My Weird Life

Vol 3 Chapter 1026: Fateful hook (22)

“Perhaps we should discuss with Senior Wang Menglong and use the consciousness of Ma Xiangu left in ghost dreams to calculate the whereabouts of Ma Xiangu in the current time and space.

There are still more than a hundred years left before the great catastrophe in the late Qing Dynasty.

Li Heihu was only a young man of fifteen or sixteen years old. He had lived in this world for two hundred years. It was not until the end of his life that he was truly involved in the catastrophe of the late Qing Dynasty.

 But the ‘protagonist’ of that great catastrophe in the late Qing Dynasty was not the ‘Sanqingzhizhi’, but more likely the ‘Cross Tribulation’.

Therefore, the disaster of the "Three Pure Intestines" that Zhao Dao Master and Ma Xiangu encountered should not have occurred nearly two hundred years later, but many years before that, the "Three Pure Intestines" first revived, causing Zhao Dao The teacher and Ma Xiangu were linked to it with their tolerant eyes and hair.

 Therefore, there may not be any traces of Master Zhaodao and Ma Xiangu today. They may have been born separately in the world.

If we can use the residual consciousness of Ma Xiangu protected by Senior Wang to find the traces of Ma Xiangu in this world, then it will be easier to trace the traces of Master Zhaodao. "Thoughts were spinning in Su Wu's mind.

The terma paper in his hand and the several "scholar's diaries" that appeared earlier were more helpful for him to anchor the period of activities of "Zhao Daoshi" and "Ma Xiangu".

 That scholar had an encounter with Master Zhaodao.

Even witnessed the whole process of Zhao Daoshi using the "Golden Pheasant General" to suppress Yan Jui and then accommodate Yan Jui.

Su Wu remembered this very clearly. In the year 1712, the scholar went to the poisonous place in western Hunan and met the grass ghost woman, the Luo Cao girl and other folk magicians who used strange methods to control the evil spirits. I met Master Zhaodao from Tianwang Temple again. The date of his encounter with Master Zhaodao is unknown, but it must be before the date when he actually kills the 'Guilty Pi'.

 The dates of killing Guipi were in "1715" and "2034".

  Killed the sly at the same time on two different dates.

This scholar is likely to have some connection with Su Wu. He may even have obtained the Guipi-terma paper from Su Wu, and then returned the Guipi to Su Wu in a different way.

 So he was able to kill the ‘Sly Pi’ at the same time on two different dates.

  However, it is impossible for Zhaodaoshi to exist in two different dates at the same time. The date when scholars met him is more likely to be between 1712 and 1715.

 1712, the fifty-first year of Kangxi.

 1715, the fifty-fourth year of Kangxi.

 The Kangxi reign lasted for a total of sixty-one years and ended in the "sixty-first year of Kangxi".

 The next period is the forty-ninth year of Kangxi.

Su Wu conducted a "cause and effect investigation" on the "jade pendant with cause and effect" and obtained the intelligence information that Li Heihu had been active in various places since 1709 and gradually became famous.

Judging from this, it will only take another three to five years before the "Three Pure Intestines" will be revived somewhere.

Before the recovery of the 'Sanqing Zhichang', there was first the incident of 'Wanmugui' being suppressed and tolerated by Master Zhaodao. When was 'Fagui' tolerated by Ma Xiangu? It's not clear yet.

After Su Wu had calculated many fates, it was almost dusk.

Outside the hall, in the courtyard that had been quiet for a while, there was a sound of brisk footsteps, interspersed with Li Linghe's clear call: "Grandma! Grandma! I'm back!"

"You're back... Go and wash your hands quickly. The pot is already on the table. You can eat later!" Grandma's laughing voice rang out.

 “Where’s my brother?

 Can I play with my brother? "

“Oh, what a pity! That’s your brother, what can you do to play with him?


Go to the main room and take a look. You have been resting for such a long time. Should your brother be awake by now? If he doesn't wake up, wake him up! "

Grandma and Hehe’s conversation sounded outside the house door.

The two people's conversation paused for a moment, and then Su Wu saw the two hall doors slightly open, and a small figure leaned its upper body into the room. She raised her head and looked at Su Wu on the bed. Seeing Su Wu looking at him with a smile—


Hehe grinned, showing the upper row of teeth in his mouth.

 One of her front teeth has just fallen out, and a new one has not yet grown.

Su Wu also smiled at her and asked a few questions: "Did you have fun at Brother Heihu's house today? Did you see their hare?"

Before Hehe could answer him, his expression suddenly changed, and the green mist suddenly floated out from around him. In an instant, it spread across the hall, and Hehe, who had ducked half of his body, was brought into the mist!

The figures of Bai Ju and Hei Nuo are looming in the mist.

At the same time, the shrine hanging high behind the plaque on the gate of Su Wu's house also floated out clouds of mist, spreading in all directions. In an instant, it flooded the houses and courtyards of Su Wu and several surrounding neighbors!

