My Weird Life

Vol 3 Chapter 1275: Wine Cellar Spirit (12)

In a dimly lit shop filled with the aroma of medicinal herbs.

Su Wu looked down at the old woman who was saluting him. He then looked at the smiling old man with white hair and black beard behind the counter.

At this moment, his mind was a little dazed.

The two are Lao Lang Yao Shi Ye and Zha Yao Po Po who have been reshaped from the past sexual intentions of Taoist Shao and Ma Xiangu. Looking at their faces, Su Wu can imagine what Taoist Shao and Ma Xiangu will look like in reality when they grow old. —He felt an indescribable affinity for both.

 But the two did not recognize him.

They are Shao Shoushan and Su Jue, but they are no longer the Shao Shoushan and Su Jue of before.

But fortunately, they were still able to 'alive' in this ghostly dream, which was finally a great comfort to Su Wu.

 The pharmacist and the medicine-grabbing woman felt a little uneasy when they saw that Su Wu had not spoken for a long time.

This "Grandpa Tian" is less active in ghost dreams and his reputation is not obvious. On the contrary, "Master Tianzhu" has been famous in ghost dreams for a long time. But they, the people in the ghost dreams of their grandparents, all know that the real person in the ghost dreams today is no longer Lord Tianzhu.

The person with the greatest authority over ghost dreams is Grandpa Tian in front of them!

What is Grandpa Tian thinking at the moment, but he doesn’t want them to stay in the drug shop and work? As Shao Shoushan and Ma Xiangu's thoughts were racing, Su Wu finally had a smile on his face. He helped Su Jue up, looked at her, then pulled her and Shao Shoushan, who had white hair and black beard, and said, "This is my shop. It has been left unattended for a long time, so I would like to thank you two for helping me take care of it.

 You two may not know clearly.

 In reality, you are already close friends with me and you have helped me a lot.

Now that I'm in the ghost dream, I still need your help. I'm really ashamed... Just take care of this pharmacy with peace of mind. I'll entrust these prescriptions to you. You can spread the medical skills in the ghost dream. , Professor's disciples, blessing the common people! "

After Su Wu walked into the ghost dream, he naturally changed into the appearance of a "ghost doctor".

He took off the medicine box he was carrying on his back and opened it. As expected, there appeared a series of prescriptions with strange handwriting and patterns inside.

The pharmacist nervously looked at the prescription handed over by Su Wu. Just now, he was still worried about whether he and his wife would stay or leave. Now the situation has changed. Instead, he and his wife have received such a great favor from Grandpa Tian, ​​passing on all their medical skills. They both—

With the help of these prescriptions, it is not difficult for the two of them to become the "Supreme Master" in ghost dreams!

Shao Shoushan was shocked by this huge surprise. He was holding the medicine box in a daze. He didn't react for a moment. Su Jue reacted quickly. She pulled him and knelt down to Su Wu to thank him: "Old Shao likes to study medicine. You will By giving him so many prescriptions, he is equivalent to inheriting your mantle. We kowtow to you, and you will be our master from now on—"


Su Wu quickly stopped the two of them, and with their puzzled eyes, he said: "You two have had a long history with me in the past, and we have always been friends of the same generation. Now if I give these prescriptions to you, you two will If you want to worship me as your master, I will take back these prescriptions..."


Then I won’t do it, I won’t do it…” As soon as he heard that Su Wu wanted to take back the prescription, Shao Shoushan quickly hugged the medicine box tightly and shook his head at Su Wu. He overreacted this time, but then he reacted and his expression suddenly became awkward. He laughed a few times at Su Wu.

Su Wu didn’t care.

 He and the two of them chatted for a while.

Although they met as ‘old friends’, they knew nothing about the past, and they were not touched when Su Wu mentioned those old events. Su Wu chatted with them for a few words, then lost interest, so he said goodbye to them, walked out of the medicine shop alone, and walked forward side by side with Lord Tianzhu.

"How does it feel to meet an old friend?" Tianzhu Lord Wang Menglong sidestepped a driver pulling a cart and asked Su Wu with a smile.

Su Wu replied: "It's always a good thing to be alive."

Hearing this, Wang Menglong also smiled and nodded.

At this time, Su Wu was slightly moved. He turned around and saw Shao Shoushan and Ma Xiangu waving goodbye to him on the steps in front of the medicine shop.

It is now dusk, and the wires in the sky are criss-crossing, soaked in the red sunset glow.

The sunset makes the sky appear higher and farther, and the rows of wooden pavilions and stone buildings of different ages on the earth appear even lower and denser.

