My Weird Life

Vol 3 Chapter 1245: Accommodating the ‘Intestines of the Three Purities’ (3)

 The sound of the wind is stirring!

 Su Wu’s body was covered with blood!

His mind was in a trance for a moment. In this moment of trance, he seemed to see a tall and heroic figure with its back to him, dragging the blood-red intestinal rope with one hand, and grabbing the blood-red intestinal cord with the other hand. The jet-black cross—the blood-red intestinal strips swallowed the figure's arms, and the jet-black cross cut his body into pieces!

But that figure had an aura that was difficult to transfer. That aura supported his broken body, allowing him to tie the "Intestine of Three Purities" to the "True Cross Tribulation"!

 He dragged the ‘True Cross Tribulation’ that was bound and entangled, and thrust it downwards—

In the middle of the endless mountain of corpses and sea of ​​​​blood, there is a naked body with a perfect body and exquisite appearance. There will never be such a "perfect" person standing on it in the world!

This ‘perfect man’ lives in boundless white light.

With its hands spread out, it held up a heaven filled with milk and honey, with only bliss and no pain!

Under the Kingdom of Heaven!

Countless dark puppets have bowed their heads and worshiped, calling it the 'Living Father' and 'Earthly Father' - the kingdom of heaven held up by this 'Living Father' and this 'Earthly Father' is covered by the darkness descending from the top of the sky. The cross was nailed to pieces!

The real cross tribulation nailed the living Father’s head!

The living father has a dark cross on his head, just like a tombstone in front of a tomb!

Those puppets who knelt down and bowed their heads suddenly began to cry out: "God!"


 “Father killed father!”

 “The Father in heaven has killed the living Father who came!”

 “The living father is dead!”


At this moment, all those illusory scenes disappeared before Su Wu's eyes.

He stood on the countless corpses wrapped in human silver, looking at the huge black cross on the top of the city wall one step away. Approaching this real cross, Su Wu could not help but tremble with every thought. But there was a kind of power in his blood that told him to straighten his back, like a giant pillar holding up the heaven and earth, like an iron spear piercing the gods!

 The rhyme that freezes everything flows in the real cross tribulation.

Within the criss-crossed cross-shaped cracks, countless human figures were frozen by the stagnant charm, turning into wood carvings and clay sculptures, standing in the dark cracks.

Su Wu was so close to this real calamity that he could see the expressions of despair and grief solidified on the faces of the wooden and clay sculptures!

Those who have been solidified are all foreigners.

 They are all living people!

 They were gathered into the real cross tribulation and became the sacrifices of the real cross tribulation, providing a steady stream of ‘human silver’ for the coming of the real cross tribulation!

No wonder there are many corpses of foreigners scattered among this huge mountain of corpses that are level with the towering city wall!

 They are the first wave of sacrifices to be released from the real cross tribulation!

 In the entire West today, there is probably not a single living person at all!

Su Wu's gaze moved downwards along the dark cross. He saw that the end of the cross had become as thick as an ordinary person's arm. The upright end was like a javelin, running straight through a man with black hair, blue eyes, and a deep eagle nose. Eyes, body, and body are all imperfect, holy and solemn 'human beings' - this 'perfect human being' is what Su Wu saw in the illusion, after absorbing the silver of human beings like a vast ocean, and finally finally Come and finally shape yourself into a complete 'living father'!

 The ‘living father’ is dead.

However, Su Wu sensed that the vitality of his living father was stronger than his human origin!

There is no clear distinction between 'life' and 'death' in the living father. It can be a dead thing, an incorruptible corpse with the real cross calamity above its head, or it can be full of vitality, standing on the wall and waiting hard. What a living person!

 “Eternal life is eternal death…

I see.

You have long been unable to truly have life and death like a human being, with a beginning and an end - you are - the "eternal trick"! "Su Wu stared at the 'living father' with his back turned to him. He finally realized that the 'perfect man' in front of him was actually not a 'human' at all, but a trickster who mistakenly thought he was a human!

 Its rhyme is ‘vitality’.

 Its law of death and calamity is ‘self-immortality’!

It has been working hard to break away from the control of the real cross tribulation, resurrect itself, come to the world, and become a living person. Therefore, it has gathered countless pseudo-persons transformed from things that have fallen off itself, preaching everywhere, and spreading its own 'vitality' It is sown in the bodies of living people, and 'human silver' is condensed in the bodies of living people. Believers collect 'human silver' frantically, all for its arrival!

