My Weird Life

Vol 2 Chapter 409: Forging of ghosts and gods (1/2)

   Chapter 409 Ghosts and Gods Forging (12)

   "Today, Genji in Kyoto sent these killing stones,

   I hope we can create a sword for them that is capable of slashing the "ghost king level"! "

   Master An Gang looked at the killing stone on the ground and spoke slowly, solving the confusion in Su Wu's heart.

He turned his head to look at Su Wu with a serious look, and continued, "Young friend Zhuzhao has lived in the country of Boqi for a long time, maybe he doesn't know what's going on outside—the Yuan clan is now a great nobleman in the whole of Dongliu Island, controlling many countries and his subordinates. Warriors are like clouds, retainers are like rain!

   Maybe it was because the 'semi-high-level' sword I forged for the Fujiwara clan had caught the attention of Genji's 'Yuan Lai Gang', so this time they specially sent a killing stone and asked me to help cast this sword. "

   For a sword-making workshop,

   Being able to be involved with the great nobles of Kyoto is indeed 'back against a big tree to enjoy the shade', which has great benefits.

   But if you can't meet the requirements of the great nobles, you will mess things up,

   will bring great disaster for the sword casting.

  An Gang is also clearly aware of this section,

   He summoned all the craftsmen of the sword-making workshop to discuss how to deal with this matter.

"As a swordsman, I have made it my lifelong dream to forge a 'superior' sword!" An Gang's eyes shone brightly. After speaking, he bent down and picked up the copper box at his feet, placed it on the table, and put to open.

   inside the copper box,

   A lifelike human-shaped killing stone was lying there.

  This killing stone is all purple and black, sitting naked and cross-legged, with his hands clasped together, in a form of devout worship to the Buddha.

Su Wu looked at the 'human stone' and found no traces of veins on the stone like the 'big upper baby stone'. From this point of view, the 'big upper baby stone' may be more important than the 'human stone'. A high-grade killing stone.

   But even so,

   Human-shaped killing stones are also extremely rare.

  The quality must be extremely high.

  I think this should be the highest grade material for forging swords sent by Kyoto Genji.

   Looking at the 'human stone' in the copper box, the craftsmen couldn't take their eyes away for a while.

  An Gang's breathing was also a little heavier,

But he still kept his rationality, and after showing the 'human stone' to the crowd, he continued: "This is the 'human stone' sent by Mr. Yuan Laigang. If we promise to forge a sword for him, this 'human stone' will take office. Used by us!

   So far in my life, I have seen the highest-level killing stone, just the head stone.

   This was the first time I saw a human stone.

  It is said that this stone has various mysterious abilities, which can make the sword look like a living thing, and even make the sword have the potential to 'turn into a scorpion'!

   Among the nine major ore veins, the number of human stones produced each year is less than ten!

   The jade steel and sintered iron calcined for every ten human stones are enough to forge a sword!

  This shows how precious this stone is! "

  An Gang stopped,

   looked up at the many craftsmen,

   pulled their thoughts back, and after everyone looked at him, he continued: "Genji masters the 'Meinong Vein', one of the nine major ore veins, and the 'human stone' produced every year has a fixed distribution.

   But what can be met is that even if 'Yuan Lai Gang' is the eldest son of the Genji family,

   The number of 'human stones' in his hand will not exceed three.

   Maybe even just this one!

   He handed this stone to us—if we waste this stone, and the final sword we cast is only of the 'top grade', it will be a huge failure!

  When the time comes, the place where we cast our swords will bear the wrath of Gen Lai Gang.

   Don't have to say much about the end!

   So, you need to think about it,

   Are we leaving these stones and casting them into finished swords, success or failure?

   Or let go of this opportunity to get in touch with the 'human stone',

   save lives,

   Slowly hone your skills and wait for the next time - or even spend your whole life waiting for that opportunity that may never be available? "

  An Gang went silent after speaking.

   has given the choice to many craftsmen.

  Su Wu was silent beside him,

   He realized the preciousness of 'human stone',

   also became more aware of the rarity of the ‘Dashang Yingshi’.

   The 'Jade Mountain Killing Stone Mine' is just a branch of a branch, but it uses the 'Dashang Baby Stone' as the secret key, and the quality of the killing stone contained in it is likely to be relatively good.

   Then here comes the question,

   How could the grand dukes and nobles let this ore vein, which is likely to contain extremely high-quality killing stones, slip away from their hands?

   Inoue and Ah Xiong, how did they get this vein?


   Originally, Su Wu thought that 'Genji's mission' would be a dilemma for An Gang Sword Casting.

   But he didn't expect,

   After just over ten breaths,

   A master craftsman made a decision: "Master craftsman, take over Genji's commission, I am willing to devote all my strength and talent to this matter!"

   "Accept the commission!"

   "If we lose this opportunity, we may never be able to touch the 'human stone' again in the future!"

   "Master Craftsman..."

   All the craftsmen spoke up one after another,

   actually asked An Gang to take over Genji's commission,

   Cast a sword for Genji that can slash the 'ghost king' level - such a sword, the quality starts with at least 'superior'!

   So far in his life, An Gang has only ever forged the only 'semi-extreme' sword that surpasses 'high-grade'!

