This is the feeling!

Everything is progressing smoothly, Luton look decent after changing into the tribal chief’s clothes and carries himself quite well, perhaps this is the reason why he used to be a tribe leader, he takes little effort to get used to his old trade!

Next step is to manipulate Luton, to control the small tribe.

In the middle of Red Clay Tribe, which is beside the giant stone goddess, is a wide platform constructed by carving.

On the platform, is an altar which is a few meter high, queer patterns are carved on the altar.

Every giant tribe have an altar each, no matter how small their tribe is, they will always construct an altar

From the context of a game, this a form of setting, from the perspective of giants, this is a form of religion. Hence, even though this tribe is small, the giant altar still maintained its dignified appearance! (Unlike the stone goddess statue)

With a crooked yet tall body, leopard skin clothing, a plumed helm on head, holding a old wooden tree branch, with a few tufts of grey beard, and a face full of wrinkles with a slightly vulgar look.

The one that appear before the crowd is the new tribal chief– The Great Luton!

“I am your new tribal chief.” Luton slowly raises his swollen eye bags, using his giant tree branch pointing the crowd of giants below the altar, with movements that carry lots of weights.

In the crowd of male giants, majority are males, only a few sparse female, from the tribal leader’s tent………

As one can well imagine, the male giants in this tribe must be laden with grief…….

The dull pain, such grief……..

Even though the new chief look old, no one has any idea how did he defeat the previous chief, not only that, the new tribal chief is also tied with layers and layers of metal chains, which look so awkward no matter how you look at it………..

However, those giants are after all lacking in intelligence, even with a crowd of giants they can’t understand why the new tribal chief has such an unusual interest…….

All the giants have no words of complaint, even those young giants who were playing crazily just now, with a face full of sincerity, kneel below the altar, saying in chorus, ” All hail, the great Luton!”

When the crowd of giants kowtow, Luton hurriedly face Reynold, shyly squeezing out a smile.

Damn it, I went too far with my acting, who knows whether master will hit me later!

Reynold stroke his chin, waving his hand, signalling for Luton to continue.

Seeing master’s signal, immediately regain his confidence! With a dignified tone, he shouted, “Stand up! My clansmen!”

Luton sweeps his eyes over at the crowd of giants with gaze like those of a mighty warrior (fake), however in other’s eyes, those smiling expression shown in his eyes is extremely vulgar………

Luton’s eyes stop on the body of a sturdy giant, “Alright! I’m about to begin!”

The sturdy giant can’t help but to shiver.

Begin? Begin what?

When a new giant takes up the position of tribal chief, he must carry out a prayer at the altar, to beg for god’s blessing.

Under normal circumstances, this type of praying ceremony is carried out by the new tribal chief and a [female giant] who was picked.

The sturdy giant trembles again, a terrible scene is suddenly conjured up by his retarded intelligence, in a dark night without moon, a certain male giant pulling another male giant squeezing into a mushroom tent……

Miserable screams and howls of grief, the next day, one of the male giants cover his butt, with an expression full of pain, this scene is already imprinted in the sturdy giant’s not spacious brain.

It can’t be that the new tribal leader is……….

Just when the sturdy giant is preparing to die rather than submitting, when his feet are retreating…….

On the altar, Luton suddenly chants with deep emotions………

“The great gods, please let your glory descend on earth, take pity on us your lowly believers!”

The chant with deep emotions linger in the forest, Luton lifts up the tree branch, spreading his arms and facing the sky, green lights float on Luton’s body…….

All those giants are dazed!

During prayers and what not, there has never been any symbolic occurrence! No one ever expected any miracle to happen!

But, from this strange green lights, this new tribal chief, seems to have triggered a miracle!

When the chant ended, Luton raise his head, fixing his eyes with concentration on the sky, “Thank you! Goddess!”

Before he even finish speaking, “Rumble!” the green light dissipate! A large crater is formed on the ground!

The green lights are made by little Chihiro, and of course, the crater too, which seems to be for making a more intense scene.

The scene that Reynold painstakingly thought out is finally completed, when the debris and dust in the air clear out, a beautiful female giant will appear in the middle of the altar!

She sits on the tall altar as a throne, a hand on her chin, with a lazy expression and an air of goddess grandeur.

This beautiful female giant is, of course, the Chihiro after disguise!

To make the appearance look more similar to the goddess that the giants worship, Reynold specially find a female giant with similar facial outline as the goddess, then after little Chihiro unskilled makeup techniques and dressing up, that female giant look exactly the same as the female goddess!

Little Chihiro then quickly use the [Disguise Potion] to look like the female giant!

The makeup is washed off female giant while little Chihiro retains the look of the goddess.

Of course, there is a reason why little Chihiro is proactively cooperating………..

Currently, Reynold’s wallet is not only dead in war, it’s soul is even going to be used to buy desserts for little Chihiro!

(Tl: poor guy…….. in various meanings)

Thinking up to here, Reynold sigh.

Below the altar, all the giants can’t help but to kneel and worship!

The giants worship the goddess of birth, the beautiful female giant in front of their eyes who suddenly descended have the same appearance as the goddess on the statue!

Not only the male giants, even the female giants also willingly kneel and worship, this kind of [Miracle] brought about an awesome effect and impact, since long ago the male desires have already been promoted to [Religion].

Looking at those giants who are repeatedly kneeling and worship, some are even moved to tears, Reynold sigh, this is such a touching scene!

As for the appearance of the damn goddess with the violent style of an explosion…….


Has totally been neglected by the giants with IQ of around 80!

Little Chihiro who is sitting on the altar as a throne, is showing a respectful face, but her mouth is speaking softly to Reynold who is riding on her back, “Woah, I’m not used to it, my chest is suddenly very heavy, and also, my butt, is also very heavy……..”

Reynold starts to laugh and said softly, “To con those retarded giants, is practically according to one’s wishes! Now it’s time for big baldy and me to appear!”

Reynold spent a herculean effort to persuade Beowulf not to act recklessly just now, now he can only hope that he will maintain a cool head.

Reynold raises his hand giving a signal to Luton.

Luton is standing beside the stone altar, seeing that Reynold have given a signal, he rub away the sweat on his forehead, luckily it’s to master’s satisfaction.

Next, is to follow the plan……….

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