My Weird Life

Vol 2 Chapter 473: Ten Force Forging (1/2)

   Chapter 473 Ten Forces Forging (12)

  The sky soon became completely dark.

  I can't see my fingers in all directions.

   Fortunately, Su's ability to see things in the middle of the night was not affected in the dark night of Hetianyuan.

   He and many warriors finally completed the construction of various facilities in the entire casting room under the shadow of the torches. The warriors gathered in twos and threes to rest in the grass huts.

  Su Wu lit a bonfire in the central area surrounded by several thatched cottages,

   at the campfire,

   is on duty for everyone this first half of the night.

   The bonfire was roaring, and the wood was filled in, making the sound of 'Bi Pei, Bi Pei'.

  The wind swept around, pulling the flames to and fro.

  Some gloomy and mysterious rhythms lurked in the wind, and under the cover of the 'Ma Lahan Dharma' outside Su Wu's body, they were all ground and disappeared without a trace.

  Jianzhen did not explain why he asked Su Wu to forge that sword and soldier on the 'Heitianyuan', which integrated all the large veins.

  Su Wu could only guess that perhaps by casting swordsmen in Heitianyuan, he could take advantage of the parade here to get rid of the aura of the 'great calamity' and would not lead to greater disasters.

   He took out an iron token from his arms and held it for a long time.

The handwriting on the    token has become blurred and illegible after the owner's long-term frosting.

  —This token is left by Abu’s biological father, ‘A Xiong’.

   Before Ah Xiong left Inoue's house,

  Qi deliberately handed this token to Su Wu and told Su Wu that once Su Wu decided to forge his own supreme sword, he must crush a bead in the token and summon him to come.

  Su Wu didn't know Ah Xiong's intention,

  When he cast the 'Black Jizo' earlier, he never thought about summoning Ah Xiong to come.

   This time, when the sword was cast on the Black Sky Plain, Su Wu always felt that it was full of variables.

  —Authenticity is the biggest unstable factor.

Therefore, he took out the token, and after looking at it for a while, he folded the token in half. Sure enough, he got a dark red bead in the middle of the token. When he squeezed it with his fingers, the bead was like a bubble. Fingertips shatter silently.

   Not even a speck of powder was left.

   quietly disappeared between his two fingers.

  A Xiong will not harm his son. Since he made such an arrangement, he must have deep intentions.

   crushed this token and passed on the news of his forging swords on Heitianyuan to 'A Xiong', Su Wu also saved this as a back-up, and beware of the truth.

   He put away the two halves of the token and fiddled with the bonfire a few times to make it burn more vigorously.

   At this time,

   There were light footsteps behind him.

   Turning his head, Su Wu saw Ping Lingzi who silently approached and sat down beside him.

  No matter where he is, Lingzi Ping is all wearing a black dress, and he seems to be submerged in the black, becoming withdrawn and cold.

   He turned around and continued to fiddle with the bonfire. At the same time, he said to Ping Lingzi, who was sitting beside him, "Just rest in the room, I won't disturb you."

   "Yeah." Ping Lingzi nodded lightly.

   She quietly looked at the burning bonfire, and occasionally turned to stare at Su Wu's profile, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't know where to start.

   "We won't be staying on the Kurotian Plain for too long.

   Forging a sword, even if there are many changes in the middle, the time will never be more than three days. "Su Wu said a few words, turned his head to look at Ping Lingzi, and met the woman's eyes like a mirror lake - he saw his own reflection in it.

   Turning around, Su Wu continued, "What's your plan next?

  Ping Zhisheng and Ping Lingsheng died.

The    mansion is located in the main family of the Hei family around the Imperial Palace, and it is even more difficult to survive.

The battle of   Genpei ended like this - no one was the winner.

   You also gain long-term freedom.

   What do you think about the future? "

  Ping Lingzi thought for a while and said, "In the past, in the family, although I was constrained everywhere, I actually still had relative freedom. Wherever I wanted to go, no one at home could stop me.

  Dongliu Island is like this,

   I had no expectations here. "

   She turned to look at Su Wu: "You saved my life, I hope to serve you in front of and behind Zhuzhao's saddle to repay your kindness.

  If one day I figure it out, I might be able to escape from Zhuzhao-kun.

   Maybe there will never be that day. "

   "Why cocoon yourself?" Su Wu shook his head, "I don't need your repayment.

  You don't need to be grateful to me either.

  I saved you on a whim, but you have to repay me for it, which made my whim seem much heavier. "

  Ping Lingzi pursed his lips.

   replied softly in his heart: "But I don't want to follow you on a whim."


