My Weird Life

Vol 3 Chapter 1242: When the river goes eastward, the bright moon will come again (End)

At this time, Li Xiuxiu said frankly: "Senior, since you already have enough energy to stay in the next reincarnation, why do you have to make the situation so serious, as if the reincarnation is broken, and the world will collapse?!"

"I'm afraid you are not serious." Hong Renkun said matter-of-factly.

Shao Shoushan opened his mouth and looked at Su Jue.

 The two Taoist priests both sighed softly.

They finally realized that the great master of the first ancestor of Maoshan witchcraft, as well as his incarnation, were not only "weird" in temperament, but also had some indescribable paradoxes and "abstracts" that ordinary people like them really couldn't understand. Neither can accept it.

 I really wonder when the great master will become serious?

As everyone's thoughts were spinning, the few pillars stacked on the dust and sand in the middle of the desolate world suddenly began to tremble, accompanied by the trembling of these seemingly small pillars that actually filled the reincarnation of the present. , in this world of reincarnation, more invisible cracks burst open, and the strange charm of the intestines of reincarnation gradually flowed everywhere!

This world of reincarnation is about to be shattered!

Even with Hong Renkun's guarantee before, everyone couldn't help but have their hearts in their throats - the square-faced senior was really powerful, but his character was too unreliable - they didn't know what the other person said. Really, most people would only dare to believe five points based on the guarantee given by the other party.

Liu Feiyan, Li Qingmiao and others looked at the pillars that were shaking more and more intensely, and what they felt in their hearts.

When those pillars suddenly flew out, away from the dry land of rolling yellow sand, and threw themselves into the distant void, the heartbeats of several people accelerated. Then they raised their heads and looked into the void, looking far into the distance -


The long river of clear air carries the rolling words of the righteousness talisman and runs through the desolate world in an instant!

 A small boat is swimming on the raging river, from far to near!

Everyone focused their attention on the small boat and saw two figures standing on the boat. The two figures stood side by side. One was carrying a book box. It was Hu Susu, the mourner of the Red Mourning Society, who walked into the Nuwa Archway. Zhong Sui inside, has a handsome figure and a handsome face. Even though he is caught by the mighty river, he is like a bright moon, hanging in the sky, coming back again and again, never changing!

 “Senior brother!”

 “Senior brother!”

 “Su Zhenren!”


 The calls of many people suddenly sounded.

 Everyone’s face is filled with smiles, or there are tears in their smiles.

Taoist Shao Shoushan and Su Jue laughed when they saw Su Wu riding the long river of majesty and returning to reincarnation, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts - although the great master of the first ancestor of Maoshan Wu was powerful, it was difficult to give people any sense of security. It is Zhenren Su. Although his strength is not as powerful as that of the great master of the first ancestor of Maoshan witchcraft, since he is here, he supports the heaven and earth like a giant pillar without any movement. In an instant, people have a backbone and no longer feel confused and hesitant!

Everyone rushed towards Su Wu's figure, and even Hong Renkun paced towards Su Wu with his hands behind his back.

“Senior brother, are you safe and sound now?”

“After many experiences, I finally reunited with my senior brother in reincarnation. What do you want to do now, senior brother? You tell me, and we will do it one by one!”

 “It’s great that you’re okay, Zhuzi!”

  Everyone in the Zao Class, Black Tiger, and Beidi disciples greeted Su Wu one after another. Su Wu responded to them one by one, and then turned his attention to the two women, Liu Feiyan and Sun Douer, standing side by side.

The two of them were separated from the crowd. When Su Wu looked towards Liu Feiyan, he also met Liu Feiyan's eyes.

Liu Feiyan had soft eyebrows, pursed her lips and smiled softly. She knelt down to greet Su Wu and said, "Well, little brother."

 “Thank you, Miss Liu.”

Su Wu also bowed to Liu Feiyan and said in return: "If Miss Liu hadn't brought out the remains of the first ancestor, the Grand Master, and my 'Breath of the Dark' when she escaped from reincarnation, everything would not be what it is now. Things generally go smoothly.”

"I'm not helping you just to hear you thank me." Liu Feiyan shook his head and said softly, "My little brother helped me a lot in the past. In a small wilderness village, a daughter's family where the father doesn't care for the mother has actually ended. It's doomed.

If it hadn't been for my brother's heroic action to fight against injustice, Liu Feiyan wouldn't be where he is today.

 So brother, there is no need to say thank you.

 This is what Feiyan should do. "

Su Wu straightened up and stared at Liu Feiyan's figure.

The other party seemed to be avoiding something and did not dare to make eye contact with him. Seeing his eyes falling directly on her, Liu Feiyan turned his head slightly and did not meet his eyes. In Su Wu's eyes, Liu Feiyan The figure completely turned into a paper man, with red threads passing through every part of the paper man's body, and extending in all directions like a spider web - the end of each red thread extending into the void turned into pitch black. , like hair strands.