It was once close to success. In the cheers of believers, success came to the world, and he became a "perfect man"!

But then it was nailed by the real cross calamity falling from the sky, so it used the body of a perfect man to accommodate the immortal trick of itself, waiting in the stagnant time and space without time distinction!

 “Eternal life is the greatest punishment, eternal life is the greatest sin…

I shouldn’t have touched the cross, I shouldn’t have stolen it from the other side…

 I am the sin…”

The "Eternal Life Creation", who had his back turned to Su Wu, murmured in a low voice.

It was squatting half-crouched on the city wall, wiping something with its arms on the city wall in front of it. Su Wu walked around in front of it, facing the "Eternal Life" that was perfect in every aspect, even the aura it exuded was perfect. sly'.

 His eyes fell under the hands of the Living Father.

 Under the hands of the Living Father, there is an irregular crack.

 In the cracks, light and shadow flashed.

Su Wu focused his eyes on the crack, and saw a dark city with tall buildings appearing behind it. There were very few neon lights flashing in that city, and only a few street lights were on. It will flicker and flicker like human eyes, on and off.

Under the bright street lights, some zombie-like figures were reflected.

Those people gathered in groups, swaying under the street lights, heading into the distance.

The darkness spread out, but in the distance, there was a long river of neon lights that stretched across the horizon.

The world time and space that continues after the crack is reality.

That lonely and cold city with tall buildings and many human-like walking corpses coming and going is Mingzhou. Stepping out of this crack means entering reality!

The 'Living Father' tore a crack in the stagnant world of reincarnation, so that the 'Cross Tribulation Reflection' could come into reality. It once almost blocked all of Su Wu's paths, leading Su Wu to the final desperation. !

It has been watching Su Wu’s every move.

Even after Su Wu entered the 'Qing Dynasty time and space' again, he was pursued by the 'Cross Tribulation Reflection' several times!

 Everything is closely related to it!

“The dead will not be resurrected.

What has happened, why can it be repeated thousands of times?" The living father raised his head, and the real cross kalpa inserted on its neck also swayed, causing the heaven and earth to be filled with layers of blood. The scarlet intestinal strips were reflected again. It stood up and looked at Su Wu opposite, "Why can you still come here? ! "

Su Wu looked at the living father's pair of blue eyes and suddenly sneered: "No, no - the last time I was able to 'start over', the reason had something to do with the 'simulator', but it had nothing to do with the thing you tore apart. There must be a connection between the cracks in the road - you and the intestines of reincarnation deliberately let me escape from here!

 For what?

 Let me think about it, what are you and it for? "

 He lowered his eyebrows in thought.

 The Living Father on the other side suddenly became silent when he heard his words.

"Mortals are trapped by the God of Deception and want to be freed. The God of Deception is trapped by the other side that cannot be crossed and the threshold that cannot be crossed, and is also seeking relief. You are trapped here by the real cross tribulation, even though it is the deception of eternal life. , but it is like grass, trees, earth and rocks, stagnating here. This is not your origin. You want to seek liberation from it!

The real cross kalpa has trapped the soul of samsara in this heavy time and space, and exiled all this time and space.

The soul of reincarnation also wants to be freed from the real cross tribulation, and also wants to pursue its own 'true freedom', truly include all living beings in its own reincarnation, help itself, and truly transcend the realm of 'three absences'!

The real cross kalpa is also trapped by you and the intestines of Sanqing, and it also wants to seek relief!

You all want to be liberated - but with your own strength, there is no way to liberate yourself. I, the person who imprisoned you, ended up becoming the 'key' to your liberation -

The matter of ‘Mingzhou-Longshan Collection’ is actually a chess game set by you.

 I am trapped in this matter, and I also want to find real relief from it!

If I am freed from this matter, I first need to free you and others - but freeing you and others will be destined to bring the world to life and make me fall into imprisonment again without being able to be freed - this is what you think now, right? "Su Wu's eyes were gleaming as he integrated all the clues in his mind and got the final answer in an instant!

There was no emotion belonging to the living in the eyes of the living father. It stared at Su Wu and suddenly asked: "Then do you want to try whether you can break free from this imprisonment? Or do you want to suffer eternal destruction with us?

 Reality is real reality, and reincarnation is also real reincarnation.

