My Weird Life

Vol 3 Chapter 1186: The right way of heaven! (twenty two)

Chapter 1186 The Righteous Way of Heaven! (twenty two)


Boundless electric wires are like human hands, radiating from the thunder that vertically divides the sky and the earth. Holding the 'Edict of the Underworld', it thrust towards the heads of the 'men, women, old and young' who were approaching Xiang Su Wu and trying to escape from the underworld!

 Boom! Boom! Boom!

 Rolling thunder fills the valley!

 The earth turned into a pale color!

Where are the traces of those weird ghosts from the underworld? !

The blazing white thunder illuminated the entire valley for a moment, and then disappeared again. The strange monsters that emerged from the vast ravines of the underworld were frightened by the thunder from behind and retreated into the underworld.

The ravines of the underworld that lay across the darkness then disappeared.

 Only a series of soul-calling flags and soul-drawing sticks were left stuck in the darkness, forming a long road.

At the end of the long road, the chaotic and hazy light flickers on and off, opening and closing like breathing.

Pieces of lotus petals surrounded the chaotic hazy light, forming a lotus bud around the light - as if an invisible hand pinched the lotus bud and threw it somewhere casually -

Su Wu opened his eyebrows and began to worship, trying to capture where the lotus bud - the soul of King Su finally went. However, he opened his eyebrows and began to worship, but he could not see clearly the trajectory of the lotus bud. I only had an inexplicable premonition. The moment the 'Su Wang Yuanshen' was lured away, there was some kind of causal connection with it!

 The two sides will eventually ‘meet’!

 In the dim sky and earth, the nine-petal green lotus overflows with the chaotic and hazy light, leaving only a few stars.

Countless soul-calling flags and soul-drawing sticks inserted all over the darkness all burst into flames at this moment.

After the funeral of the deceased, the paper figures, paper horses, paper clothes, paper furniture, and paper houses parked at home will be sent to the cemetery and burned, and return to heaven and earth with the deceased - similar to today's soul-calling flags and soul-drawing banners. Ignite is the same thing.

 After these soul-calling flags and soul-drawing sticks were all burned, Su Wu's "soul-calling ritual" was completely completed.

However, at the moment when countless soul-calling flags and soul-drawing rods were ignited by the dark green flames, Su Wu heard the subtle sound of water - the sound of water seemed to come from a very far away place, but for just a moment, The rolling water flooded from far away to nearby, and the subtle sound of water turned into the sound of torrent and roaring waves!


Su Wu raised his eyebrows and turned his three pupils from side to side!

He saw that everywhere in the dim world, where the mountain shadows overlapped the sky and the earth, where the tree shadows overlapped the mountain shadows, where countless shadows overlapped, there were twisted cracks - colorless, invisible and invisible. The 'river' that exists clearly in human perception overflows from the countless twisted and overlapping cracks!

Countless cracks overlapped into a twisted gap!

 The river rushed out from the twisted gap!

The colorless and invisible river poured over the soul-calling flags and soul-drawing sticks inserted all over the dark world!

 The Yuan River flows, pouring in!

At the moment when the river water pulsed out of the gap, Su Wudun had a fear rooted in his blood. This fear was an 'instinct' that had been hidden. As long as the living beings were still alive, they would There will be 'instinct'!

 Now when facing the water veins of the Daoyuan River, this instinct was aroused!

‘Instinct’ restricted Su Wu’s actions and imprisoned his thinking, so that he could only stand where he was, watching the water veins of the Yuan River flood toward countless soul-inducing rods and soul-summoning flags—

Countless illusory sounds were poured into Su Wu's thinking along with the sound of the Yuan River!

 “I can’t resist my mother!”

 “It’s heaven that wants to kill me!”

 “It’s not my fault!”

 “It’s not my fault!”

 “I will fall into the river—”

“I can’t cross to the other side, I can’t cross to the other side—”

Those countless voices poured into Su Wu's thoughts like a tide, and the cold and desperate howls seemed to freeze Su Wu's thoughts to death - his whole body was shaking, and in the midst of this violent trembling, the eyebrows on his face , eyes, bridge of nose, and mouth and teeth all slipped one by one, and the face turned blank in the blink of an eye!

 When the ‘Yuanhuang’s face’ appeared on Su Wu’s head, he got rid of the fear stemming from his basic instinct!

  He suddenly raised his arm—caught up a blazing white thunder—tearing the long night apart!

The thunder vertically divided the heaven and the earth, and the back of the Shadow Emperor appeared from the crack of the thunder, straddling the sky and the earth. It resisted the branch of the Yuan River for an instant, causing the river to flow backwards and cut off the river flow!

 “Hahahahaha—after I die, I can still swim in the Yuan River, so happy!”

 A voice suddenly sounded from behind Su Wu at the moment he cut off the branch of Yuan River!