“I know Miss Liu’s current situation, Miss Liu doesn’t have to avoid anything.

 You help me change the current situation, and I am also willing to help you get relief and regain a new life. "Su Wu looked at the red threads wrapped around Liu Feiyan, then looked away, and said a few words to Liu Feiyan that only a few people present could understand.

 Zhong Sui and Hong Renkun glanced at Liu Feiyan.

 The former said nothing.

The latter cleared his throat, highlighting his presence when everyone was silent.

Hearing the sound of throat clearing, Su Wu turned his attention to Hong Renkun. He first looked at the red sun above Hong Renkun's head, with a solemn expression, and knelt down to bow to the red sun: "Maoshan shaman disciple Yang Zhen, pay my respects to Chu. Grandmaster."

Shao Shoushan saw Su Wu kowtow and kneel down, calling himself "Yangzhen". His eyes suddenly showed a thoughtful look, and he carefully recalled the Taoist name "Yangzhen". In which generation did the Taoist name "Yangzhen" rank in the Qingmaoshan witchcraft lineage on the Three Mountains?

For people like Su Zhenren who have a Taoist cultivation level that reaches heaven, their Taoist names should not be nameless. Shao Shoushan just changed his mind for a moment, and sure enough he thought of the Taoist name "Yangzhen", which was once used by "Maoshan Wushang Grand Master" Pass this name!

However, this great master was from the late Ming Dynasty, and since then, Maoshan shamanism has declined day by day. Although there are people who call themselves Maoshan Taoists in Sanmao today, they can no longer be regarded as the Maoshan Taoists of the past. The direct line of witchcraft is the collateral system...

The great master Yang Zhen can be said to be the last master of Maoshan Wu...

Shao Shoushan's face looked a little strange.

He intuitively felt that Su Wu’s Yang Zhen was the other Yang Zhen—but if Su Zhenren was really the great master of Yang Zhen in the late Ming Dynasty, with his level of cultivation, he would definitely not be able to pass on the Maoshan shaman in his hands...

Taoist Shao couldn't figure out the reason.

Maoshan Wu's first ancestor, the great master, knew the causes and consequences very well.

Within the red sun, an old voice came out: "Cough cough cough... Yang Zhen, you can be regarded as an outstanding disciple in my Shangqing Dharma lineage. Although your talisman cultivation is not high, the most important thing about Shangqing Dharma lineage is The Demon Body Planting Dafa has never paid much attention to the practice of talismans. It doesn't really matter whether the level of this practice is high or not - not to mention, now I see that you have integrated the practice of all kinds of talismans into a unified way.' The purpose of the Great Dao is, this is a level that has never been seen before and will never come after.

 You are better than me, the founder, and you have more future.

...You have enabled me to escape from the incarnation again and have a five-year lifespan, which is a great life-saving grace for me. Your "Principle of the Great Dao-Huang Tianfa Decree" is inseparable from our predecessors in the Taoist sect, the Taiping Dao. In fact, there is no need It’s a great gift—but since you’ve already done it, that’s it, it’s just this one time, it won’t happen next time.

From now on, we will treat each other as equals and call each other Taoist friends! "

Tao Zu said it at the end, his voice full of reluctance.

Obviously he was unwilling to discuss friendship with Su Wu's peers. However, the other party did bear Huang Tian's decree. After all, he was his senior's senior. The other party kowtowed to him in the name of the last disciple. Should he also kowtow to him in the name of the last disciple? In the name of becoming a disciple, do you also kowtow to the seniors?

With no choice but to do so, Tao Zu could only make this compromise.

After hearing what Tao Zu said, Su Wu probably knew the temperament and temperament of the first ancestor of Maoshan witchcraft. He stood up and saluted Hong Renkun under the red sun: "Thank you, Brother Hong, for bringing all of you old friends here for me." I need all my strength during this time. There are still things that I need Brother Hong’s help with, and I hope Brother Hong will never refuse.”

Hong Renkun nodded: "You give me Gu Shi Jihen - Breath of the Darkness, and I will help you. There is nothing to say."

When Su Wu said this, before Su Wu said anything, Tao Zu's angry face suddenly appeared in the red sun above Hong Renkun's head: "Asshole! Then why is it that we say that we are greedy for ink?

 It does not belong to you. Only when others can make you use it can you use it.

 Others cannot ask you to use it, so don’t even think about using it.

 Return the sacrifice marks to the little fellow Taoist! "

 Everyone present looked strange when they heard the quarrel between Hong Renkun and the first ancestor of Maoshan.

They have long seen the temperament and temperament of the first ancestor of Maoshan witchcraft and his incarnation, and Hong Renkun’s words have undoubtedly given everyone a deeper understanding of the temperament and temperament of the first ancestor of Maoshan witchcraft.