If you want to suffer eternal destruction with us, you must completely give up reality and give up everything—and then you will be exiled forever with us in these two hundred years of time and space! "

 “Of course I want to try again!

Of course I can’t stop moving forward—last time I made you stagnate and couldn’t break free—this time I should do better than I did last time!

 If I can beat you once, I can beat you countless times! "Su Wu spoke loudly, and his aura was filled with blazing golden flames!

‘Living Father’ looked at Su Wu’s face and smiled silently: “He is indeed a gambler.

 We all like gamblers—"

 “Have you ever seen a gambler who only wins?”

Su Wu interrupted what the living father was saying. He raised his eyebrows and opened his eyes in an instant. Blazing white thunder suddenly stood in the center of the sky and earth, bringing an indelible 'change' to this stagnant world!

 In the crack of thunder, the shadowy shadow of the Great Emperor stretched out his arms!

Both arms poked out of the fissures of the blazing white thunder and turned into a pair of dragon arms. The dragon arms held up the seven-fold wheel - the wheel of the six paths of living beings, which was coiled by the blood-red intestinal ropes. It slowly sank downwards, and the wheels of the six paths of the pseudo-man slowly moved upward. Lift!

The six-way roulette wheel, which included countless dummies, was thrown into the raging golden fire rising around Su Wu one by one!

 No matter how blazing his fire is, he can't completely burn any of the pseudo-human wheels of six paths to sacrifice to himself - fortunately, Su Wu has been prepared for all this!

Qingmiao, Xiuxiu, Li Hu, and Zhuer, who were held in his arms, all heard his voice: "Junior brother and sister, please lend me some firewood."


 A streak of yellow, red, white or black fire suddenly erupted from Su Wu’s arms!

The blazing fire merged into Su Wu's own fire, causing his fire level to rise sharply. In an instant, it turned into a pillar of fire that soared into the sky. The six-path chakra of the pseudo-human beings thrown into the fire were all torn off by the flames. It becomes distorted, begins to melt, slowly breaks and disappears!

The wailing sounds of countless fake people only sounded for a moment, and then they all stopped!

 At the top of the blazing pillar of fire, a chicken egg-like light group emerged.

Within the light group, the consciousness of the ‘six-eared macaque’ is constantly changing!

Transformed into a red-faced, fanged, three-headed and six-armed ‘Tianpeng Marshal’ to recognize the spirit;

Transformed into four heads and thirty-six arms with golden and blue ‘Kalachakra’ all over the body;

 Transformed into the form of "the great sun disc arising from the lotus";


 All kinds of spiritual transformations of consciousness are changing rapidly on Su Wu’s soul, and then falling off quickly!

On his soul, a total of one hundred and eight spiritual transformations of consciousness fell off. All the spiritual transformations of consciousness were scattered and without a trace. After Su Wu's soul shed one hundred and eight divine transformations of consciousness, they suddenly gathered together. On top of his soul, a series of spiritual manifestations of consciousness wrapped around Su Wu's soul like lotus petals, and the many lotus petals slowly closed together -

The living father looked at Su Wu with cold eyes, who was about to gather the 'primordial spirits' in front of him, and he suddenly smiled.

All the petals are slowly closing - they have been closing slowly like this, but they have never really closed. It is like a "stuck" video. Whenever it reaches a stuck point, it will rewind to the beginning and play again!

“In the stagnation of reincarnation, the achievements of ‘Yuan Shen’ and above are blocked..." The living father spoke softly and reminded Su Wu mockingly.

Su Wu looked back at it with a mocking look: "In the stagnation of reincarnation, can you block the 'Sui Emperor' to bless me?"

The words just finished!

Outside this filthy world filled with mud, at the end of the horizon, a dark figure lying on its back suddenly sat up. It passed through countless reincarnations across countless time and space, and stretched out a hand to Su Wu -

The palm filled with dark flames rested on Su Wu's shoulder!

Passing the torch!

 Boom, boom, boom!

The raging golden fire turned into a fire of gold and black, smearing the sky and the earth that were stagnant in time and space, spreading all the dark figures and foreign Taoist priests of the Great Qin religion on the muddy ground. Caught in fire—

The lotus petals that wrapped Su Wu's soul fell off, bathed in the fire for a time, and then transformed into countless mutated forms of consciousness, and returned to Su Wu's soul!

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