My Weird Life

Vol 2 Chapter 424: Break the 'wrong' rule (plus! 3/2)

  Chapter 424 Breaking the Law of 'Errors' (Plus! 32)

  'Beautiful Woman Li Wei' is erratic,

  Suddenly passed over the supreme sword that was stuck on the floor, and pressed against An Gang's back again!

  It stretched out its deformed hands, its sharp and dark nails clasped the Prajna ghost face, and put it on An Gang's face.

  —Let An Gang relive what he has experienced,

   is equivalent to letting him walk the previous road again,

   This has a huge side effect on correcting his cognition!

  'Beautiful Woman Li Wei' directly ignored the threat of Wu-superior Taidao, wiped away all of Su Wu's previous efforts, and went a step further and put the mask on An Gang's face!

at this time,

   To use words to correct An Gang's cognition again would be tantamount to a fool's dream.

   Especially under the shroud of Rashomon,

  Su Wu cannot use the power of the secret spell!

   He stared at An Gang's hideous grimace, before he spoke.

  An Gang with blood-red eyes asked again, his voice full of madness: "Lord Zhuzhao, aren't you also terrifying?!"

   "Yes or No,

   I said it, will you believe it? "Su Wu stared into An Gang's eyes.

  An Gang's eyes dimmed with blood.

   He didn't respond.

   "Yes or no, it doesn't matter anymore.

   The sternness here is best at confusing people's cognition.

   Even if you deny that you are sly,

  How dare I believe it? "An Gang said with a sneer, "Let's start your game as soon as possible. A card game. Start early and end early! "

   Start the game as soon as possible - is this an urging from Li Wei through the mouth of An Gang?

  Su Wu turned to look behind him.

   The two city gate guards, who were surrounded by tragic green ghosts and fires, had already forced them to the front and surrounded him.

   The rest of the Li Qiu couldn't take the initiative to attack him,

   The two city gate guards are stern but they can.

  Although I don't know the reason for this, but Su Wu saw the action of the 'chengmen guards', and he already knew - 'start the game as soon as possible' is the urging from An Gang's mouth!

   He turned back,

   glanced at the house inside the city gate.

   The 'city gate pawns' blocked the retreat at the back, so that the living could only pass through the city gate,

   Every time you pass through Rashomon, you will return to the 'distorted origin', just as An Gang described it.

   Every time you enter the origin, it will be the shifted origin.

  's own cognition will also be distorted.

  An Gang did not know how many times he had crossed the Rashomon gate—which caused his cognitive shift to be so severe that it was almost impossible to correct it!

   Now trying to correct his cognition can only 'fix the root cause',

  'Beautiful Woman Li Wei' has not disappeared from behind him for a day,

  Rashomon did not leave this place for a day,

  An Gang's cognition was difficult to recover in a day.


   Instead of trying to correct An Gang's cognition,

   Might as well try to reverse the 'law' of Rashomon!

   "A game of playing cards?

  What are the rules of the game? "Su Wu asked.

"Just find out the six types of cards 'Samurai', 'Craftsman', 'Geisha', 'Monk', 'Passerby', 'Rogue', draw three cards from each card, and put in a 'Evil' card at the end ,

   shuffle the order of the decks, we take turns to draw,

   Then the first person draws cards from the second person's hand, the second person draws cards from the third person's hand,

   Until one person collects six types of cards and a wicked card,

   After a total of seven cards,

   That person wins! "An Gang introduced the rules very clearly.

  Su Wu understood all the rules of the game as soon as he heard it,

And found the loophole: "There are nineteen cards in total. If the cards are dealt in turn, the first person will have seven cards in his hand, and he will draw cards from the second person's hand, and his hand will increase to eight. open,

   Even if the second person draws cards from the third person's hand, he can only maintain six cards forever.

Continue like this.

   It's impossible for all three to collect seven cards, right?

  An Gang,

   Have you been tricked by Li Wei?

   How can you say the rules of the game where there is no winner at all? "

  Ping Lingzi held the 'ghost card' and listened to Su Wu's words. If Su Wu didn't speak, she would not have noticed this huge loophole.

  The evil game is really dangerous, you must cheer up!

  The blood in An Gang's eyes disappeared suddenly,

The    Prajna ghost face that was originally on his face fell off automatically at this moment.

   He frowned and whispered: "Am I being tricked by Li Wei? Such a big loophole—there is such a big loophole? I haven't noticed it?"

   "People who are tricked by evil tricks often don't know that they are in the hands of evil tricks.

  An Gang, when you think others have problems,

  It is best to check first, do you have a problem? "

  Su Wu spoke quietly,

   gave An Gang another shot.

   The other party became more conscious, and a look of shame appeared on his face: "Lord Zhuzhao, it seems that it is my own problem, I..."

   "Since the mistakes in the rules of the game have been pointed out,

   Please correct it in time.

   Otherwise, how to start the game? "Su Wu didn't talk much with An Gang.

   An Gang in this state cannot be completely rescued.

  In this case,

   Talking with him is a waste of time.

   It’s best to start the game as soon as possible, and find the most practical way to break the rules of ‘Rashomon’.

   "How to correct it?" An Gang was confused again.

