My WeChat Tonglong Palace

Chapter Thirty Five

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Chen Yang ran again.

Wang Hui ran behind his ass, knowing nothing, just ran!

It is a happy thing to be able to have such a person who does not ask all the brothers, follows behind and runs without hesitation!

The prosperity of the city brings convenience.

Chen Yang plunged into the adult store.

"Chen Yang, stop for me!"

Wang Hui looked angry and said angrily: "Chen Yang, I didn't expect you to be such a person. Let Angel and Su Wan'er go. In your head, you are thinking of this kind of thing. You are too shameless!"

Chen Yang ignored it, walked in, his eyes lit up, and he found something good!

Kaka, pay!

Things that let men solve problems are caught in their hands.

"You, you are so shameless, I never thought that you are such a person!"

Wang Hui was speechless, and said with deep disgust, "You really make me sad, and I feel deeply nauseated! As a man, why are you so sordid? I feel nauseous to know someone like you."

"Ah!" With a blank face, the things in his hands have disappeared.

Wang Hui did not expect that Chen Yang would turn a blind eye to his teachings. It was too shameless and made people angry!

Chen Yang continued to tap the phone and quickly sent a red envelope.

Prime Minister Kame: "What is this!"

"Good things, guaranteed to be fun, you can study and play!"

On the other side, Prime Minister Turtle's grandson began to study and played with it seriously. On his blank face, there were all doubts, as if he didn't understand it!

"Boy, I think your bones are surprised, shouldn't you give me a red envelope?"

Prime Minister Turtle: "Good!"

Chen Yang was happier than anyone else when he saw the red envelope, so he opened it directly.

He immediately pointed it out, and a blue cloth bag appeared around his waist, which looked like an ancient money bag.Only in the cloth bag, without some words and patterns, it is a little mysterious.

Chen Yang quickly took off the purse and opened it. It was empty, nothing.

But he wasn't in a hurry, he had a good bag and everything.

To accumulate mana, consume mana, and slap the gods. In the future, there will be nothing, nothing will be missing.

"Wang Hui, let's go!"

Wang Hui, who was reprimanding Chen Yang, looked blank, watching Chen Yang start to run again.

He didn't understand at all, what was going on, the operation that night was really a bit speechless, he didn't understand what was going on!

If you have a bag of good deeds, you must accumulate good deeds!

The city is prosperous, with tall buildings, and people with wealth enjoy the delicacies of mountains and seas here.

But behind the prosperity, what is hidden is the most humble existence in this world.

In the huge city, there are quite a lot of people who want to find no food and no place to sleep.

There are almost all people under the overpass, subway station, etc., where there is a little shelter from the wind and rain, in order to survive!

Standing on the side of the bridge, Chen Yang had already seen more than a dozen people gathered around everything, chatting and eating!

The greatest pain of a person comes from greed. The more people you want, the more painful you become!The first Chinese website

"What are you doing here!" Wang Hui found that he was getting more and more confused about Chen Yang!Going crazy in the middle of the night Yes, running around, don't know why, just to come here, to see a group of people who have no place to live and have problems eating?

"Look at the sadness of life!"

Sadness was revealed in Chen Yang's words!

Sadness into the autumn, biting the bone!

Chen Yang and Wang Hui walked down.

Only by seeing the misery of this world will we understand how hard this world is.

"If I have wine today, I am drunk now, who knows where my soul will be next year."

"Do everything, obey the destiny, where is not desolate."

"Ask God, where is the dream head."


Unclothed, they still have a smile. It seems that they can eat a meal at this time. For them, it is already a joy!

"Can you give me something?"

The joyful them were broken by a voice.

They looked sideways, looking at the well-dressed people, but did not expect to eat their food.

"What's the matter with you! I drank too much, but still encountered some problems, I have a phone here, I can call your family!" A disheveled, dirty, stretched out his hand, covered with black stains, But the smile on his face is what makes people feel warm.

"No, I just have one meal."

Chen Yang walked over, facing the middle of the crowd, a dirty pot.

When people are humble, eating is a problem, and they still care about what is dirty or not.

People's arrogance is when they have it.

"Go away, are you sick? Look at what you are wearing. You say you are hungry, and you are talking to me! If you want to eat, you can give me the clothes and I will let you eat!"

Chen Yang and Wang Hui were ready to sit down.

And a person stopped them, this person is also dirty, just with a fierce look.

Others dare not speak, dare not speak aside.

"I still want to eat a meal, can't it?" Chen Yang was not excited, still with a smile on his mouth.

A tall man, obviously the oldest man among several people, he flicked his hair, walked up, sneered, and said grimly: "Okay, as long as you take off your clothes, you can eat! After all, our stuff, It's not for nothing."

"Brother Kui, forget it! They are only temporarily in trouble." One side was thin and obviously lacking nutrition, persuadingly said!

"You have an opinion." On the face called Ge Kui, with a sinister anger, turned to one side, the thin guy, kicked directly!

Cruel and ruthless, even in the most humble group of people, everything is happening!

Even though this group of people is a group of beggars, they are already extremely humble and hard, but they still fight and hurt each other!

"I advise you, it's better to stop, I just have to eat a meal and have no other ideas!"

Chen Yang was angry. He did not expect that among the beggars, such a thing would still exist.

It is ridiculous that they are already a group of humble and poor people, even hurting each other.

"Advise me, you are really interesting, tell you, now you are not as good as me, my fist, you can let you know that I am the king here!"

A beggar, domineering side, in the ranks of beggars, he is the king, can bully at will, can snatch other people's food, occupy more resources!

The struggle between people and the grabbing of interests will never stop.

"Very well, I really didn't expect that a beggar like you knows to bully people." Chen Yang said coldly.

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