My Way To You

Chapter 438 - On The Run Part 1

The big bellied man walked towards the stable. The light from the lamp swung back and forth as he walked forward. The light shone on his devious smile with every other step. Ariana snarled as she bared her fangs. Suddenly the horses rushed out causing the man to be knocked back. He yelled in distress as five horses galloped by. Ariana rushed forward along with the horses and made it past the man without being noticed.

'That was close.' Davita said as Ariana ran along the shadows. 'It's only going to get worse from here.' Duko said causing Ariana to stop moving. "What do you mean?" Ariana whispered. 'It's dark out but there are still a lot of people walking around.' Duko replied.

Ariana looked around the corner and her eyes widened in disbelief. "Are these people stupid?! Do they not realize that it's dangerous to be outside?! They were just being attacked earlier today, how can they act like nothing happened?!" Ariana asked in astonishment. 'Human nature.' Vasu said in a bored tone.

"Human nature my a**! They all have some sort of death wish!" Ariana hissed under her breath as she watched groups of people walk around like they had no cares in the world. 'They want to feel a little normal.' Aroha whispered sorrowfully. 'Ignorance is bliss.' Rahul sighed. 'So what do we do now?' Davita asked. Ariana looked around then looked up. She stared upwards for a moment then looked down to her claws.

"We climb." She said after much internal debate. 'Is that wise?' Rahul asked. "I have no other choice. There's too many people outside.' Ariana replied. 'Could you not blend into a group?' Duko asked. "With my size and tail sticking out? I will be spotted right away." Ariana said as she brought up her claw and tested it on the wall. "It looks like it'll work." She whispered as she started to climb upwards. 

'No flying.' Vasu warned. Ariana nodded her head as she picked up her speed. The last foot that was left to climb Ariana jumped upwards and landed on the roof with a heavy thud. "Crap!" Ariana hissed as she looked around, afraid that people would be coming up to inspect the loud noise. 'It was too loud!' Duko shouted. Ariana looked around and decided to just run towards the opposite building. 

'Are you just going to run blindly?!' Aroha shouted in a fl.u.s.ter. "What other choice do I have?! I can't fly!" Ariana yelled angrily. She was reaching the edge and with one effortless jump she landed on to the other roof with an even heavier thud. She looked down and groaned. She actually created a crater where she landed. "Uh.. crap, whatever." She said to herself as she started to run again.

'You're going to create a panic.' Rahul said with a loud laugh. "Good! Then these dumba**es will go back inside!" Ariana said as she continued her patterned, run, jump, land, destruction, there was nothing else she could do. 

Just as Rahul predicted, the moment she landed on the other rooftop people started to notice a dark figure. The groups of people down below started to panic while others grabbed whatever was closest to them. They needed weapons and were taking whatever they could get. Ariana kept running as she searched for a place to blend into when she spotted a small cl.u.s.ter of lights.

'This isn't good.' Duko said as Ariana clicked her tongue. Ariana unhooked her wings and spread them wide. 'No.' Vasu said sternly. Ariana ignored his warning and jumped into the air. "A beast!" Some screamed as they pointed upwards. Soon enough everyone was calling out towards her figure. Ariana looked back and sighed. "This would have been better if this was a moonless night/" She groaned.

It was too cliche, people started to light lamps and torches. Beast folk existed yet when they see one in the air they automatically assume a monster, worse a monster that would cause them harm. Ariana rolled her eyes and rose higher into the air. It was dark, she hoped that the night sky would provide more cover even though the thumbnail moon gave off some light.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #%!d(string=12021185405774505)/on-the-run-part-1_%!d(string=48701907996311407) for visiting.

Ariana flapped her wings harder and moved her posture upwards. The night air felt cold but refreshing as it whipped past her face. 'Watch out!' Rahul shouted. Ariana caught sight of a golden orange light from her peripheral. She stopped flapping her wings and plummeted downwards. She looked up as her hair was flying upwards. She caught sight of a net passing over head. A small chuckle escaped her lips and she moved her wings again. 

'Someone knows about you.' Davita said bitterly. 'Not just know, they have been watching but who?' Aroha said. "So flying is not a good idea." Ariana said softly as she looked around. 'Another one is coming!' Rahul shouted. Ariana clicked her tongue then moved her wings quickly. She quickly looked around and spotted the net flying inches beneath her. She lunged forward and flapped her wings quickly.

'What are you doing?!' Duko shouted as she started to fly closer and closer towards a building. "I don't know but I hope it works." Ariana admitted as she closed her wings. The momentum moved her body forward and she moved through the gap of two buildings with ease. When she made it to the other side she opened her wings and flapped quickly again. 'You're insane!' Aroha shouted. 

"Well I'm going to be doing it again." Ariana laughed as she speed up and she closed her wings again. 'It's a lower building!' Aroha yelled but Ariana just laughed. She knew that the situation was not one to laugh about she couldn't help but imagine the ones chasing her would be saying the same thing. "Don't worry I'm going to look for a tall building now." Ariana said happily. 

'Well thank you for taking my heart in consideration!' Aroha yelled sarcastically. "Well I can't keep flying in a straight line." Ariana chuckled. 'Look out!' Duko and Rahul shouted but it was too late. An electrical whip caught hold of her ankle and sent volts of electricity through her body. However it wasn't enough to make her pass out. Ariana flapped her wings and kept her body in the air. 

She looked around as she clenched her jaw. She spotted a woman down below. The electricity from the whip lit up her face and Ariana couldn't believe her eyes.

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