My Weird Life

Vol 3 Chapter 1043: God beats (12)

As soon as Zou Qinggong finished speaking, someone from the crowd around him spoke first: "This little brother from the Li family can knock down all the martial arts masters who ask for help from gods, and he has been even more powerful since then.

 His martial arts attainments are beyond the reach of us, the children of the Wu family.

 Hence this Plum Blossom Boxing Tournament, all of us Wu family members voluntarily admit defeat and are convinced. "

 The person who spoke first was Wu Qingyuan, an old man from the Wu family.

As he spoke, the elders of the Zhou family, Sun family, and Ma family also nodded in agreement and voluntarily surrendered to Su Wu.

Everyone with a discerning eye knows that the leader of this boxing match has already come to an end after the fight between Su Wu and Taoist Sujue. It’s just that there are still people who are stubborn and unwilling to admit the facts.

 The children of each family all surrendered.

The Zou family only has the second grandson of Zou Qinggong, Zou Jingxia, who has not yet competed with Su Wu.

Zhou Jianyong looked at the frightened Zou Jingxia of the Zou family, and said to Zou Qinggong in a neutral tone: "Old Zou, according to the rules we agreed upon previously, as long as one of the martial arts masters from each family loses, he will lose the chance to win again. Qualification to enter the ring.

  Now the children of our five families all admit defeat.

The only child in your Zou family, Zou Jingxia, is qualified to enter the ring.

I think it won’t take long for him to compete with the younger brother from the Li family - he might as well compete here for the last time, thus completely determining the leader of this Plum Blossom Boxing Tournament.

It also avoids long nights and many dreams.

You can also settle down and take care of your eldest grandson.

how do you feel? "

Hearing this, all the family members looked at Zou Qinggong.

 Zou Qinggong looked gloomy among all kinds of eyes. He was silent for a while, then turned to Zou Jingxia who looked fearful next to him: "After all, this is a children's boxing meet. If children want to try more, the elders must give them this opportunity.

Jingxia, do you want to compete with the Li family’s brother right now?

I think you don’t look good. Why don’t you rest for a few days and then have a formal competition? "

Hearing this, Zou Jingxia immediately understood the meaning behind Zou Qinggong's words. He immediately nodded and said: "Yes, yes, grandpa, although Brother Fei Xiong Xian's boxing skills are exquisite, he can't even match Brother Jingchun's magic. I don't think I can match Brother Jingchun." , but he really wanted to compete with Brother Feixiong Xian to gain experience.

But after waiting for so long today, it’s already noon.

 The incident just now made me a little tired, so I want to take a rest and wait a few days before I officially compete with Brother Fei Xiong Xian! "

 After speaking, Zou Jingxia looked at the people around him and continued: "What do you think?"

There were boos all around. But Zou Jingxia's request was legitimate on the surface. When the rules were set, it did not stipulate that the martial artist should not rest and adjust before taking the exam.

Everyone was helpless against the Zou family, and they knew that the Zou family was reluctant to part with the golden Buddha. They all secretly cursed the Zou family for being shameless and shameless.

Zou Qinggong smiled and said to the family members: "If you have anything to deal with at home these days, you can go home and deal with it properly.

 When the time comes, I will send someone to inform everyone, and then invite everyone to my home to determine the leader of the "Plum Blossom Boxing Club"! "

 “How many days will it take? How many days will it take?”

“When your family Jingxia is ready, I don’t know if it will be in the Year of the Monkey or the Horse.”

“Who knows if you will notify us then? Maybe you can cover up the matter quietly..."

The crowd burst into boos, and some young people directly mocked Zou Qinggong, but their elders did nothing to stop him.

Zou Qinggong resented those who made sarcastic remarks in his heart, but the smile on his face did not change, and he looked like he was resigned to it: "Don't worry, everyone, I, Zou, mean what I say!"

 “But no need!”

At this time, the eldest grandfather made eye contact with Su Wu. Seeing Su Wu nodding his head, he said directly: "We, the five families, came to your Zou family this time to get together with all our friends. By the way, we asked the young people from the six families to borrow the money." Boxing can communicate feelings and compete in martial arts, and families can take care of each other.

The so-called leader of the Plum Blossom Club, the lucky number and so on, we have no idea about this at all.

Probably you think that your eldest grandson will be able to defeat the six young men of our family if he has learned some "magic fighting", so you insist on naming a leader and adding a golden Buddha as his head.

 You probably didn’t expect this situation to happen now. "

Li Bojiang spoke bluntly, which made Zou Qinggong's face turn blue and white for a while.

He continued: "You can keep that golden Buddha or something for yourself. My family didn't want it in the first place!"

“Brother, if someone is unwilling to fulfill his promise, we can’t say anything to him.

 But we recognize the identity of your little brother Fei Xiong, the leader of the Plum Blossom Boxing Club!

Still according to the rules we discussed earlier, if the leader encounters something in the future, he can come to our Wu family for help! "As soon as Li Bojiang finished speaking, Wu Qingyuan spoke first.

 Behind him, the young men of the Wu family responded one after another.

Wu Fangjing, who had fought against Su Wu before, smiled naively and saluted Su Wu with cupped fists.

“Our Sun family recognizes it too!

 The five of us will still hold the Plum Blossom Club in the future!

 Brother Fei Xiong is the first generation leader of the boxing club! "

 “It’s extremely, it’s extremely!

Li Feixiong, the real leader of the boxing club!

