"Can we accommodate more than 40 people here?" He Yuesheng asked, on the way, there was a woman full of wine fumes who came over and pulled him into the banquet hall: "brother, can you do me a favor? My brother invited me to dinner, but the people who had three tables free didn't come. We didn't have enough money to pay for it. We want you to borrow some for me to fill the three tables with money! "

He Yuesheng looked curiously at the woman who asked for herself. She was wearing a tight black leather dress, her hair dyed blue, and her face was smeared with powder exaggeratively. But that face looked very delicate. If it wasn't painted like this, she would be a beautiful woman.

He looked at it and didn't know how to deal with it. At the moment, the woman asked again, "I'm Liu Yanyan. You help me solve this matter. I'll be my brother. If you have something to do, you can come to me at any time, OK?"

"Sister Liu! You are drunk, go back to the private room quickly, your brother is still waiting There are two tattooed men talking to Liu Yanyan in front of him. He Yuesheng feels that this man must be not simple. In addition, he is not short of money now. It's OK to sell personal love to his fiancee.

He Yuesheng checked the Internet and found that Liu Yanyan, a beautiful woman in Thailand and the United States, has more than 100 billion yuan in assets. Therefore, the only thing he has to do in his life is to spend money crazily. Now this is just what he wants. Of course, it also helps people kill two birds with one stone.

"Ah, why are you here? You are not the same as before. How much is the banquet?" He looked at Liu Yanyan.

"A table of 8800, but there is a discount, should be about 8000!" Liu Yanyan said excitedly.

He Yuesheng waved his hand and said, "you don't have to pay the original price according to the discount." Seeing Liu Yanyan again this time, he Yuesheng certainly has to show off first, but isn't she rich? How can I ask myself to take the money instead.

Hearing what he said, the waitress hurriedly came over and asked him to swipe his card. Unexpectedly, he Yuesheng did not hesitate to brush it directly.

The speed was faster than anyone else. The waitress did not dare to blink her eyes. Suddenly, her attitude became more gentle, and she cast an envious look at he Yuesheng.

At the moment, Liu Yanyan, who is beside he Yuesheng, is very grateful. However, she will go back to the banquet. She can only say to he Yuesheng: "please call me when you have something to do next time. This is my phone number. I'll go first!"

said Liu Yan smoke gave tiktok his WeChat and jitter, and he had long ago had no contact with him. He almost forgot Liu smoke.

After he recorded it, he suddenly heard a curse from the hotel lobby: "he Yuesheng, you've been there! Don't you know you've run away with regret

Hearing this sound, he Yuesheng left Liu Yanyan's banquet hall in a hurry. When he found him coming, he looked at him and exclaimed, "where did you go just now, Ho Yuesheng! I thought you escaped? "

"Didn't I go to book a table? The private rooms are ready. What are you worried about? " He Yuesheng just finished. Seeing him back, Du Yuting grabbed his shoulder again.

"Ha ha, I don't think you are the cheapest table in Siji teahouse. Otherwise, why do you go so long?" Zhao Jun, Zhao Hu and Tao Kan got up, and Liu Hu and Liu Chao, who was next to him, also scolded: "do you want us to come to Siji teahouse to eat these things for me? It's better to go back to the dining hall! "

"That's right. I'll say that you, Ho Yuesheng, have smoked so much money and pretended to be fierce. If I had known this, I would not have come!" Gao Qiang Zhang Wang also agreed. Later, more people in the class began to curse him. They all said that he Yuesheng was here to punish them. Su Yaxin and her two best friends were even more cynical.

However, President Zhou Ming and Chen Ming said at the moment: "it would be nice if he Yuesheng could invite us to eat the four seasons tea house. We should not always dislike this and that. It is the first time that I have come here to eat when I am so old! The cheapest table here costs 800! "

Many students are very excited to hear the price, but there are still some people with good family background who have more opinions on he Yuesheng.

Zhou Ming and Chen Ming is also a good family in his class. He once came to Siji teahouse and knew that the cheapest table in this place was not easy, so he knew it was not easy to come here.

"That's right. I feel like it's good already!" Du Yuting is now standing on the front line of he Yuesheng for the 200000 yuan. Everyone is sniffing at her. Zhao Jun and Zhao Hu even said: "if you eat with such poor people, you'd better forget it, or I'll go to the senior private room next to me to get some 2800 tables."

He wanted to take some people away to open other tables. Who knows that the waiter who received he Yuesheng just now came out and said respectfully to him: "little boss, we have already prepared the three tables of 8800 that you asked us to prepare just now. Do you want to go in on horseback?"

"What little boss, just a poor man, what? Did you say he opened a 8800 private room Zhao Jun and Zhao Hu looked at the waiter.

"Yes, the small boss has opened three small rooms for the rich. If you want to go in, you can do it now." The waiter said politely, and at the same time, he Yuesheng, who gave the money just now, looked into his eyes.Hearing the 8800 words, the students all exclaimed in succession. Zhao Jun and Zhao Hu were slightly surprised. He knew that 8800 was the rich class private room of the four seasons hotel.

This guy has only drawn so much money. Does he want to eat it in one day, but it's only 20000.

The three tables have already been checked for 20000 yuan. Zhao Jun and Zhao Hu are a little puzzled. The students nearby can't help crying. At this moment, Su Yaxin suddenly says: isn't this guy 20000?

"I don't know. I should have been so poor and crazy before. How can I deal with him tonight?" Zhao Jun and Zhao Hu scolded. Gao Qiang looked at him and said, "Hello! Are you crazy? How do you give that money tonight! Who told you to open a rich room! "

"It's the cheapest private room you've been talking about. I haven't said it all the time. Now let's go in!" He Yuesheng raised his feet very generously, showing a gentlemanly attitude. Du Yuting beside him was surprised, but at the same time he appreciated him more. Although it was short, it was not bad to be able to live with him for a few days.

He Yuesheng suddenly came over and said, "aren't you rich? Why don't we split the total consumption tonight? What about? Zhao Jun, Zhao Hu, you should have no problem being so rich? "

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