My Weird Life

Vol 3 Chapter 1265: behind the door (12)

 In the living room of the hotel suite.

Su Wu, Xiaohe, Hong Renkun, and Tao Zu were sitting around the glass table. Su Wu pulled out an envelope and tore off the seal, revealing a thick stack of red banknotes inside.

As soon as Hong Renkun and Tao Zu saw the banknotes, their eyes widened.

 Girl Xiaohe’s eyes also became bright.

Su Wu looked at the three of them, counted ten of them, and handed them to Miss Xiaohe.

"Where's mine? Where's mine?" Hong Renkun rubbed his hands anxiously and asked Su Wu repeatedly.

Tao Zu also looked at Su Wu, waiting for Su Wu to count out more wads of money and hand them over to him, the ancestor.

“Xiaohe, you should also take the money.

 I will go out and buy some mobile phones later - I don’t have to buy too expensive ones for my ancestor and brother Hong. Those youth version models are suitable for them. After all, they may wear out the mobile phones after they don’t use them for too long.

  I also need a new mobile phone.

 You should also choose a mobile phone yourself, choose the one you like. "Su Wu took out another thick wad of money from the paper bag and handed it to Xiaohe again, "The thousand yuan I gave you earlier is all the expenses for the three of you tonight.

 It cannot exceed this number. It depends on how you allocate it to them. "

 He himself doesn't know how much money Su Wu has in reality now.

  But when you need to spend it, you will never have nothing on hand.

As soon as he finished speaking, Hong Renkun and Tao Zu started to have a quarrel.

 “What! We share so little money with her?!”

 “What can I do with this little money?”

“I am the founder of Maoshan Mountain, but I no longer have the right to spend any money at will. It’s like a tiger falling down and being bullied by a dog, and a dragon swimming in the shallows and being tricked by a shrimp..."

Looking at the noisy two, Su Wu sighed and said to them: "Now that you have followed me into reality, I can't always lock you into a rift just because of your occasional deviant behavior... You always need to integrate into today's life, and it is also a good thing to have more contact with people outside.

At the moment, you and Xiaohe share a thousand yuan. Of this thousand yuan, you each have a quota of one hundred yuan, and the rest is all Xiaohe can use freely. "

“You want us to have more contact with people from the outside world and integrate us into today’s life, but now you only give us 100 yuan?” Hong Renkun’s eyes widened.

Su Wu nodded: "Today it's one hundred yuan, but if you behave well, it will rise to two hundred yuan tomorrow, and it will rise to three hundred yuan the day after tomorrow. If you do not perform well today, you will pay me to Xiaohe when he comes back." I will report that the quota will be reduced by one hundred. When the quota is reduced to a negative number, you will be imprisoned in the gap until the quota returns to a positive number, and then you will be released."

“I have turned into a donkey chasing carrots!” Tao Zu was furious.

As soon as he finished speaking, there were ravines looming all around, and the sound of even breathing sounded in Tao Zu's ears.

Su Wu lowered his eyes, his heart still.

He has found the best way to balance the two people - to use the river girl to balance the two: "Then the ancestor is willing to be the donkey chasing the carrot?

If you don’t want to do it, you can rest in the ravine. "

Tao Zu’s old face turned red from suppressing it. After a long time, he finally said, “Do it!”


 Hundred more rewards! "Su Wu took out another banknote and gave it to Xiaohe for safekeeping temporarily.

Tao Zu was filled with joy when he saw that his limit had increased by one hundred yuan.

Hong Renkun also quickly followed up and said: "I will do it too, I will do it too, give me an increase of one hundred."

Su Wu glanced at him, but put away the envelope full of banknotes: "Brother Hong's reply is late, please remember to be more positive next time."


 Xiaohe, Tao Zu, and Hong Renkun left the hotel. Su Wu gave them four hours so that they could hang out outside. Using these few hours, he could also handle some things.

 He turned on the TV in the living room and learned about the current time through the news and programs broadcast on various TV stations.

 About three months have passed since he entered the past time and space.

In three months, some of the strange things dormant in the world were enough to bring about some terrifying changes in the world. After Su Wu knew the current time, he had a premonition: 'I think you' should really be here. Time to recover.

 But its recovery seems to be "calm" again.

Being in the commercial district of this small city, Su Wu couldn't even feel any hint of 'I want you to come'. People's lives were as before, and there was no change at all because of 'I want you to come'.

 —This is unusual.

Although this small city is still far away from the area where the ‘Longhu Mountain-Tianmen Mountain’ is located. But in Su Wu's view, the terror of 'Xian'er' surpassed that of a hydrogen bomb.

Just imagine in today's world, if a hydrogen bomb falls in a city where humans gather, it will probably cause an uproar all over the world and trigger many chain reactions - even if the people in this small city today... They were not within the range of a 'hydrogen bomb explosion', but they were not calm to such an eerie degree.

Su Wu speculated that there are four reasons why people can be so calm.

The first is that although 'Xiang'er' has arrived, it has not yet unfolded the law of death and calamity - Su Wu realized that this possibility is very small. Once this kind of evil is revived, their law of death and calamity will be unfolding all the time. , Moreover, Su Wu had previously seen through a strange connection between cause and effect, in the dark world, he saw many people dressed the same as people today, kneeling down towards the vague figures in the Tianmen. Those people may not have been Living people who want to be swept away by the laws of death and calamity;

 The second reason is that ‘thinking you’ has not yet arrived. This possibility is also extremely low. Third, the law of death and calamity of 'Xiang'er' has broken out and enveloped a certain area, but the news of a certain area was either man-made or completely concealed by some spontaneous force - so that people I no longer have any memory of what happened to you.

