My Weird Life

Vol 2 Chapter 466: Sword lead (2/2)

   Chapter 466 Sword Lead (22)

  The endless cold and strange wind whirled out from the eyes, ears, mouth and nose of the female monk like several huge portals!

   Suck all the blood overflowing from the sky, and put it into your body!

The turbulent blood poured into its eyes, ears, mouth and nose like a long river, and the cold and strange rhythm it radiated to the outside slowly gathered, mixed with the **** moonlight rhyme and condensed into blood-colored amber, which froze its eyes, ears and mouth. nose!

   The blood moon in the sky flickered,

   A strand of blood is spilling from the moon again,

   But the momentum is far from what it used to be!

   However, the half-month reading power in the sky temporarily declined. In the central area of ​​Ping Anjing, in the 'Imperial Palace' that Suzaku Avenue directly reached, a more terrifying rhyme gradually broke out—

   "Give them a breather..."

   Jianzhen's shadow murmured, holding the human skin filled with blood and moonlight, and turned to look behind him.

   The world behind him is like a mirror,

   The 'Shoti Temple', which was half melted by the blood-stained moonlight, was completely reflected.

   This brake,

   Su Wu and the others who passed through the 'Yuanxingmen' are entering the right side hall.

   On the beam of this side hall, it is rumored that there is a 'female monk' who hanged herself.


   The night is dim and the sky is dim.

  Su Wu looked up at the sky above.

   After passing through the strange Yuanxingmen, the blood-dropping moon disappeared without a trace.

   The blood-stained moonlight that fills the vast sky also seems to have never appeared.

  Su Wu also didn't know - was the power of 'Ban Yue Du' completely isolated by the 'weird Yuanxingmen'?

   Or for some reason,

   The power of 'Half Month Reading' was actually 'shielded and hidden' by Yuanxingmen?

   And, is the 'Shoti Temple' where you are now the temple that exists in the real world?

   Or the 'Zhoti Temple' that was melted by the blood-stained moonlight in front of Yuanxing Gate, is it the temple that exists in the real world?

   or both?

   The method of 'Jianzhen' made Su Wu feel incredible,

   He has no way of exploring the principle and operation of this method.

According to Jian Zhen's shadow's request, Su Wu led the group into the front yard first. Outside the door of the right side hall, he stopped and turned to Tong An Gang and the others and said, "You guys are waiting here. I.

  If I don't come out after a while, you can choose your own way out. "


   Everyone responded.

   He then looked at Ping Lingzi and said, "You can go to the front hall and seal the 'Huoqianfang' in the front hall as I said earlier."

  Ping Lingzi nodded lightly and said, "Okay."

  Su Wu untied the 'Ghost Cut' on his waist and handed it to her: "Be careful in everything.

  Once you find out that ‘Huoqianfang’ cannot be blocked by the method I mentioned.

   You can fight a way out with this knife. "

  Ping Lingzi took the 'Onikiri' and held the supreme sword that was originally Genji's 'ceremonial sword', she immediately sensed the power of the surging killing stone,

   The unresponsive 'Gigaki' in Su Wu's hands,

   had signs of awakening in her hands.

   She hung Guiqi on her waist: "I will definitely live up to my trust.

   will seal the town of Huoqianfang.

   Bring back Onikiri intact. "

   "The sword is just a tool after all, it's not that important.

  You still pay attention to your own safety.

   It doesn't matter if Onikiri brings it back or not. "Su Wu shook his head and said a few words with a calm expression.

  Ping Lingzi raised his head when he heard the words and looked at him blankly for a while.

   It wasn't until he turned around and walked towards the right side hall that she mustered up the courage and said, "Please take care!"

"Take care of yourself!"

  Su Wu replied.

   She lowered her head, walked away in a hurry, and turned to the largest hall in the middle of the front yard.

   That is where the 'Huoqianfang' is located.

   According to legend, because of being obsessed with Buddhist scriptures, the eminent monk who was unable to have an epiphany was burned by his obsession and became a scorpion in the fire.

  The monk who is burning with fire will emit invisible thick smoke.

  This invisible smoke will not damage any physical substance, but once someone accidentally enters the area covered by the smoke, their soul will be ignited by the smoke and die on the spot!

   This is called 'Huoqianfang'.

   However, some people have also escaped from the invisible smoke emitted by Huoqianfang.

   Survivors claimed that when they approached the smoke, they would hear a strong and dense sound of knocking wooden fish. At this time, as long as they stepped back, they could avoid the killing pattern of Huoqianfang.

   Therefore, people speculate that the obsession of 'Huoqianfang' is strong, but after all, he was an eminent monk and great virtue during his lifetime.

   maintains a trace of compassion as a monk.

   That dense sound of percussion on wooden fish is the final warning from Huoqianfang to ordinary people who are invisibly involved in the law of their own murder!

  Hirai Reiko approached the gate of the front hall.

The door of the    temple hall was unlocked and completely open.

   The inside is pitch-dark, and you can't see anything.

  The black-clothed girl remembered Su Wu's previous instructions, and she silently said to herself in her heart, "Try it as he said!"

   Then, his right hand released the 'Onikiri' on his waist, and his hands formed a Buddhist seal in front of him, the 'Duco Seal', and stepped over the threshold of the temple.