“You go with the ‘Dog God’ and temporarily bring the whole village into the world of ghost dreams!” Su Wu looked at Lord Bai Ju next to him with a stern expression.

 Bai Ju nodded solemnly, and his figure instantly disappeared in the mist.

The green mist centered on Su Wu's house and expanded at an extremely rapid speed, dragging every house and every villager and pedestrian on the street into the mist. In just the blink of an eye, the mist had already covered half of the house. It spread throughout the village!

 After the mist rolled in, the houses and gardens that originally stood on the ground disappeared without a trace.

 Only a piece of white land is left!

At the same time that the green mist was flooding fiercely, at the end of the far sky, groups of dark, silky 'clouds' suddenly crossed the sky and penetrated towards the southwest!

Su Wu stood on a piece of white ground, feeling the cold and eerie charm seeping into the mist. He looked up at the clouds in the sky that were all made up of hair, mixed with streaks of snow as white as maggots and insect eggs. The corpses are all shapes and forms, with cold eyes!

 ‘Bewilderment’ was actually above his head and appeared right in front of his eyes!

 It seems to be showing signs of recovery!

It stretches across the sky and goes straight to the southwest—what is it pursuing? !

Or should we say that in the area it currently covers, are there ‘people’ whose fate is related to it? !

 The person whose fate is linked to him—

 Suddenly, Su Wu remembered something!

The jet-black hair stretched across the sky, forming a "black river".

The Black River continues to wind down a series of "tributaries". Those tributaries are entangled with individual figures, dragging them towards the sky. Those figures are all living people locked by the strange law of death and dragging them towards the sky!

The ghost dream world is still expanding here, and it is almost completely covering the entire Jinliu Village.

But it is so fast, but it is still difficult to compare with the weird killing speed!

Su Wu's figure flashed, and the next moment, he appeared with Hei Nuo in a thin foggy area in Jinliu Village. The fog had not completely dragged the place into the world of ghost dreams, and the houses here still remained in their original place. The ground is shadowy in the mist. Su Wu saw a woman pulling a cart filled with tables, chairs, benches and other items into a courtyard with an open door.

He frowned slightly, never expecting that under the influence of something strange, this woman from the Liu family could still move freely and was not affected for a moment!

—The identity of the woman pulling the cart has been identified by him. She is none other than Liu Feiyan, the daughter of the Liu family, who was rolling out noodles at the Liu family noodle stall this morning.

“It appears strangely, maybe because it was hidden somewhere around, but it happened to be revived at this moment.

But looking at the sky, those strands of hair suddenly traverse to the southwest from the distant unknown place - this situation is actually more like a strange situation. In fact, there are signs of recovery. The reason for complete recovery now is because it has the same destiny. The person you love has truly appeared!

 Could this person be Ma Xiangu? !

 However, Senior Wang Menglong also said before that Yingying is also involved in the fate of Wei.

Yingying also appeared in the current time and space due to an accident.

So, does the strange appearance without warning have something to do with her truly merging with someone's soul and coming to this time and space?

The person who fused her sexual soul..."

Su Wu looked at Liu Feiyan's back and followed him directly.

The uncertain mist silently surrounded Liu Feiyan, followed her to stay in the courtyard, and then followed her into the main room. In the main room, Liu Feiyan's parents and brothers were sitting upright at the dining table. The moment Liu Feiyan pushed open the door and entered, they all turned their heads and called to Liu Feiyan!

 “Daughter! Daughter!”

"elder sister!"

 They are already dead, with thick black hair wrapped around their necks!

But they died so hastily that their sexual desires still remained in the dead bodies. The moment they saw Liu Feiyan, the desire to survive among the three suddenly broke out, and each of them dragged their dark hair and pounced on Liu Feiyan. It's Liu Feiyan!

“Help me, help me, eldest sister—”

 “Die for me, die for me, daughter!”

“It takes a thousand days to raise a daughter, but it takes a while to use a daughter. Just now, my daughter!”

Her parents and brothers were extremely terrifying existences in Liu Feiyan's heart, leaving a heavy psychological shadow on her past life. Now, three family members who had become ghosts but not ghosts pounced on her at the same time, which made her even more worried. Trembling and fearful - her face turned pale, she even forgot to evade, and froze on the spot, just about to be caught by the entangled hair of the three people, and her life would be taken away in an instant -

Behind her in the green mist, Su Wu hesitated for a moment, and then suddenly appeared. Red and white fire blazed from his body. Arms grew out of his body, and he suddenly grasped the wisps. The clinging hair, red and white flames suddenly burned along the dark hair!


 Three dead corpses, after screaming in unison, completely turned into rotting corpses.

Hairs lit by fire dragged three corpses, overturned the roof, and rose into the sky!

 In the sky!

The black river that divided the sky in half suddenly shrank, and all the water flow gathered in a certain area in the southwest, forming a huge black cloud over that area!

And the black clouds also disappeared without a trace in an instant!

 The eerie and eerie mood slowly spreads everywhere.

Su Wu looked at Liu Feiyan, who had already fainted in his arms.

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