My Way To You

Chapter 454 - Tunnels Part 1

"Cayden I think we're far enough now." Ariana said as she slumped down on to the ground. "Get back up. We need to keep going. We have no idea how much time Charoite can give us and we don't want to push our luck anymore then what we have." Cayden said as he tried to pull Ariana back up to her feet.

"I know but I don't think I can take another step." Ariana said as she tried to prove her point. She tried to stand back up but her legs gave out under her weight and she fell back down. 

"Are the Lumas awake now? Can Loralei open a portal?" Cayden asked as he gave Ariana a remorseful look. Ariana raised her hand to her ears and touched the stones. She thought back to their escape. Andesine had given them a hint. The barrier sat on top of the earth and did not go beneath it.

If memory served her right the bunker was not too far off but digging was going to be a problem. Andesine could not melt rock but could melt the metal wall of the bunker. Celestite could dig of she spun the chakrams fast enough but how long could her power last? Charoite could act as their cover but then there was Howlite. "Little Howlite..." She mumbled to herself then it hit her. "I got a plan but I need all your help." Ariana said enthusiastically.

Howlite was the key, his very essence was an amplifier. If she could use him to amplify the other familiars so that they wouldn't run out of strength they could break through the ground, the walls of the bunker and make their escape through the secret tunnels.

If things went well and Howlite still had some power left she could try to wake up Vasu and then wake up the others. Ariana explained her plans and they went to work quickly. She knew Howlite was amazing but she didn't know how amazing he really was. He, Celestite and Andesine made a tunnel within a matter of minutes but there was a side effect. They were completely drained after being super charged.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #%!d(string=12021185405774505)/tunnels-part-1_%!d(string=51094698416195834) for visiting.

"Sleep, you did well." Ariana said as Celestite and Andesine disappeared. Howlite refused to leave he looked at Vasu and was ready to wake him up. "No Howlite, I need you to rest. Just in case we need you for a very important situation. I can't lose my ace." Ariana said gently. Howlite looked at the Lumas then Ariana. His eyes showed that he was eager to help but he wanted to be obedient.

Howlite let out a small hoot before disappearing. "What do we do now? We can't carry the Lumas without dropping one." Cayden said. "I know... Vasu?" Ariana called out. "Vasu, please just wake up a little. I need your help." Ariana continued. Vasu opened his eyes slowly but he looked awful. Ariana's eyes wavered. "Vasu is there a way to change you back into my earrings by myself?" Ariana asked.

"... No." Vasu replied. The air was tense, Ariana couldn't think of what to do. "... But if we get drained any further our instincts will kick in and we will do it without thought." Vasu said as he tried to get up. "Drained?" Ariana asked. Vasu stumbled forward and landed on top of Adonis. "Hey get up." Vasu said as he jabbed Adonis. "Adonis!" Vasu said louder as he jabbed him faster and harder with his tiny hoof.

Adonis opened his eyes and looked at Vasu. ".... So tired." Adonis whispered. "Get over it. Need you drain us so we change into stones." Vasu said but he refused to move off of Adonis's squishy body. "... No strength.... Can't." Adonis said as he tried to close his eyes again. Vasu slammed his hoof into Adonis's body. "Do it for Ariana." Vasu said.

Adonis opened his eyes and turned his body over. He raised a tentacle and gently stroked her face. "... I'll try." Adonis said as he moved his tentacle away and placed them on top of the Lumas. A small light started to glow from Adonis's body and a moment later the light from the Lumas's body went up his tentacles. "Finally." Vasu said as he closed his eyes.

Adonis's tentacles fell and the Lumas's bodies turned into pure light and returned to Ariana's ears. Ariana let out a sigh of relief. "Adonis, are you okay buddy?" Cayden asked as he gingerly picked up his body. "Yes and I have enough strength to help you out now." Adonis said happily. "Just change into a stone for now. I want you to take a good rest." Cayden said.

Adonis waited for no time to change. "Charoite, please stay here. Try to block their view as much as you can but if they find out we're gone come back to me immediately." Ariana said as she looked up. Charoite blushed happily, as if eager to participate in their plan. "Good, let's go." Cayden said as he grabbed Ariana's hand and jumped into the tunnel. 

Andesine, Celestite and Howlite made the tunnel large enough to walk through it. Ariana and Cayden walked in silence until the made it inside the bunker. "This is a bunker?!" Cayden shouted as he walked in. "Kinda, yes there are rooms, kitchen, bathrooms, armory and this is the arena." Ariana explained. "Your grandmother has too much money." Cayden said in awe.

"Wait armory?!" Cayden then shouted. "Ya, over there. We should pick up some weapons and then make our way to the secret tunnels." Ariana said as she grabbed Cayden's hand and rushed forward. Cayden's eyes practically popped out of his head when he saw the extent of the armory.

"Grab what you want." Ariana said as she let go of his hand and started to look around. She then spotted what she was looking for. She grabbed a leather belt with a large pouch attached to it. She then opened a drawer and started to load it up with different coloured balls.

Cayden grabbed twin, blood red daggers. They had intricate claw blades along the main blade and decorated with a beautiful silver dragon on the hilt. Its mouth laid on top of the blade and a small canal ran from the center until the tip of the blade. "This is sick." Cayden whispered as he admired the daggers.

Ariana turned around and screamed when she saw what Cayden was holding.

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