   The moment she stepped into the temple, a dense sound of percussion wooden fish rang in her ears!


   She was nervous and saw rows of candles in the temple hall.

  Those candles illuminated the entire front hall.

  Under the big Buddha statue reflected by the firelight, a monk was sitting on a futon. He described it as withered and wearing a red cassock.

  The monk smiled silently.

   His whole body suddenly burst into flames!

   A fiery rhyme like purgatory suddenly invaded Ping Lingzi's perception!

  The legends are all true!

   Before meeting 'Huoqianfang', you will hear the sound of densely tapping wooden fish!

  When I heard the sound of wooden fish,

   As long as you take a step back - you can avoid being chased by Li Wei!

  Ping Lingzi's mind spins.

   Those fiery and strange rhythms kept burning her consciousness, causing her to become extremely tormented in an instant. The pain from her consciousness was more unbearable than any physical pain!

   Before the sound of the wooden fish dissipated, the threshold of the temple was just a step behind her.

   At this time, as long as she turns around and takes one step out of the temple,

   You can get rid of the strange rhythm of Huoqianfang and be freed from the pain of falling into purgatory!

   But there are not so many Ping Lingzi.

   A lotus flower with karmic fire spread out in her field of vision and consciousness.

She had a straight face, pursed her lips tightly, and sat down with her legs crossed facing the old monk who had turned into a burning man, trying to gather her consciousness. palm.

  The more concentrated the girl's spirit is,

   The burning hands of the old monk became more blurred in her field of vision.

  Even so, she still didn't dare to slack off.

   Until the old monk's hands in the fire were blurred to the extreme, and suddenly they turned into a pair of white hand bones.

  Ping Lingzi immediately changed his gestures,

  'Cobalt Seal' has been transformed into 'Inner Lion Seal'!

The moment   Ping Lingzi changed his gestures, the pain that burned his consciousness instantly subsided!

However, the pain just took a few breaths away, and the sound of intensively hitting the wooden fish sounded directly in her mind, as if a monk was holding a mallet and took her thoughts as a wooden fish, one after another. Smash down, smash her consciousness to smithereens!


   Such severe pain made Ping Lingzi's eyes turn black and his face turned pale.

   Almost passed out on the spot!

   Blood dripped from the corners of her mouth,

   actually bit the tip of his tongue at a critical moment,

   Use this to stay awake!

  Ping Lingzi stared intently at the old monk's palm that was burnt to bones, and saw that the pair of hand bones that formed the 'outer lion print' changed again and again, and turned into a 'sun wheel print'!

   The black-clothed girl trembled all over, and the movements of her hands became extremely slow even as her consciousness was constantly smashed.

  Rao is so,

   She also changed her gestures firmly,

   Formed a 'Wisdom Fist Seal'!


  The shadow of Jianzhen stood in the 'Shoti Temple' that was melted into ruins by the moonlight.

   He watched Su Wu and his group behind him divide into three groups in front of another complete right side hall of the 'Zhaoti Temple'.

  Su Wu and Ping Lingzi stepped into the right side hall and the front hall respectively.

   doesn't take long,

  Ping Lingzi is still in the front hall and has not left.

   And Su Wu had already left the right side hall, and after a few words with An Gang and others, he left the front yard and went to the attic of the main hall of the middle courtyard.

   Jianzhen's shadow turned around.

   Standing in front of him, filled with the mysterious charm of the blood-stained moonlight, the 'female monk's skin' that swelled to a height of several meters suddenly shrivels and shrinks!

   The black hair curled above his head is like a dragon and snake,

   penetrated into the seven holes of the female monk's skin, twisted it up, and dragged it into the three thousand zhang long hair like a long black river!

   The right side hall of the front yard of the 'Zhaoti Temple', which was reduced to ruins under the blood-stained moonlight, seemed to have been swept away by the force of the reverse current of time.

  The main hall of the middle courtyard was restored,

at last,

  The main hall in the front yard is gradually showing its former outline.

   Jianzhen's shadow looked at the hall in the front yard that showed an illusory and complete outline,

  In the environment where the virtual and the real overlap, the black-clothed girl formed the last big handprint 'The Great Brightness Seal', and finally got rid of the burning flames in her thoughts, turned around and stumbled out of the front yard hall.

   A smile appeared on his face: "Jian Yin has..."

   Following the black-clothed girl staggering out of the front yard hall, the front yard hall, which only showed an illusory outline, was finally reversed by time and restored to its original state!

   Jianzhen's shadow is dark behind,

  Where can I see the shadow of another complete Zhaoti Temple? !

   Complete Zhaoti Temple,

   is right in front of him!

  Su Wu, Ping Lingzi, An Gang and others also met again in the Zhaoti Temple in front of Jianzhen's shadow, and gathered in the direction of Jianzhen's shadow—

   in the sky,

  The blood-stained moon regains its strength, and once again rolls out the blood-stained moonlight!

   At the same time, in the very center of the entire Heianjing—within the Imperial Palace, that extremely terrifying rhyme finally condensed and formed—a blazing black fire that was darker than the night shot up into the sky!

   The power of 'Amaterasu' is revived in the Imperial Palace!

   (end of this chapter)

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