 If you have anything to do in the future, you can come to our Zhou family! "


All the elderly people spoke out one after another and recommended Su Wu as the leader of this plum blossom boxing meeting.

Zou Qinggong looked at this scene, his face turned pale!

"Now that the leader of the boxing club has been decided, we won't stay any longer. We still have a lot of things to deal with at home. Brother Li, we have to move around more in the future!" Wu Qingyuan patted Li Bojiang's palm and turned to Zou Qinggong. Said, "Old Zou, let's go. Let's meet again when we have time!"

 “Old Zou, let’s say goodbye too!

 Brother Li, let’s go together later! "

“I’m going to slaughter some sheep at my house in the next two days. Brother Li, I’ll bring Fei Xiong and Black Tiger to my house to eat mutton and drink mutton soup!

 Brother Zou, let’s take the first step! "

It was approaching noon, but several families all said goodbye to the host's house in unison.

 They did not want to stay at the Zou family for a moment longer. Instead, they got closer to the Li family.

Zou Qinggong looked uncertain and did not say anything for a while.

At this time, a maid hurried over from the backyard and said a few words to Zou Qinggong: "Old Master, the eldest young master has drank the medicinal soup and is now awake...

 He asks you to keep the guests of the Li family for two more days. "

 Stay with the Li family for two more days?

Zou Qinggong's eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly remembered the promise he had made to his eldest grandson last night to find an opportunity to take the Liu family's daughter who came with the Li family as his grandson's wife and concubine. It was already this time, and this **** had just recovered from a coma. When you wake up, you just want to have **** with women? !

What a bastard!

Now that he was being ridiculed and ridiculed in front of all his family members, Zou Qinggong was angry. He heard the maid's message again, so he scolded Zou Jingchun in his heart. But after all, he didn't want to let his grandson's wish come true, so he asked Zou Jingchun. All the family members held up their hands and said with shameful expressions: "Everyone, this is my first plum blossom boxing meeting. There are many shortcomings and poor hospitality. Please forgive me.

It is now approaching noon, and I have asked the kitchen to prepare lunch. I also invite everyone to stay and have lunch at my place.

—If I let everyone go at this time, and people outside look at me, I don’t know how they will poke me in the spine, and they will definitely accuse me of being stingy, Zou, for not even having the etiquette to allow guests to have lunch.

Let’s all have lunch. After lunch, it’s not too late to leave! "

Zou Qinggong made a clear plan in his mind. After asking everyone to stay at his house for dinner, it would be afternoon. After a while, it would be dusk. It was difficult to travel at night, so he just invited the Li family to stay at his house for another night.

If one night is not enough, he will think of a way to keep the Li family for one more day tomorrow.

Everyone no longer wanted to have anything to do with the Zou family, so they declined. However, Zou Qinggong insisted again and again, and everyone had no choice but to follow the guest's wishes and stay at the Zou family for lunch.

“Friends, please help yourself.

 I'll go to the backyard to see Chun'er and come back later to keep her company.

Tui'er, serve the snacks and tea to the guests. "Zou Qinggong gave instructions to the maid behind him, then, surrounded by several maids and servants, turned and walked towards the backyard.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded behind him: "I want to see the martial arts boxing technique that Zou Jingchun has learned."

 What is the magic of boxing?

Is this the voice of Li Feixiong from the Li family?

How dare he ask for this precious boxing technique from himself?

Zou Qinggong heard the voice behind him, and several thoughts flashed through his mind. However, the thoughts settled one by one, and he suddenly said in his heart: "Forget it, just give it to him if he wants it..."

The short and fat old man turned around and looked at Su Wu with straight eyes: "This boxing technique was given to me by the 'Haiyang Dianli'. The Haiyang Dianli once guarded several prisoners of the Divine Fist Sect, so he got This door god’s boxing technique.

 This god's boxing technique is based on the boxing technique he has practiced. Every day, he puts a stick of incense on his head in front of the "Shadowless God", offers three animal sacrifices, and practices his own boxing technique..."

Zou Qinggong didn’t know anything about Changsun’s practice of ‘Shen Da’, as he said before.

 He actually knew a lot about it.

The 'Shen Da' was the one he bought from the official of Haiyang County and gave it to Zou Jingchun to practice!

 Su Wu obtained the entire content of "God's Fight" from the undercurrent of Zou Qinggong's consciousness!

He asked Zou Qinggong for the 'Shen Da' boxing technique, not to practice this boxing. This type of boxing is very crude and extremely dangerous, but such a simple boxing technique can really attract the gods from all directions. Surrendering, this is very strange - Su Wu valued this shining point, and asked for boxing skills just to find out.

With all the boxing techniques in mind, Su Wu let Zou Qinggong leave.

The maids arranged a place for Aunt Su Jue to live. Su Wu made an agreement with her to treat her injuries after lunch. Before lunch started, Su Wu went to a secluded corner.

 A burst of green mist emanated from him.

He Nuo's figure emerged in the mist, and he bowed to Su Wu.

Behind Hei Nuo, Wang Menglong, who was slightly shorter, walked out of the fog and said with some emotion: "Ma Xiangu looks quite young now, not at all like the gray-haired old woman when I saw her.

—In just a few years, she had already spent a lot of her life just to tolerate the troubles.

 Nowadays, after all, things are a little different from the past.

She also had a little girl with her who was connected to the fate of Wei - can you see the origin of the woman in pink? "

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