My Weird Life

Vol 3 Chapter 1062: A murderous intention turns the world upside down (4) (22)

The fingerprint that was suddenly pointed by the unknown terrifying existence fiercely confronted the phantom projected here by Duke Dong. Su Wu himself continued to switch between the human and the mysterious state—

The roots of the strange tree with a charm like blood-red magma all over the body penetrated the corpse shells of pairs of Hong Ai, frantically extracting the strange charm contained in each Hong Ai's body, causing these strange killing patterns to follow one after another. Fall into silence!

As the roots of the tree continue to expand, Li Kui, who has fallen into silence one by one, is torn apart by the roots of the tree one after another, becomes incomplete, and falls off from the root system of the tree!

 Every time a strange killing pattern falls into silence, it means that there is a "Red Sorrow" in the world that falls into silence, and Wang Chuanzhen's power is weakened a bit because of this;

 Every time a Ligui is completely torn apart, it means that a "Red Sorrow" in the world is completely destroyed, and a certain part of Wang Chuanzhen's strength is completely lost!

 The Prince of the East lowered his projection, causing the red mourning to be deposited in this world, ten to fifty-six!

However, the white jade fingers attracted by the quiet and restrained charm that Wang Chuanzhen had accumulated for countless years were still much scarier than the projection of Prince Dong.

It pointed down, even though the projection of Dongwanggong resisted tenaciously, and even before it was on the verge of destruction, it tore apart most of the fundamental strangeness imprisoned in Hong Ai's body - but the white jade fingers still penetrated the projection of Dongwanggong, and the quiet and restrained charm slowly emerged. , 'turn' the strange tree into a human being!

 The shadows of the thirteen giant trees that were entrenched above the **** sun instantly disintegrated!

The charm of the white jade fingers makes the strange tree look like Su Wu again!

 The black light that covered the sky and the earth gradually faded away.

All kinds of horrific scenes, now slowly fell into silence.

The sea of ​​yellow mud resumed flowing, but the bodies of the pairs of red mourners flowing around in the sea of ​​yellow mud were now damaged, and countless red lines were messy and intertwined on the sea of ​​yellow mud, leaving a messy and miserable scene!

Those Ligui that were torn to pieces by the roots of the weird trees, wrapped in mud, and fell into a long silence, like pieces of broken dead objects!

 In the middle of the sea, there are slight ripples in the crystal clear human pool.

Above the pool of human beings, there is a white shadow that resembles the outline of a graceful woman holding a baby. It is almost transparent now. If you don't observe carefully, you can hardly see the existence of this shadow.

This shadow trembled slightly, and the pool of human beings also continued to produce ripples.

 A transparent humanoid figure crawled out of the pool of human beings. In an instant, it 'grew' internal organs, bones, flesh and blood, skin, and hair, and transformed into a naked Wang Chuanzhen!

As soon as Wang Chuanzhen stretched out her hand, invisible scissors cut out a piece of blue from the sky, sewn it into fitting clothes, and put them on her body.

She was dressed in green clothes and embroidered shoes. She looked at Su Wu in the distance and was about to cry: "You cruel thief!

  You have caused me such misery - I will be able to be reborn as a human being, and you are so cruel to hit me. I don’t know how long it will take until I can be reborn as a human being!

 I want you to compensate me!

 Forgive me the opportunity to be reincarnated as a human being!

 Give me the chance to receive enlightenment from Empress Nuwa!

 —You just stay here and pay me all your own compensation—"

At the same time that Wang Chuanzhen spoke, the rolling calamity force suddenly poured out from Su Wu's body and flowed into the sea of ​​yellow mud. In a short period of time, the sea of ​​yellow mud turned into a mixture of red and yellow!

 The calamity is boiling!

A series of arms stretched out from the rolling yellow mud, competing to cling to Su Wu's figure!

From all directions, a quiet and restrained charm suddenly spread, and white jade arms extended out from the charm, pressing towards Su Wu's body from all directions!

These white jade arms are far inferior to the white jade fingers that Wang Chuanzhen attracted earlier.

 The two are different in power by many levels!

But now that Su Wu turned around, he didn't need the white jade fingers to deal with him. Just these white jade arms extending from all directions could make it difficult for him to deal with it!

