If I do they will find out the truth about Edlyn and they will kill her." Ariana said as she opened her eyes. Xander paled as he stared down at Ariana. "Her soul is they real owner of this body." 

Xander's whole body shook with fear and anger. "You can't repeat this to anyone else. I'm telling you because you need to understand your role. I can see it, I don't know if you'll believe it but I think you being born they way you are, is so that you can protect her. You are her soulmate and the Goddess will never allow that child to be alone. She had to make sure that the person who is fated to be with her was someone who could save her. Xander accept your power, don't let it consume you and train hard. With Edlyn by your side I know the two of you will be invincible." Ariana explained.

"I found you!" Icarus shouted out in relief. He was drenched in sweat and dirt as both Ariana and Xander looked up at him. "Xander how did you get here?!" Icarus said in a surprised tone. "Charoite." Ariana called out and a black blob with a pinkish purple outline came up from the ground and moved Xander and her to a clear area. 

"Sure, right, of course you could have gotten yourselves out." Icarus said in between his heavy breathing. Then he paled. "Your leg." He said with an obvious gagging sound. Ariana looked down and sighed. "I can get this healed, I just need to set it back or else it will heal over badly." 

"Can you do it?" Xander asked as he sat down. "No I don't think so and I can't go to the nurse either." Ariana said pitifully. "I didn't see that coming." Icarus said as he pointed behind him. "What hppened?" Xander asked causing Icarus's jaw to drop. "You got to be kidding me! You came here out of no where and now you're asking me what happened?!" Icarus shouted. 

"Like I said you were with Edlyn and she already read the letter. How else would you explain your appearance at that time?" Ariana said as she looked at Xander. "I, I can't really remember." Xander said as he furrowed his brow. "Your shadow self took over but you were able to keep your human form. Xander you came from the ground and protected, well protected most of me." Ariana said with a shrug.

"Wait, what?! Shadow? As in dark elemntal magic? But Xander is a water user! How can he use dark magic?" Icarus shouted. "Is that really important right now?" Xander asked as Charoite appeared and snuggled up to Xander. "I guess... you're.. right." Icarus sighed in defeat. "Roselyn, I mean Mrs. Dabney, did you see what happen to her?" Ariana asked Icarus as she called back a reluctant Charoite. "Nurse Kyrie took her away and OH MY G*DDESS! Kyrie can use black sand!" Icarus shouted. 

"So he was the one who attacked everyone in the City." Ariana said as she dropped her gaze. "But why take Mrs. Dabney?" Xander said as he shifted and grabbed Ariana's leg. "She said the Rebellion desperately needs here." Ariana said absentmindedly that she didn't realize what Xander was doing. Then there was a loud snapping sound and Ariana's eyes rolled back.

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