Seeing that the beautiful woman was going to put the ghost face of Prajna on An Gang's face again, and spoke through An Gang's mouth, Su Wu preemptively said: "Just reverse the order—the second person will draw from the first person's hand. cards, the third person draws cards from the second person's hand, and so on...

   can ensure that everyone has the opportunity to collect seven types of cards,

at the same time,

   also ensures that there will not be a situation where all three people collect seven types of cards.

So be it. "

  An Gang nodded blankly, even if the Prajna ghost face was put on his face again, he couldn't change the rules he personally promised.

   Ping Lingzi on the other side frowned. She held the 'ghost card' left by Hongzheng and said softly, "I don't agree."

  Su Wu and An Gang looked at her.

   Her expression remained unchanged, and she continued: "The two of you are obviously standing together, and you are friends who support each other in the sword casting shop. Compared with you, I am just an outsider.

  How can I be sure that you will not join forces to harm me? "

  This is a game of a vicious organization,

   The fate of the loser must be very miserable,

   No matter what, she can't lose the game!

"Will there actually be infighting between the two evil spirits?" An Gang, who wore the ghost face of Prajna, was no longer confused, his eyes were sinister, and he spoke sarcastically - but he believed that Su Wu and Ping Lingzi were one and the same. dude.

   are two evil tricks who want to join forces to harm him!

"To shut up!"

  Su Wu gave a drink,

   The power of the 'canopy chilling seal' spread out through this, suppressing the surging rhyme here.

  An Gang kept his mouth shut!

   Looking at the woman in black beside him, Su Wu narrowed his eyes and said, "What you said makes some sense.

  I and An Gang are indeed friends,

   I came here this time to find traces of him.

  —after all, he forged this supreme sword. "

   As he spoke, he pulled out the supreme sword that had been inserted into the wooden floor. The light of the sword was flowing like water, cold and dangerous.

  Su Wu held a knife flower, holding the hilt in one hand and the back of the blade at the front end of the blade in the other.

Ping Lingzi's beautiful and refined face was reflected on the dazzling blade: "What about you, did you come to this deserted village for no reason? Bringing an ignorant girl who can accommodate a shikigami with a stern and quirky rhythm, recklessly at night Into the deserted village?

   Do you believe it yourself?

   The Oni Samurai of the Heike Family? "

   Sitting beside Ping Lingzi, the Heavenly Evil Ghost, who had consciously covered his mouth and dared not speak since Su Wu entered the door, was even more frightened at this moment, covering his face with his deformed big hands covered with black hair, his body trembling.

   It is Su Wu's mouth, the shikigami that can accommodate the quirky rhythm!

  Ping Lingzi stern face, maintaining the surface calm.

   But she hasn't had time to say anything yet,

  Su Wu had already laughed out loud: "No need to explain anything, your heart is beating so fast, and I can hear your heartbeat even though I am so far apart."

   Is his ear power so sensitive?

   still exposed...

  Ping Lingzi flashed several thoughts in his mind, and panic flashed on his face.

Su Wu was just using words to deceive her from beginning to end, and she never heard her rapid heartbeat. At this time, seeing the panic on her face, she finally determined that her identity should be very different from what she guessed. Difference!

   She is the ghost samurai sent by the Hei clan to intercept the Genji sword team!

   Up to this point,

  Ping Lingzi reacted,

  I practice swordsmanship on the basis of the 'No-mind Royal Sword Flow', I can keep the mind like a flat lake, and my heartbeat is always within a unified rhythm. How could it be so simple to hear the accelerated heartbeat?

   This man is deceiving himself!

   But even if she reacted at this time,

   But it was too late.

   Her expression just now completely revealed her true identity.

   She raised her head slightly and stared at Su Wu coldly. There was no emotion in her eyes, but she was gnashing her teeth in her heart - an old, cunning man would only use such despicable means!

Su Wu looked at her and said, "I'm here to rescue my friend, but since you're in the game, if you want to get out, you have to go through this game. This can be seen as you also need to be rescued. yourself.

   To save yourself, you must get rid of the control of the sly.

   — We have the same goal. "

   "Do you think I'm a child who is not too deep in the world and can be coaxed at will?" Ping Lingzi frowned.

  What do you mean by having a common goal with him?

   How could I have the same goal with the sly and cunning man!

   "It seems that although you know that you have entered into a game arranged by the sly,

   But he didn't know how dangerous his situation was. "

  Su Wu shook his head.

   He didn't say much, the turbulent energy entrenched in the undercurrent of consciousness surged and poured into his eyes,

   Ping Lingzi who made eye contact with him,

   At this moment, I saw a golden red sun!

   Around the sun, there is a crimson figure surrounding it,

  In the sun, golden cobras stand up!

   With the help of the 'bridging' of his eyes, Su Wu directly projected the picture he saw at the moment, and the situation in the depths of everyone, into Ping Lingzi's mind!

   He did not use such a method on An Gang,

   That would only make An Gang, whose cognition was already deviated, even regarded him as a terrifying evil spirit.

   Now Ping Lingzi's cognition has not shifted,

   Give her a direct picture,

   makes it easier for her to understand what situation she is in,

   Know that you are sliding into the abyss!

   (end of this chapter)

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