My WeChat Tonglong Palace

Chapter 49: Extraordinary Good Fortune

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Chen Yang endured the burning of his soul.

This is the greatest suffering he has endured in his life.Under this kind of pain, he felt deeply, as if his body had been completely desperate.

For a moment, he felt that death seemed to be a relief to himself, but he would be very happy.

As soon as this thought appeared, the pain he endured immediately reduced a little.

It seems that as long as you die, you don't have to suffer this kind of pain.

At the critical moment, Brother Chen Yang pulled him out of the breath of death.

Death will indeed be liberated, and there will be no more pain, but everything is over, life no longer exists, everything is gone, he does not want to die, he does not want to die!

"I can't die, I can't die!"

Chen Yang warned himself bit by bit, the flames began to devour him more frantically, as if he was facing a beast.

"Is this?" He Bo's expression condensed.

The flame on Chen Yang is undergoing a strange change.

The flame burns, under normal circumstances, it should be burning towards the top.At this time, the flame on Chen Yang's body had undergone a very strange change, and it started to burn towards the inside of Chen Yang's body.

"What's wrong, what's wrong with Brother Chen Yang."

Wen Jing looked anxious, and she didn't care about the transparent He Bo in front of her.

"Don't panic, this is his own change, it won't affect him!" He Bo was also sweating coldly.

If it is because of him, killing a mortal, the sins on his body would be miserable, maybe it is possible to lose his identity as a god, this is no joke.

Why do many people worship and pray for God, but the gods rarely show their spirits, and they are not fulfilled immediately. The gods are not fools. They would rather be less meritorious than take risks.

In this world, the most terrifying thing is not ghosts, but people.

Because people are always changing and will show different appearances.

"I'll help him."

The blurred He Bo raised his hand, and instantly burst out a feeling of airiness.

The hair and beard fluttered in the wind, and flames spurted out.

"What are you going to do." Wen Jing couldn't accept it.

From He Bo's hand, a billowing flame was ejected, but towards Chen Yang.

It was Tai Sui Refining before, is it Chen Yang now?

Chen Yang himself had become a fire man, and He Bo added fuel and vinegar to make the flames burn more rapidly.

It is a kind of fortune that people are not burnt to ashes under such flames.

He didn't care about that much. He sprayed flames frantically. The feeling was that no matter how many flames he had, he would spray them out, using his most simple behavior to completely burn Chen Yang to ashes.


With a long and comfortable voice, Chen Yang felt his pain lessened.

Suffering from the pain of flames burning his body for a long time has almost brought him into a state of despair, the feeling that he is about to die, and the instantaneous coolness made him appear a little relaxed.

In an instant, he felt a chill in his body and mind, knowing he was going to die.

He has been tense, using his most tenacious spirit to overcome everything.

But the sudden slackness made him slack off everything, and the short slackness completely destroyed him!Read the book

For a moment, he felt that everything he had had been completely swallowed by the flame, and his soul could no longer fight the flame, and he was deeply desperate.

"No, I was unhelpful!" He Bo looked shocked.

He himself just wanted to help Chen Yang, but now that he saw the result, Chen Yang in front of him suffered even more terrible pain, and even truly experienced a kind of despair.


Wen Jing heard He Bo's words very clearly.

"What are you talking about, what happened to Brother Chen Yang?" Wen Jing was full of sadness and pain.

At first she was worried about Chen Yang, but later, seeing Chen Yang still be alive and kicking even after being burned by the flames, she felt a little relieved. Although she didn't know what was happening and what happened, she was at least safe.

Now, everything has really changed.

From this void, among the mysterious old people who appeared, they all said that Chen Yang is going to die, can he still be calm?

I really can't bear it anymore.

At this time, it seems that what we have to face is the real death, all of which is sad.

Experience a state of despair!

"it's okay no problem!"

He Bo, who said it was okay, with a smile on his face, and with a squeak, the figure in the void disappeared.

Then the video on the mobile phone also hangs up!

That's right, He Bo ran away, and he stabbed such a big basket. He didn't want to run away and wait for anything. He even wanted to wipe his traces. If this matter is pursued on his body, it would be a truly terrible thing. He would definitely be miserable, and it would be desperate to investigate it.

Wen Jing rushed to the phone and found the person whose video just hung up.

"You come back to me, what about Brother Chen Yang."

On the other side, Uncle He trembled, "Wait for me, now I will go to study the method."

Wen Jing continued to edit the text, and a red exclamation mark appeared.

He Bo directly blocked Chen Yang, and this He Bo had already planned to run away completely.

Sometimes, the gods are unreliable.

Wen Jing held the phone in her hand and looked at Chen Yang with tears in her eyes, "Brother Chen Yang, can you hear me?"

She knows very well that she can't do anything, but can she only look at it like this?

Seeing everything happen, and he can't do anything, for him, this is the most terrifying pain.

If you love someone, you naturally want to do everything for that person, but in reality, people are not omnipotent and can't do so many things. What they can do is only within their own power.

"No matter what, I want to save you."

On Wen Jing's face, there was a determination, as if he was ready to abandon everything.

Death is not such a terrible thing, and even brings a kind of relief.

Looking at the one you love and suffering are the most terrifying things.

Wen Jing stepped forward, opened her arms, and hugged Chen Yang.She is fearless. Even in the face of the raging flames, even if she is burned into ashes, what she has to do at this moment is quite simple. She would rather work with Chen Yang to turn everything into ashes and use all her skills.

"Brother Chen Yang, I can only accompany you to death." Wen Jing seemed to say the last words!

"You're crazy, isn't it good to be alive?"

Suddenly, the flames on Chen Yang's body converged in an instant, all disappeared, and he looked at Wen Jing angrily!

At this time, there was a golden light on his body, and there was an extraordinary charm.

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