My Weird Life

Vol 3 Chapter 1004: Tianli Dashen Fist (22)

  Su Wu stopped his fists and kicks, and stood on the spot.

  The people around did not make a sound, they were still immersed in his boxing technique just now, fascinated for a moment.

After waiting for a while, the elders of the Li family came back to their senses first, followed by Li Xiongbiao and his brothers, then Yang Daquan, and finally Li Heihu—they were clearly watching Su Wu practice boxing, but they couldn't understand Su Wu's boxing movements. Among them, each has his own comprehension.

  The later a person returns to God, the more he will undoubtedly understand.

   "I think this set of boxing is good—

  It seems that the Nuo God can be attracted without chanting mantras..." Li Xiongbiao spoke first.

   Li Xiongzhen followed suit and nodded.

  The elders of the Li family looked dazed. They also realized something, but what they realized was too little and unsystematic, so they couldn't express it in words.

Heihu said: "This boxing method... seems to have the embryonic form of the 'God Fist' you mentioned earlier, Zhuzi. It seems that the Nuo Gods it can attract are not limited to the ones we control, other Nuo Gods can also attracted."

   "Attracting other Nuo gods may not be a good thing.

  Using boxing to attract Nuo God is only the first step in this boxing.

  I was thinking about controlling the Nuo God with this boxing method so that it can be used by the boxer, instead of being attached by the Nuo God to the boxer, which in turn affects the behavior of the boxer. "Su Wu replied.

   "This boxing method already has the embryonic form of 'Shenquan'?" Li Bojiang asked Su Wu and Li Heihu with bright eyes.

   "Yes." The two nodded in agreement.

  Su Wu said again: "You have to incorporate more boxing techniques to completely evolve boxing techniques."

   "There are too many people who know boxing at the boxing meeting!

   You go there when the time comes, compete with them more, and steal more from them! "Li Bojiang immediately said, "I still say the same thing, although boxing techniques are passed down from family to family, but after you have mastered it and practiced it, you can also teach them a move and a half, and then you will be evened!" "


  At that time, my grandfather and I will go to the boxing meeting together. "In all kinds of boxing techniques, there are some traces of inspiration left by the founders. Collecting all kinds of inspirations can enter the realm of sympathy between heaven and man, and extract various charms from them. For Su Wu, learning boxing techniques is no longer a thing of the past. It's useless, Su Wu agreed to the matter, then turned to look at Li Heihu who was beside him, "Are you going? "

   "Go!" Li Heihu simply nodded in agreement.

   "When will the boxing session start?" Su Wu asked Li Boqing again.

   "The fifth day of next month.

   Today is twenty-six, almost a few days away. " Li Bojiang laughed, and said to Li Xiongbiao and his brothers, "When the time comes, Xiong Biao will stay at home and take care of the family. Xiong Biao will follow me and find a cart, and we will drive there.

   I have to go to Shanggu Town, which is a hundred and eighty miles away from here! "

  The two brothers Li Xiongbiao agreed to come down.

Several people chatted in the ancestral hall for a while, and Su Wu passed on the "Shenquan" he had initially deduced to Li Xiongbiao's two uncles, as well as Li Heihu-this kind of boxing method is not yet perfect, and ordinary people use it, just in case it will cause trouble. God cannot control it, but instead suffers from it. As for Li Xiongbiao and the other three, each of them has already mastered a Nuo mansion, using the 'Shenquan' will make it easier for them to control their respective Nuo gods, so they don't have such concerns.

   "This set of boxing is tentatively named 'Tianli Dashenquan'.

In the first form, I combined the 'Vajra Dance'. When using this first form, start with the 'Guangshan Seal' and end with this hand seal, which can attract the surrender of the 'Great King Kong Nuo God' .

   The first formula can be used with confidence.

From the second to the seventh forms, there are footwork such as Yu step and three-step praise, and Nuo dance are integrated into them. These forms are not clear about the gods, and may attract the prying eyes of many Nuo gods and temple gods, so I will not pass them on. Your specific "mantra" and "handprints" prevent the gods from descending, and you are not prepared enough to be manipulated by the gods.

  The eighth to nineteenth poses are the health-preserving moves for exercising the muscles and bones and nourishing the spirit.

  Although keeping in good health, it is necessary to introduce the "spirit" into the body, seal it in the top door, and use the power of the gods to force out one's own potential.

  These boxing moves are still in their infancy.

  Practice by yourself, just understand it slowly, don’t spread it to the outside, lest someone will not understand it, practice it indiscriminately, and harm yourself——When I really complete the evolution of this boxing method, it doesn’t matter if it spreads to the outside. "Su Wu exhorted loudly while practicing boxing moves with everyone.

  Li Xiongbiao and the others followed Su Wu to punch a few times, but they only memorized three or four of them.

Only Heihu has learned a lot and can memorize all the punches. Even so, he still has only a half-knowledge of the changes in punching power. It takes long-term practice and polishing to master it. If he wants to reach the level of Su Wu , it takes a lot more effort.

  Under such circumstances, they wanted to pass on boxing techniques to others, but they couldn't.

  After a few punches, everyone was steaming, moving their bodies in the yard and taking a rest.