Wearing a black cloak and a cyan robe, the 'Heart Saint Yuanshen' stood behind Su Wu. He was full of the aura of the underworld, grinning loudly, and a few crow's feet appeared in the corners of his eyes due to this smile.

Countless voices resounded across heaven and earth: “There is no good or disgusting body;

 There are good and bad actions;

Knowing good and evil is conscience;

To do good and eliminate evil is to examine things..."

While these low voices of chanting resounded across the heaven and earth, the Heart Saint Yuanshen had a smile on his face and reached out to press down Su Wu's palm that was holding a blazing white thunderbolt, stopping the Yuan River from overflowing. The shadowy figure of the Great Emperor suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Xin Sheng Yuanshen blinked at Su Wu: "Look at the stars in the sky..."

Su Wu looked up—

The low hum that lingered between heaven and earth suddenly disappeared, but then exploded again the next moment!

Those kinds of voices are either impassioned or full of pathos!

 “Establish your mind for heaven and earth;

  Establishing a destiny for the sake of the people;

 Carry on the unique learning for the saints;

 May peace be created for all generations! "


 “There is no need to fear changes in the sky!

 The ancestors are not worthy of the law!

 What people say is not enough! "


 At the same time as these voices sounded, brilliant stars hung in the sky, shining starlight on the shoulders of Su Wu and Xin Sheng!

“The heaven and earth have righteous energy, and are mixed and endowed with fluid shapes. Below are the rivers and mountains, and above are the sun and stars. To people, it is said to be vast, and it is so abundant that it blocks the sky..."

The stars that illuminated the sky instantly turned into individual righteousness symbols, connecting into a majestic long river of righteousness, brushing down from the ceiling, and suddenly collided with the branches of the Yuan River spurting out from the twisted gap!


 The mighty river flows endlessly!

The Yuan River branch was cut across and retracted into the twisted gap!

The Heart Saint Yuanshen is still grinning: "You see, it is a river, and I am also a river - its river is called the 'Way of Heaven', and my river is called the 'Righteous Way of the World'!"

 The right way!

 While the words are still in my ears, the Holy Spirit of Heart has already stepped into the mighty river of righteousness!

 Haohao's righteousness washed away the breath of the underworld from his body.

He casually picked out a few righteousness talismans from the righteousness river and completed the reorganization in his palm. At this time, in the tributary of the Yuan River that rushed towards the twisted gap, a female corpse suddenly emerged from the water.

The forehead of this female corpse turned into a pale sandbank, and the bridge of the nose, lips, and even the parts below the neck turned into the mountains of Fuyan.

Only his eyes, embedded between the sandbank and the mountains, were still looking wide open at the ‘Heart Saint Yuanshen’ in the long river of righteousness - “This is the corpse of Huang Xi.”

Su Wu only heard one sentence from Xinsheng Yuanshen.

Immediately afterwards, it seemed that there were mountains entangled with tendons and blood vessels, about to emerge from the long river of righteousness - and at this time, the Heart Saint Yuanshen threw out the reorganized righteousness talisman in his hand!

The righteousness talisman fell off his palm in an instant, and boundless golden light suddenly burst out between the heaven and the earth!

The talisman fell down and instantly attached to the forehead of ‘Huang Xi’s Corpse’!

 The gray sandbank turned back into a pale forehead filled with lifeless energy. Under the wide-open, lifeless eyes, the bridge of the nose, lips, and all the parts below the neck, once again condensed into the shape of a female corpse!

 ‘Huang Xi’s Corpse’ sank below the surface of the branch of Yuan River.

The branches of the Yuan River were completely merged into the twisted gap, and the twisted gap suddenly closed up and disappeared without a trace.

 The Holy Spirit of Heart broke away from the long river of righteousness, and the mighty river also disappeared between heaven and earth.

The billowing aura of the underworld lingered around the Heart Saint Yuanshen again.

 He bowed to Su Wu and said, "Thank you very much."

 After a blink of an eye, the Heart Saint Yuan Shen returned to the underworld.

The sky and the earth are no longer as dim as before, and some light gradually appears.

Su Wu looked at the scene of scorched earth all around, and thought it was like a vast ocean filling the valley and ravines. Some green grass stems and tree buds gradually sprouted from the rocky soil covered with ashes.

He took a steady look at the direction in which the Heart Saint Yuan Shen disappeared, then turned back and returned to his residence along the original path.

Qingmiao and Xiuxiu have packed everything. Heihu is carrying Ding Yin and is standing in the yard. Everyone smiles when they see Su Wu coming back.

“Senior brother, shall we set off now?” Xiu Xiu was outspoken. When she saw Su Wu walking into the courtyard, she asked directly.

Su Wu looked at Li Heihu and Ding Yin, and nodded with a smile: "Okay."