Wang Chuanzhen's figure was all over Zhou Tian. She looked at Su Wu who was trapped in the center by a series of white jade arms with a smile, and said in a faint voice: "Lang Jun's method was certainly powerful, but Chuanzhen was unable to deal with it.

Ke Langjun, have you ever thought about how you can get out of this world if you take the initiative to enter the world behind the archway?

Even if Lang Jun has the means to break my "Wa Huang's aura" in a moment, how can he break this "Wa Huang's aura" at all times - as long as Lang Jun is slack for a moment, he can only stay here. …”

"As far as I am concerned, Langjun is different from the so-called ancestor of Yinximai - 'Song Xian'. 'Song Xian' is just a stupid scholar who is obsessed with ghost fox stories. He thinks that his sour ideas can really attract people. What kind of charming fox fairy and ghost came to add fragrance to his red sleeves and grind ink with his bare hands.

 In fact, I only valued his chance. He attracted the fire that fell from the "big stove at the beginning of the people".

 It’s just that he himself doesn’t know it…

If I hadn't taught him how to use the power of "human first fire", he would have been just a sour scholar dreaming about ghost fox stories throughout his life. How could he be the "Yinxi Stove Prince" in the future?

 There is no so-called "Yinxi Pulse", and there are no three wives and four concubines he later had...

Langjun is also a disciple of Yinximai, and Langjun is also the ancestor of Yinximai Zhongxing—Langjun is much stronger than him...The more Langjun wants to kill me, the more I want Langjun—"

Su Wu did not expect that there was such a connection between the famous work "Song Xian" by the founder of Yinximai and Wang Chuanzhen.

Without Wang Chuanzhen’s guidance, Song Xian would not have become the “Prince of Yinxi Zao”, let alone the so-called “Yinximai” later?

Wang Chuanzhen is deceitful and cunning, and one cannot always trust what he says.

But seeing that Wang Chuanzhen’s spiritual status and the spiritual status of Patriarch Yinximai are so complementary that Yinximai’s Patriarch’s spiritual status does not have the slightest sign of breaking away from Wang Chuanzhen’s spiritual status—there may not be ‘truth’ in what Wang Chuanzhen said. , but she is the only one who knows how many lies are mixed with this truth!


The shadow of the sea of ​​​​blood mixed in the turbid yellow mud flow suddenly rose up, and blood-red arms grew out of the sea of ​​​​blood like mountain peaks, intertwined with each other, and turned into a giant arm in a short moment!

Su Wu himself was carried by the giant arm, and the Fangtian painted halberd in his hand turned into a big axe!

 The world of Archway, between heaven and earth, is filled with blood!

A giant ax suddenly struck out, cutting off the white jade arms extending out one after another, plowing a blood path between the sky and the earth - this blood path directly penetrated the clear spring pool in the center of the yellow mud sea - the human race pool !

The catastrophic force like purgatory magma rolled into the human race pool, gradually turning the colorless and clear spring pool into a scarlet color!

 This human race pool is particularly important to Wang Chuanzhen’s future plans!

But Su Wu’s current calamity has tainted it—directly scrapping most of her plans for the future!

She looked sad and said faintly: "I will not send my husband into the human race pool, and use him to lay the foundation for my incarnation as a human being - I want your husband to be reborn at the same time as me, and you and I will stay and fly together..."

 Only your husband is worthy of sleeping with me. It would be useless for him to destroy the pool of human race. I had no intention of throwing him into the pool of human race..."

 Another white jade arm emerged in the void.

Just as Wang Chuanzhen said, Su Wu can use temporary means to show off his evil in this Nuwa Archway - but the world of Nuwa Archway today is completely different from the past, how can Su Wu find a way out of here?

As long as he cannot suppress the Archway World forever by various means - then he will eventually be held down by the 'Wahuang Spiritual Rhythm'!

At this moment, he cannot lose even once.

And Wang Chuanzhen only needs to win once to win everything!

Those white jade arms held up red ropes and intertwined them into a huge net in the sky. The nets were drawn towards Su Wu from all directions - the other ends of the red ropes were all gathered in Wang Chuanzhen's palm.

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