   The very high-level 'Big Red Lotus Body Treasure' was forged by Su Wu himself, not An Gang presided over the entire forging process!

  Su Wu glanced at many craftsmen,

   All the craftsmen asked An Gang to agree to Genji's request,

But he has seen the expressions on the faces of many craftsmen, and he speculates that among these craftsmen, 60% of them really think this way, but the remaining 40% of the craftsmen are just for 'grouping' and 'forced' style. Attached to the crowd.

  An Gang's silent face showed a smile,

   He looked sideways at Su Wu, who was beside him, with earnest hope in his eyes: "Little friend Zhuzhao, are you willing to stay and help me?"

   Among all the craftsmen on site,

   Only Su Wu has cast a 'super-advanced' sword,

  His experience is crucial.

   is even more important than all the craftsmen here combined!

   "Being able to participate in such a grand event,

   is also my honor. "Su Wu nodded in agreement.

   The smile on An Gang's face grew thicker and stronger, he nodded heavily, glanced at the many craftsmen, and began to assign tasks: "The head stone and placenta stone on the ground will be calcined by Kira and Kenta!"

   "Oda and Qingshi are responsible for the selection of calcined jade steel and paoding iron!"


   is just a forging project of a knife,

  An Gang's sword-casting institute dispatched all the inking craftsmen.

   All the craftsmen present received the task and started to get busy.

   In the blink of an eye,

Only An Gang, Hu Che, and Su Wu were left in the special sword casting room.

   Hu Toru and An Gang have cooperated for many years, and they have a tacit understanding.

   Immediately squatted down and ignited the charcoal in the calciner, burning it to fiery red.

An Gang took a deep breath, took out the 'human stone' from the copper box, threw it into the red furnace, and then opened his mouth to Su Wu: "The 'human stone' is extremely difficult to smelt, and it takes a long time to smelt it. Melt it out.

   I have seen the records of many craftsmen,

   It usually takes one day and one night to smelt the 'human stone'.

   It's nothing during the day,

  At night, the craftsmen waiting by the fire may encounter some terrible things.

   to fight the terrors of the night,

   suppress this terror,

   is also part of the smelting of 'human stones'.

  If this kind of terror is successfully suppressed, the quality of the jade steel and iron smelted from the human stone will be unbelievably high. "

   "The properties of the killing stone are so mysterious,

   How did such ore form?

   is really confusing. "Su Wu said.

   He learned from Ah Xiong that when Master Jianzhen crossed Dongliu Island in the east, he came with the "Stone of All Living Beings" from which the "Ghost Buddha" was born, and after the "Stone of All Living Beings" landed on Dongliu Island,

   has experienced a strange evolution,

   became a 'killing stone'.

   This bizarre evolution process is said by the common people of Dongliu Island as 'the skin that Liji fell off to form nine ore veins', and it is also said that "after Liji was killed, a killing stone was formed".

  The common people know very little about this,

   A famous swordsman with a lot of experience like Master Angang,

   may be more accessible to real information.

  An Gang heard the words and smiled,

   Before he could speak, Toru, who was burning red, spoke first.

   The fire reflected Hu Che's face, and his voice sounded at this moment: "After the Great Master Jian Zhen of the Tang Dynasty crossed the island, he assisted the island to encircle and suppress a ghost king.

  The name of the ghost king is 'Tamazao-zen'.

  The legendary nine-tailed fox.

  It is said that when it was cornered, Master Jianzhen buried it with a peculiar stone.

   This stone later turned into a mountain,

   Under the mountain peak, there are ore veins of killing stone gradually forming. "

   Hu Toru told the matter with his nose and eyes, which just confirmed each other with some news that Su Wu got from Ah Xiong's mouth - Jianzhen buried Tamamo before with a special stone,

   That stone,

   Could it be the 'Stone of All Living Beings'?

   "The ancestor of Hu Toru was once a warrior under the aristocratic family who participated in the encirclement and suppression of 'Tamazao Front'.

   Their family recorded this. "An Gang added a few words at this time, which was regarded as an endorsement of Hu Che's words.

   shows that his words are highly credible.

   "Is that so?" Su Wu muttered to himself, digesting the information he got today.

  An Gang said at this moment: "Little friend Zhuzhao, the inking picture engraved on your body is less than one-third, do you want to leave first to avoid this night? Or stay here with us?

  Wait for you to come back tomorrow and during the day - by that time, the human stone should be almost calcined, and it will not be too late for us to forge the blade embryo. "

   "Recently, I've had a rare few days of leisure, and I'm just about to improve my sword skills.

  I also asked Master An Gang to teach me the 'Ghost Forging Method' at this opportunity.

  I will stay in the sword casting house tonight and will not go back! "Su Wu said.

  An Gang and Hu Che heard the words, looked at each other and smiled.

   The former nodded and said, "Okay, I'll teach you the 'ghost and spirit forging method'."

   He asked Hu Che to guard the calciner,

  I brought a pile of ordinary iron ore from here,

  Su Wu burned another calciner in the room, and let An Gang put iron ore into it.

   After a while,

The sound of forging weapons resounded in the    dedicated sword casting room,

  An Gang began to point out Su Wu's movements from the side,

   officially taught him the 'ghost and **** forging method'.

   (end of this chapter)

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