   Li Bojiang and a few other elderly people sat under the steps in front of the main room, looking at the young adults in the yard, all with expressions of emotion and satisfaction—the family history hall of the Li family has not been so lively for a long time.

   At this moment, someone knocked on the door outside the yard.

  Heihu went to open the door.

A thin, sallow and thin woman entered the door with her head poking her head. She looked at the burly men standing in the yard, yelled "Ouch", and then giggled. While laughing, her eyes were on Li Xiongbiao. Li Xiongzhen and Li Xiongzhen swept back and forth on their sweaty bodies.

  Li Xiongzhen couldn't hold back on his face, so he kept his face stern and didn't look at him.

  Li Xiongbiao looked indifferent, and shouted at the woman: "Zhang's daughter-in-law!

  Why come to our Li Family Genealogy Hall?

  What about your man? What is Zhang Shanju up to these two days? "

"Busy to earn our family's food and drink, the year is not good, just eating and drinking for a day can consume a person's strength - my family, lying in bed, doesn't want to move, it's not like you, Uncle Li, you Li family Everyone is in good health..." The daughter-in-law of the Zhang family covered her mouth and smiled, as if there was something in her words.

  A married middle-aged woman always has no taboos in her words.

  Generally middle-aged men are difficult to parry.

  Li Xiongbiao only spoke a few words to him, but he was also defeated, scratched his head, and said, "What's the matter?"

Behind the few people, the old men sitting on the steps looked over calmly, making the daughter-in-law of the Zhang family terrified, and she didn't dare to make fun of Li Xiongbiao anymore, so she restrained her smile, straightened her expression, and looked at Li Heihu Su Wu, who was beside him, whispered: "Zizi is handsome, and he and your mother are like poured out of the same mold!

  —A few foreign Taoist priests came to your house and said that they were looking for you for something.

They want to meet with you—those foreigners have a good relationship with the government now, and they are very powerful, so they dare not offend easily—they also said that if you don’t go back, they will come to the family history hall to find you .

  Foreigners are angry, your grandma thought that they should not let them smoke the ancestors in the family history hall, so she asked me to ask you to go home. "

This daughter-in-law of the Zhang family was the one who came to Su Wu's house two days ago to chat with grandma and do needlework together. After she went back, grandma also told Su Wu that she came with the purpose of being a "matchmaker" of.

  Su Wu nodded calmly after hearing what Zhang's daughter-in-law said.

  Beside Li Heihu was a little nervous. He also knew some inside information and was worried that those foreign Taoist priests would do something unfavorable to grandma.

"no need to worry.

  I kept the means. Su Wu patted Li Heihu on the shoulder, turned to look at Zhang's daughter-in-law, and responded, "Then I'll go back, Aunt Zhang, thank you very much." "

   "Oh, thank you for what.

   Zhuzi is polite and polite, just like a scholar! "The daughter-in-law of the Zhang family smiled all over her face and praised Su Wu again.

  Su Wu said goodbye to several grandfathers, then left the family tree hall with Li Heihu and returned home.

The daughter-in-law of the Zhang family followed the two of them, and kept looking at Su Wu along the way. The more she looked at her, the more she felt satisfied. She was thinking about the matter that others asked her to ask, and maybe she could officially put it on the agenda, arrange a time, and call the two young people... 'Take a look.

  When Su Wu returned home, many villagers had already gathered outside his gatehouse to watch the excitement.

  Seeing Su Wu coming back, they greeted Su Wu while making way for Su Wu. Su Wu took Li Heihu and Zhang's daughter-in-law into the gate of his house, and saw two sturdy men with crosses on their chests standing in the aisle. teach.

  The two believers of the Great Qin Cult glanced at Su Wu and Li Heihu provocatively.

  Li Heihu also raised his head, stared at the two people, until he looked away from them, he snorted softly, turned around, and followed Su Wu into the yard.

  The three foreign Taoist priests of Daqin Sect were standing behind the entrance wall, talking warmly with grandma.

They turned their heads and saw Su Wu walking into the gatehouse, the smiles on their faces remained unchanged, and their eyes did not change—but their faces became strange at this moment, giving Su Wu a feeling that these foreign Taoist priests were not real people , Not the strange feeling of a living person!

  The foreign Taoist priest with brown and black hair in the lead bowed slightly to Su Wu with a smile, as a courtesy. His movements were rigid and standard—aggravating the weird feeling in Su Wu's heart.

  Su Wu nodded, greeted the grandma sitting next to her, and then told Li Heihu: "You take care of grandma."

   "Okay." Li Heihu nodded in agreement.

   "Let's go inside and talk." Su Wu raised his head and said to several foreign Taoist priests.

   "All follow the arrangement of the master."

  The brown-black-haired foreign Taoist priest had a smile on his mouth, and he spoke quite fluent Chinese, and his tone was a little bit more emphasis on the three words "master's family".

   A group of people lifted the curtain and filed into the main room.

   Before Su Wu could say hello, the two foreign Taoist priests walking at the end took the initiative to close the door of the main room.

The brown-black-haired foreign Taoist priest looked at all kinds of furnishings in the main room, and his eyes stayed on the urn behind Li Wenjuan's tablet on the altar table for a moment, "he" looked away, and sat on a chair by himself On, as if 'he' is the master here.

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