Hong Renkun looked annoyed and argued to Tao Zu: "Now I only have five years to live, which is different from you. You have been alive since the Han and Jin Dynasties. Although you later turned into the underworld, it was always in another way." It exists, and it has existed until now. The old trees can still bloom in spring, and the dead trees can sprout - but I have only lived for these five years.

If I can get the breath of the underworld, I can always swim among thousands of worlds, underworld gaps, and time and space shadows in five years. In this way, even though I can only live for five years, it is better than many people living for thousands of years.

If there is no breath of darkness, then I will just spend five years in the current time and space.

—A person like me can only consume his life in this way, which is also a huge loss to the people of the world! "

After speaking, Hong Renkun looked solemn and solemn.

When everyone heard what he said, they couldn't help but think, "Actually, what he said makes sense"!


 That makes sense! "

At this time, the Maoshan Shaman Patriarch took the initiative to speak and expressed what was on his mind for everyone.

Tao Zu, who was revealed in the red sun, curled his lips. After saying a few words, he turned around and said, "But even so, you can't get the breath of the underworld. It's useless to hold it. Give it back to others." .

 If you don’t pay it back, I will commit suicide on the spot. Don’t say you have five years to live, but you don’t even think about living now! "

 “Ancestor, no!”

 “Grand Master, no!”


"If you are asked to commit suicide in front of our younger disciples, how can we face the Taoist sects in the world? Although the Taoist sect's precepts are loose, the prohibition of suicide is the first precept that must be observed!" Everyone heard what Tao Zu said. , one after another spoke out to advise, Shao Shoushan and Ma Xiangu were even more frightened, and quickly fell to their knees, kowtowing, and dissuaded with tears streaming down their faces.

Hearing this, Hong Renkun sneered disdainfully: "Then why don't you kill yourself on the spot?

Anyway, we are still in the bowels of reincarnation at the moment—if we really die, then everyone is completely ruined, it’s better to be totally ruined..."


 I will kill one of you right now to show you! "

Seeing the dispute between the two becoming more and more intense, Su Wu, who had been watching quietly, finally spoke up. He bowed to Hong Renkun, the first ancestor of Maoshan witchcraft, and then said: "If you want to travel around the world, don't waste these last five days." Carrying time.

 Grandmaster, Brother Hong, I actually have an idea. "

He did not call Hong Renkun alone to explain to the other party, but directly called Maoshan Shaman Patriarch and Hong Renkun. He naturally said these words to them.

Hong Renkun turned his gaze to Su Wu, his eyes shining brightly.

The first ancestor of Maoshan Wu looked a little embarrassed: "You saw it..."

Su Wu smiled. He could naturally see that the scheming between Tao Zu and the incarnation was just a matter of seeing through it without revealing it. The two acted too casually and only frightened Shao Shoushan and Ma Xiangu. , even Black Tiger saw some clues, and looked strangely silent.

“The breath of darkness is just a trace of sacrifice left on my body from the beginning.

Even if I intend to give it to you two, there is no guarantee that it will fall off my body and be used by you as you wish. "Su Wu said, "But I have a method that can make you two realize your wish and travel with me to thousands of places. "

The first ancestor of Maoshan Wu looked at Su Wu with thoughtful eyes.

Hong Renkun asked directly: "What method?"

"I originally had an object that could penetrate thousands of things and connect the world, but this object has failed now. The method I mentioned is to ask the great master to go to this shore and follow the cause and effect left by this object. , connected it back one after another, and I connected it with the breath of the underworld, and the two of them.

In this way, the three of us can travel freely in the underworld. "The thing Su Wu is talking about is the watch that has been handed down from his grandfather's generation and has been passed down to Su Wu from generation to generation, that is, the 'simulator' itself.

 The many simulated time and spaces that the simulator has experienced, looking at it now, are actually thousands of worlds and gaps.

It can continuously trace back a period of time and space, a period of cause and effect, because it contains a trace of the law of 'reincarnation' of death and calamity!

 Su Wu gradually got deeper into the laws of death and calamity of the intestines of the three pure beings, and after he understood them better, he thought that this ‘simulator’ was condensed with the help of the intestines of the three pure beings.

 Looking at it now, his guess was right or wrong.

  ‘Yes’, because the simulator does have the law of death and calamity that relies on the intestines of the three pure beings.

  ‘Wrong’, because his simulator has another origin, and perhaps it has to be traced back to the Han Dynasty before all the mysteries about the simulator can be solved—

 The simulator he inherited from before was incomplete.

If we can get the help of Hong Renkun and Chu Zu, the simulator may be complete!

 Su Wu was talking and while his mind was spinning, the watch that had never been seen appeared in his palm. He looked at the watch with memories in his eyes.

Hong Renkun and the first ancestor of Maoshan Wu were not present to see this watch.

Even Zhong Sui could only see that there was nothing in Su Wu's palm.

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