  Or the fourth possibility—

  I think your law of death and calamity has enveloped the whole world.

People are exposed to its laws of death and calamity, passively facing their own death, but unable to realize it.

Su Wu's mind was spinning, he opened a laptop he had bought on the way, and began to search for various information about 'Longhu Mountain', 'Tianmen Mountain' and their surrounding cities.

However, there is absolutely no news about these locations in the browser or on various social media.

 Just like "Longhu Mountain", "Tianmen Mountain" and their surrounding areas, they do not exist in the world at all. It is just a wrong impression created in Su Wu's own mind.

Even when Su Wu searched for TV stations, he could not find the local TV stations in Longhu Mountain and Tianmen Mountain!

This situation further proves that the news related to 'Xiang'er' is very likely to be completely concealed artificially or by some spontaneous force - clues about Longhu Mountain and Tianmen Mountain are all available on the Internet. No trace could be found. This concealment was so complete that Su Wu highly suspected that 'Xiang'er' was personally involved in concealing the news of his arrival.

 He frowned and closed the computer.

Around Su Wu, the tribulations of heaven and earth turned from invisible to tangible in an instant. Black rivers circled around him. At the place where the rivers of tribulation converged, a similarly dark iron gate was surrounded by the rivers of tribulation. , pushed to Su Wu.

The dark cast iron door is surrounded by chains.

The chains, when Su Wu cast his gaze at them, all turned into characters of righteousness symbols, floating around Su Wu.

This cast-iron door covered with chains is the door to the "hell".

Su Wu pushed open the iron door and stepped inside.

The iron door behind him was twisted by chains and closed on its own without making a sound.

Inside the prison, chandeliers hang from the ceiling shrouded in black mist. In the past, the Department of Weird Countermeasures built a power system inside the prison and put various modern equipment into the prison. However, this power system, After being left unmaintained for a long time, these modern equipment finally became unusable.

Although there are chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, none of them are burning at this time.

Standing in this rich darkness, Su Wu could still clearly see the iron bars and prisons shrouded in black mist, as well as the cells made of blue bricks further away.

He holds the 'portal' to the Hell, but where the true form of the Hell is, only by using the 'Treasure Paper' as a guide can we truly find it.

The Hell was transformed by Zhong Sui, and in the past time and space, Zhong Sui personally entrusted the 'key' of the Hell - the terma paper to Su Wu. Su Wu felt that the 'Prison' today had a great significance to him. Everything is different.

  In the past, because of the "Weird Countermeasures Department", he always had some taboos about the "Weird Prison".

Now, I am gradually starting to have the idea of ​​​​taking back the "true form of the prison" and completely taking over the prison for my own use.

The prison is in Zhong Sui's hands, and it is enough to hold Li Gui at the level of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

It actually has huge potential.

Su Wu walked slowly along the road shrouded in black mist in the prison.

A series of dark chains swam out from the flowing mist, turning into floating characters of righteousness symbols around him. He had never really practiced the 'righteousness symbols', but at this moment, he was also interested in these characters. The characters of Zhengqi Talisman have a feeling of "like arms moving fingers".

Zhong Sui once said that he would record all the "righteousness talismans" he had cultivated in his notebook for Su Wu to use.

After Su Wu gets the notebook, these righteousness symbols floating around in the prison can be fully used by him.

The cages and cells on both sides of the road continued to extend forward, and a branch road branched out in the prison. Su Wu kept walking straight forward until he saw a rusty door at the end of the road shrouded in black mist.

On the portal, there are characters of righteousness symbols engraved on it.


 Those who are not familiar with the "righteousness talisman" are not allowed to enter. ’

 ‘Anyone who commits adultery and violates the law will not be allowed to enter. ’

 ‘An ordinary man can be a teacher for all generations, and one word can teach the world. This is the ‘Su King’. For the rest of my life, I will practice in the "Righteous Talisman". I hope that people in the future will carry forward the "Righteous Talisman" to control the evil in the world. In this way, I can also be respected as the "Su King"! ’

Su Wu’s impression was that the many characters of righteousness symbols carved on this dark door had been mottled by rust. Now looking at those characters, they have been refined by time, but they are still as fresh as ever!

—Behind this iron gate with the seal "Su Wang Residence" engraved, there is not only the legacy of Su Wang Zhongsui, but also the charm of authenticating!

Previously, Su Wu was chasing the deputy warden in the prison. When the deputy warden approached this door, his already dead body was "resurrected" because of the charm of Jianzhen, and it gradually showed signs of being transformed!

Su Wu has been practicing so far, and has a vague understanding of the essence of the "Charm of Heavenly Law".

These kinds of heavenly charms are more like the thoughts revealed and the various emotions generated by heaven after it has its own mind.

But Jianzhen is the only one who has come into contact with someone like Jianzhen, who can piece together countless heavenly charms on the body and soul, and gather the ‘complete self’.

Concentrating his mind and being on guard, Su Wu raised his hand and pressed it on the dark iron door. The righteousness symbols carved on the iron door all fell off at this moment, turning into streaks of clear light, covering it. Around Su Wu, in the clear light, figures overlapped - the moment he was covered by these many clear figures, he pushed the door hard, and the clear light bloomed behind the door -

But there is no trace of the "charm of authenticating truth" revealed from it!

Behind the door, ‘Zhong Sui’ was wearing a large green cloak and was sitting casually in a dark room. Sitting there, there was a Buddha head that was half ferocious and half compassionate!

Although the Buddha head was a stone statue, the solemn and ferocious atmosphere it exuded caused countless demons and Buddhas to appear faintly in the darkness all around, chanting sutras and roaring!

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