My Weird Life

Vol 3 Chapter 1045: Huang Tian’s Secret Taboo (12)

That night.

Su Wu sat cross-legged on the bed, thoughts racing in his mind.

 “God beats…”

He recalled the article about the complete divine fighting method obtained from the undercurrent of Zou Qinggong's consciousness, and all the contents of that method were presented one by one in his mind.

 Shen Da is popular in various places and can be divided into two main contexts: "Natural God Da" and "Invitation to God Da".

Very few people can master the "Natural God Fight". It requires extremely high requirements for the martial artist's character and talent. So much so that there are only occasional rumors about the "Natural God Fight" in the martial arts world. There has never been a single martial artist among them, so today's people gradually began to doubt the authenticity of the "Natural God Fight".

 ‘Ask the gods to fight’ has always been widely circulated among boxing sects.

 There are also "Sick God Beats" and "Sifang God Beats".

Martial arts practitioners who practice "Sickness God Fight" must be those who have lost their parents since childhood and survived a serious illness. They will accidentally communicate with the "Sickness God" and use the "Sickness God" to help them. He got in touch with other practitioners around him who were practicing "Patient God's Fight", and then joined the same practitioners and learned the "Patient God's Fight".

  After practicing the disease-god attack, it is said that when fighting against others, a casual slap on the opponent's hand can cause the person to be infected with wind and cold, and then the skin and flesh can be ulcerated, or the whole body can be ulcerated, causing the person to suffer from various diseases and even death.

 In the "Sickness God Fight", the more famous types of boxing are zombie boxing, bone-changing palm, and heart-destroying hand.

The practice of this kind of Shen Daquan requires that the martial artist be born with such a 'endowment', or a calamity, the threshold is relatively high, and the martial arts masters who practice the disease Shen Daquan generally do not live long, and will die in their thirties or forties, so Few martial arts masters take the initiative to engage in the "Sick God Fight".

 The "Sifang Shen Da", which is opposite to the Disease God Da, is more widely spread.

 The more famous fist sects are the ‘Shen Fist Sect’, ‘Tong Shen Sect’ and so on.

 ‘Four Directions God Fight’, as the name suggests, is to invite the gods from all directions to possess oneself, and then control oneself to kill the opponent and break the dilemma. There are also different ways to "invite the gods from all directions".

The Shenquan sect requires martial artists who practice this method to set up an altar at home, prepare livestock and poultry every day, slaughter them in front of the altar, use the raw food as a sacrifice, and then burn incense on their heads to worship the great gods of the three religions of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. , practice your own boxing technique, and sacrifice to the gods of the four directions day after day. When you want to use the divine attack, you only need to repeat the prayer "Please ask the gods of the four directions to come to me", and it is possible to invite the gods and monsters wandering around.

 In such a four-way fight, the gods invited are completely random.

Only when the so-called spirit comes to possess oneself, can one know whether it is a **** or a ghost, and what kind of thing it is.

However, the Sifang Shenda of the 'Tong Shen Sect' has to train the boy from an early age, and then observe the boy's dream. If the boy sees any **** in the dream, that **** will be the object of worship for the boy in the rest of his life. When it is time to invite the god, he will also Will invite the spirit to come to his body.

The Sifangshenshentai training method obtained by Su Wu is a highly random form of Shenquanmenshentai. This general outline of boxing techniques briefly mentions the magical fighting techniques of different schools.

 In terms of practice methods, there are really not many differences among the various schools of magic mentioned in it.

 It is all about preparing sacrifices to worship the gods.

 When worshiping the so-called gods, recite the corresponding mantra in your heart every day.

However, even such a practice method that does not have much difference has produced different types of Shen Daquan techniques - why is this?

 Is there a mystery hidden in the worship ritual?

Does the mantra contain secrets?

Or should we say that the key to the "Four Directions God Fight" does not actually lie in these rituals and formulas, but in the practicing martial arts masters themselves?

Recalling the scene when Zou Jingchun asked the gods to take over his body - Su Wu knew very well that Zou Jingchun had a strange charm on his body, but after the charm flowed through his nature, the dark hair all over his body turned white. The color turned Zou Jingchun into a white ape.

 The key reason why Zou Jingchun turned into a white ape was not in the rituals and formulas of sacrifices.

Nor is it above the strange charm he invited.

 The charm has never changed.

 The only ‘change’ lies in Zou Jingchun’s ‘self-nature’!

Something in his nature was so connected with the strangeness that he turned into the "white ape spirit"!

Su Wu associated it with the "Natural God Fight" mentioned in the General Outline of the Divine Fist Fighting Technique, which said that there is a "god" in human nature, and those whose mind is as clear as jasper and whose spirit is as tough as a solid stone, In the process of constantly honing boxing and martial arts, one can awaken the "spirit" in one's nature, and then transform into a **** himself, instead of being manipulated by an attached external **** like ordinary gods, which then leads to unpredictable disasters.

 The natural divine attack is to awaken the ‘god’ in one’s own nature.

 Squad God Fighting is actually about awakening the ‘god’ in one’s own nature by external force. At this time, the **** is manipulated and controlled by external force, causing one’s own mind to become lost and controlled by external force!

 In man’s nature, there is actually the existence of ‘god’!

 Just need some methods to make it appear!

Just like Taoist practice, it is about gathering people’s will to align with God’s will, and using God’s will to reflect the spirit of all sentient beings’ collective wishes!

For example, Emperor Guan Sheng, Zhong Kui, etc. are all gods formed by the thoughts of all sentient beings under the will of God!