 Surrounded by these old buildings, two familiar old men named Su Wu waved to him.

 He also waved to the other party, said "take care", turned around and walked away with Wang Menglong.


The signboard of Dongsheng Daqu Liquor was just ten steps away. Su Wu turned to Wang Menglong and asked him, "Senior Wang called me here for what reason?"

“Follow me, you’ll know when we get there.” Wang Menglong replied to Su Wu with a smile.

He first stepped into the wine shop. The waiters and shopkeepers in the wine shop stopped their movements and bowed to him and Su Wu.

Su Wujun responded one by one and followed Wang Menglong into the wine shop.

The aroma of wine that can make ordinary people drunken and dreamy lingers in this shop filled with wine jars of different sizes.

Wang Menglong shook up a ladle of wine, poured it into a coarse pottery bowl, handed it to Su Wu, and said with a smile: "Try the Dongsheng wine now - it's different from before.

 In the past, human souls had to be used to make wine to resist the invasion of the four evil spirits.

Now that all the four tricks have been settled and each has been sealed, I have started to make the winery brew normal wine. The aroma of the wine is thicker but pure, thin and concentrated, and the cellar aroma is elegant and free of foreign smells! "

Hearing this, Su Wu took the wine cup, raised his neck and drank the wine.

 The wine passes through the throat, as smooth as water.

However, at this time, there was a warm and thin aroma, rushing up from the throat, smearing across Su Wu's tongue, rolling between his nostrils, filling his nose and mouth with such a thick aroma, the aroma seemed like A deep and ancient alleyway attracts people to keep exploring. The more they explore, the more fascinated they become.

This kind of wine is indeed as Wang Menglong said, thick and pure, with an elegant cellar aroma!

"This wine is indeed the best." Su Wu put down the wine cup, praised a few words, picked up the paper and pen on the counter, waved his hand and wrote down several prescriptions, "One cup made me feel that the sky is vast and the earth is vast. , the inspiration has increased tremendously... Please send a clerk to deliver these prescriptions to Lao Lang's Drug Store."

 “Yes, I’ll go right away!”

A waiter took the prescription, and the winery shopkeeper handed over a beautifully crafted wooden box. After putting the prescription in the wooden box, the waiter held the prescription in his arms and ran out of the winery.

"How much does this wine cost per jar?" Su Wu asked Wang Menglong, pointing to the waist-high jar of wine that he had just tasted.

Wang Menglong said: "Ten pairs of paper can weigh one pound per pound. The wine you drank is the best wine in this winery."

 Hearing what Wang Menglong said, Su Wu was a little surprised for a moment.

In ghost dreams, many ordinary people cannot accumulate a pair of paper sticks in their lifetime, but only one pound of wine in this winery requires ten pairs of paper sticks. It can be seen that this wine pulp is very valuable, far from the ordinary Dongsheng wine.

Su Wu originally wanted to take a few jars of wine back to give to the alcoholic carpenter 'Sun Ji' in Taoyuan Village, or to use as a 'radish' to seduce Tao Zu and Hong Renkun. It was a good place, but Hearing that this wine was so valuable, he gave up the idea of ​​asking Wang Menglong for it.

However, even though he didn't ask for it, Wang Menglong still ordered the waiter to bring in several three-pound wine jars, filled five jars with wine, sealed the mouth of the jars with clay, and then said to Su Wu: "When you leave later, Bring some jars of wine back."

 “So precious…”

"Now that the ghosts and dreams are at peace, I am no longer troubled by the four ghosts. I feel much more relaxed and don't have to work hard all day. Winemaking and paper-making are my hobbies. Now I can finally indulge in my hobbies. For the sake of this moment Since you are so leisurely, I have to give you some jars of wine.

It's just a few jars of wine, not much, just take it. "Wang Menglong waved his hand.

Su Wu smiled and said, "Then I will be disrespectful."

Wang Menglong immediately led Su Wu to the backyard of the wine shop.

Lifting the blue curtain covering the back door of the wine shop, Su Wu stepped out of the back door - the bustling markets and shops on the outermost edge of Guimeng left him far away. He crossed the gullies and thresholds, and when the soles of his feet landed, he was already We walked into a large factory with a huge cellar.

Many workers in uniforms are busy around the cellar, digging out the lees.

 —This is the cellar room of Dongsheng Winery.

Su Wu followed Wang Menglong, walking through the cellars one after another, and finally walked into the innermost and oldest cellar room, which was still a green brick house with stacked wooden beams.