"After leaving this village, I tried to get two horses..." Li Heihu pulled the little boy Ding Yin'er beside him and said, "We don't have the strength to ride a horse. If this little kid follows us all the way, he will suffer a big punishment." …”

 “I’m not afraid!”

Ding Yin'er choked Li Heihu.

Li Heihu pinched the sky-high bun on his head, still smiling and said: "If you are not afraid, why don't you try walking all the way by yourself?"

When the little boy heard this, his eyes moved wildly, but he didn't say anything.

This time he went on a long trip with his uncle, and he was carried in a basket by his uncle all the way. He still felt very tired. If he had to rely on his own feet - he couldn't imagine it.

“When he gets older and has a little understanding of the talismans, he can travel with his armor and horse.

 At present, I am not familiar with the talismans and I am still young. Using these talismans and magic methods will indeed cause harm to the body. "Su Wu looked at Ding Yin and nodded, "Then just follow what Black Tiger said and find two horses first. "

 “You can stick a ‘horse’ on the horse’s legs.” Xiu Xiu suggested.

“A horse with armor on its legs...” Li Heihu scratched his head and laughed a few times, without commenting.

“Senior brother is holding these two lanterns.

 We won’t need to exert any effort later. We will stay in the lantern and ask our senior brother to take him away. Qing Miao pursed her lips and smiled, then handed the two iron-framed lanterns to Su Wu's hands.

Su Wu also joked: "Then you two lanterns have to show me the way."

“Senior brother, don’t worry…”

Qingmiao and Xiuxiu agreed with a smile.

The two figures were hazy, and suddenly turned into two **** of fire, thrown into the two lanterns Su Wu was carrying - inside the iron frame, one flame was as bright as moonlight, and the other was golden and red, majestic and solemn.

Li Heihu watched Xiuxiu's figure disappear suddenly and turn into the golden and red fireworks in the iron frame, and was in a daze for a moment.


Su Wu reminded him and walked out of the house yard covered with weeds.

Black Tiger reacted and pulled Ding Yin to follow him quickly.

The group of people left the village and walked for a while in the dark following the guidance of Qingmiao and Xiuxiu. Ding Yin, a little boy, was quite spirited. He followed them for three or four miles without crying or asking for help from Master or Uncle Tiger. When carrying him, Black Tiger was afraid that he would hurt his muscles and bones if he walked for a long time, so he directly carried him on his back.

Several people later passed through a market town, and Black Tiger took out two horses from the town -

Such a fat and strong horse is not found everywhere. He brought it from the home of a wealthy local man.

Su Wu and Heihu followed Xiuxiu's suggestion and attached horse armor to the horses' legs, and drove the two horses through the big town like the wind and headed into the distance.

 At the same time, somewhere deep in the mountains of Zhili Province.

There are shadows in the forest, as if someone is hiding in the deep forest, peeping at the 'outsiders' here.

Under the cover of old trees in the deep forest, there is a cave that can only allow people to pass sideways, and a faint light of fire comes from the cave.

 Inside the cave.

Li Hu sat cross-legged on the ground around the fire.

 Many men in short jackets each held a food bowl, tore up the dry food in their hands, threw it into the steaming soup in the food bowl, picked up their chopsticks and started chewing.

This cave entrance is extremely narrow, but after passing through the passage that only allows people to pass sideways, the interior suddenly becomes brighter, and it is a spacious place that can accommodate more than two to three hundred people.

At this time, the corner of this huge cave was filled with food, dried meat and other items - this place must have been discovered by people long ago, and food was stored in it. It finally became the "Lianxiang" of Li Hu and his men. The congregation's secret stronghold!

 “Eat quickly.

 After eating, replace Wang Er's head with the others.

  Having been gone for a day, I asked everyone to have some hot soup and rice! "Li Hu patted the shoulder of the man next to him and gave him instructions. After seeing the other man nodding in agreement, he raised his eyes and looked around, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

This stronghold was discovered when he happened to pass by the local area and heard the legend that there was a place called "Ox Tail Cave", so he paid more attention in the mountains and finally found it.

 After that, he asked his two confidants, "Wang Datou" and "Wang Ertou", to bring some people here from time to time to store food here.

Now that the imperial court has sent troops to attack the entire Zhili Province, the members of the Vacuum Hometown Association have taken the opportunity to launch an attack. Li Hu, with more than a hundred of his brothers, seized the opportunity to gather in the area when the imperial officers and soldiers retreated. Therefore, more than a hundred brothers were temporarily placed in this stronghold.

This place is his newly discovered stronghold. It is expected that the Vacuum Hometown Association will never find it here. Everyone can settle here for a while. After the matter with the senior brother is over and the other sects are reunited, the Lianxiang Association will counterattack the Vacuum Hometown Association. day!

 (End of this chapter)

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