“Practitioners of the natural magic boxing, in the process of polishing the boxing skills over and over again, may accidentally enter the state of ‘sympathy between heaven and man’, and ‘reveal the spirit’ through the charm of heaven.

 In the final analysis, whether it is Shen Da, Taoism’s charm, or Buddhism’s emptiness, external force is needed to reflect the spirit in one’s heart.

 Such external force comes from ‘Heaven’.

Thunder, rain, and dew are all gifts from heaven.

However, ‘Heaven’ is changing all the time. If Heaven ultimately points to the destruction of all things, does it mean that we must obey the laws of Heaven? If we continue to rely on its power at this time, wouldn't we be 'helping the evil do evil', obeying it, and promoting the destruction of ourselves and other creatures like ourselves?

 How can we manifest the spirit that comes from our nature if we don’t obey it and don’t rely on its power? "Su Wu was confused.

He had previously used the whetstone of Ma Xiangu to open the door to inspiration, and finally evolved and perfected the "Tianli Da Shen Fist", which was so powerful that it could even suppress Fa Guiyiji who had not yet fully recovered.

 But now he was looking at the "Shen Da Boxing" again, and with the help of the general outline of this rather crude boxing method, he was able to draw inferences and draw inferences, but he fell into deeper confusion.

The road we are taking now is a dead end, a dead end!

  By following this path, you may be able to surpass your predecessors, or you may be able to survive for a while——

 But we cannot transcend ‘Heaven’!

 Everything will eventually lead to complete destruction!

 “How to achieve detachment?”

Su Wu murmured.

The golden and purple canopy treasure edict rose above his head. Above the canopy treasure edict, Huang Tianzhen's thunder edict shone with golden light. And above Huang Tianzhen's thunder edict, Zhenwu Daoyun tore a crack in the void. In the crack, the Zhenwu Temple The system is looming, and the secret of Yun Tou Gui Jiao, the Patriarch of Demon Dang, glows golden and red!

The Jieying River flows slowly beside Su Wu.

One after another, the calamity force surged up and poured directly into the "Emperor's True Thunder Edict"!

Wisps of the sympathetic charm of heaven and man, traces of the charm of the great road, and the emptiness that seems to be and seem to be nothing all floated from the translucent pill that gradually took shape in the Dantian under his abdomen, and converged towards the Emperor Tianzhen's thunderous edict. Inside!

Emperor Tianzhen's thunderous edict trembled violently!

A streak of brilliant golden thunder overflowed from it. Under the floating thunder shadow, some golden and purple thunder lurked into the void, linking up with the terrifying existence in the dark.

At this time, red talismans flew up from behind Su Wu, and turned into various phantoms of gods, and all of them were thrown into the emperor's thunderous edict!

On Huang Tianzhen's thunderous edict, gold liquid dripped, and in the center of the edict, a vague secret with a cloud head and ghost feet gradually appeared!

That secret is different from any secret of the founder of the Sanshan lineage.

 That corresponds to Su Wu’s own secret!

When the secret taboo gradually emerged, the entire Emperor Tianzhen Lei Great Edict slowly climbed upwards, gradually becoming equal to the rhyme of Zhenwu Dao. At this time, the rhyme of Zhenwu Dao also dispersed into countless Yunji talismans, and was suddenly poured into Emperor Tianzhen is in the middle of a thunderous edict!

 Now, Huang Tianzhen’s Lei Dazhao is completely on par with the Zhenwu Temple system!

The figures of the founders who shine with rainbow light are constantly overlapping in the cracks torn apart by the rhyme of Zhenwu Dao.

 All figures finally overlap into one!

The Taoist with long hair, purple face and big ears, wearing a black Taoist robe with nine claws and nine dragons, holds a sword in one hand and seals with the other. He is stepping on a giant turtle. On the back of the giant turtle, countless terrifying and strange faces appear. The head is a giant tumor made up of countless human heads!

Countless strange shadows overlapped into the shape of dragons and snakes, wrapping around the giant turtle's body!

 At this moment, the face and image of the Taoist suddenly became clear in Su Wu’s mind!

 But he gave Su Wu an illusion more and more!

This kind of illusion contains the way of combining human will and heaven's will!

The word is clanging!

 “Tao is seeking truth.”

 “The Tao is to turn nothing into something.”

 “Existence comes from nothing, nothing is emptiness. Emptiness is the summation of everything.”

 “In the early days of Sui, who preached it?”


 “I must be brave and diligent.”

 “The more I am frustrated, the more courageous I become, and I will never give up!”

 “I’ve experienced death!”

 “I will overcome the calamity wave!”

 “I’m on the other side!”

The clanging sounds of the Tao realized by the ancestors were constantly intertwined in Su Wu's heart. His experience of every interaction between heaven and man kept emerging in his mind, and all the pictures and sounds suddenly disappeared at this moment!

The emperor's innocent thunder edict turned into a deep yellow color.

 At the center of the imperial edict, a clear secret of Su Wu emerged.

 It starts with "天" and has the word "黄" below it.

 Huang Tian’s great edict!

 “I am the name of Tao!”

Su Wu suddenly felt enlightened!

 The room is full of light!

Clusters of golden and purple thunderbolts intertwined in the void even more rapidly at the moment the Huangtian Edict appeared, pulling in the terrifying existence in the dark!

 At this moment, purple clouds gathered in the sky.

Within a radius of several hundred miles, the entire sky turned purple!

 In the purple sky, five light spots vaguely appeared.

Those five light spots were obscured by purple clouds and were not visible yet, but strands of golden and purple thunder light gathered in the five light spots, causing them to gradually expand and expand!

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