He walked in here and looked at the deep cellar dug out of the masonry floor, and finally understood something. Su Wu turned to Wang Menglong and said: "This is the oldest base wine cellar of Dongsheng Winery...

Sigui tore the bottom of the cellar at that time, and used a cellar stone to suppress the crack.

Yingying’s sexual desire was left in the cellar stone at that time..."

“You have a good memory.” Wang Menglong replied to Su Wu and waved to an old man sitting on a horse in a daze beside the cellar.

 “Master Tianzhu!”

The old man responded to Wang Menglong, but did not get up. He was still sitting on the horse, staring blankly at the crystal clear pool of wine in the cellar.

Wang Menglong smiled helplessly and walked towards the old man. At the same time, he said to Su Wu beside him: "Who is this old man?"

Su Wu already had a guess in his mind.

As he approached the dazed old man, he confirmed his suspicion.

This old man is Jiang Yingying’s grandfather!

 After his death, his spirit was absorbed into the ghost dream and has become a resident in the ghost dream!

“He was not an employee of the winery originally, but was later recruited into the winery and has been responsible for taking care of the old cellar.

 Not long ago, he jumped into the cellar once.

  After he was fished out, some changes occurred in the wine slurry in the cellar.

 —What do you think is in these wines? "Wang Menglong pursed his lips toward the cellar of wine in front of him.

The wine in this cellar once became the top-grade wine of Dongsheng Winery because it was contaminated with all kinds of strange charms and mixed with the emotions of many people. However, if you drink too much of this kind of wine, you will eventually be harmed by ghosts. The dream itself causes 'damage', causing the ghost dream to gradually awaken.

Wang Menglong also used this method to spread the pressure of the four ghosts' invasion onto the entire ghost dream.

Now that the four spooks are in their own places and locked up, it is obvious that he no longer needs to use this method to 'quench his thirst' by drinking poison, so he sealed up the remaining wine. He himself did not expect that such a thing would be born in this wine. Wonderful changes.

 “Such a change occurs when you re-enter reincarnation and face the calamity of death.

I guess it may be that her emotions and sexual intentions were reincarnated under the rotation of reincarnation, and were immersed in the wine here through the cellar stone that was causally related to it.

Her grandfather jumped hard and finally made her emotions and thoughts change from invisible to tangible, from deep sleep to awakening. "Wang Menglong was talking beside him.

Su Wu looked at the cellar in front of him.

 In the cellar, ripples suddenly appeared in the still, crystal clear wine.

Under these layers of ripples, the wine finally became no longer so clear, and wisps of snow-white figures danced in the wine. Under Su Wu's gaze, those figures merged into one and transformed into 'Jiang Yingying' dressed in white.

 When he saw her, Su Wu was convinced that she was Jiang Yingying, not anyone else, nor the girl from Xiaohe.

Jiang Yingying's figure rippled and swayed gently with the wine.

Her hair was all disheveled, and it was dispersed in the clear wine.

 Seemingly noticing Su Wu's gaze towards her, she covered her face shyly.

"Her thoughts and emotions have been merged into this pool of wine. How can we gather all her thoughts and emotions and bring her back to reality?" Su Wu smiled at Jiang Yingying who was in the wine, and turned around Asked Wang Menglong beside him.

 This woman who had gone through difficult times with him in the past was, after all, somewhat special to him.

If she just disappeared, he would feel regret after all.

Now it would be great if she could regroup her thoughts and emotions and let her live in reality again.

“Miss Yingying is still in a state of ‘drunk life and dreams of death’.

Thoughts are soaked in wine, scattered and unruly, fighting independently and unable to be unified. "Wang Menglong looked at the woman floating in the wine. Her figures sometimes merged into one, and sometimes they dispersed into countless snow-white shadows.

Senior Wang continued, "The only way I can think of is to drink this full pool of wine, and while I can still remain drunk but not faint, I can get rid of the excess emotions in the wine and digest the adulteration in it. The strange rhyme of the poem searches for all the thoughts of Miss Yingying and unifies them.

This will make her wake up from her drunken dream and follow you back to reality.

I am not capable enough to drink a cellar full of wine and be drunk without being faint, or sink without being lost. Moreover, after all, Miss Yingying’s thoughts contain a lot of her privacy. I am not related to her, so once I want to gather her thoughts, I will inevitably get a glimpse of some of her privacy, but it is not easy for me to do so. Check out her privacy.

But now that you have cultivated your Yuanshen, and you are such an ever-changing Yuanshen, there is no problem in drinking this wine. "

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