   The next morning.

   The sky is especially dark clouds,

   A gust of wind swept the ground.

  The thin skylight projected on the earth, finally adding some light to the black sky, so that it would not be invisible at this time like the night.

  The sword-casting room built of wood and thatch has no door.

   Several calciners and smelting furnaces have been filled with charcoal,

  Three or five warriors gathered around the stove, filled the fire with a kindling fire, and kept blowing wind to make the charcoal burn red.

Su Wu stood in front of a smelting furnace and moved ten 'Dashang baby stones' out of the shadow world. Other than that, he didn't do anything, and the strange patterns covered on the ten Dashang baby stones began to flow slowly. ,

   suddenly entwined and intertwined in mid-air,

  The gorgeous color rendering outlines,

   The old monk appeared on the top of ten big baby stones.

'He' twitched his sparse eyebrows, and in the horrified eyes of the warriors and craftsmen, his eyes rolled, and he first looked at the furnaces in the sword-forging room, and then moved his body slightly, and he and the big infants under his seat. Stone's involvement was cut off.

  —The strange textures covered on the surface of the Dashang Yingshi stopped flowing and returned to their original state.

   Describes the withered old monk standing up silently, walking to the opposite side of Su Wu, standing opposite Su Wu across the smelting furnace, and said: "How to smelt ore, I don't need to talk about it.

  You just need to follow the steps.

  Since you have forged a wicked sword in the jade-colored mountain, the quality has reached the level of 'Supreme',

  Thinking about it, I also mastered my 'Ten Forces Forging'.

   When forging and punching the blade, the main method is 'ten force forging', and other forging methods can be mixed. "

   'Jianzhen Shadow' stared at the red charcoal in the stove, and said something without looking at Su Wu.

   The 'ten power forging' he mentioned refers to a sharp, swift, precise, and dense forging method that Jianzhen Shenyun used when casting the 'Black Earth Store' in Jade Mountain.

  This forging method actually surpasses the limits of ordinary people.

   Ordinary people can't display it at all,

   Su Wu now has no difficulty in performing this hammering technique.

There is a saying in Buddhism - 'Using ten powers to destroy demons', Jianzhen named his forging method "Ten Power Forging", and naturally, this method is indeed outstanding, much better than "Ghost Forging" and "Heart Forging" .

  Su Wu first looked at An Gang and Hu Che who were around him, and gave them a wink, so that they didn't need to be surprised, they could just do things step by step.

   He then looked at the 'Shadow of Jianzhen' and said, "If you gather ten large baby stones in one place for smelting, wouldn't it cause the early recovery of 'Tamazao Front'?

   Yesterday I wanted to ask your Excellency this question. "

  'Jianzhen Shadow' finally raised his head and glanced at Su Wu.

His face was indifferent, and although his eyes fell on Su Wu's face, he seemed to be looking at a cloud of air: "These ten big baby stones are the foundation of all living beings, and I am carrying the piece of living beings that came from far across the ocean. The stone is the aggregation of these ten big baby stones.

   Apart from them,

   Many other killing stones are just derivatives of the living stones.

After    all living stones are gathered together, those killing stones will gradually become ineffective.

  —along with those stone-killing swords.

  Unless the killing stone sword is covered with the charm of the realm of sympathy between heaven and man, it can divide a part of the "stone root of all living beings" and preserve the state of the sword. "

   Su Wu heard the words and the corners of his eyes jumped.

  To smelt ten big upper baby stones together in one furnace would cause the killing stones in the world, and even the swords forged from the killing stones, to lose the power of the killing stones. This was something that Su Wu did not expect.


   This has no effect on the sword that retains the sympathy between heaven and man.

   made Su Wu heave a sigh of relief.

   The Thunder Pond, the Great Red Lotus Body Treasure that he casted, and even a small amount of killing stones were mixed with it.

   And the supreme sword of Onikiri, which is still in the hands of Ping Lingzi, must also retain the charm of the craftsman in the state of sympathy between heaven and man, and it will not be affected.

   What Su Wu really cares about at the moment is that ten big baby stones are aggregated and smelted, and they will become a complete 'stone of living beings'!

   This is actually equivalent to the revival of ‘Tamazao Mae’ in disguise!

   "I promise Your Excellency to gather ten Great Upper Baby Stones to forge swords.

   Because of the horror of the recovery of "Tamazao-mae" that Your Excellency said, the catastrophe of resentment will cause life to be devastated. "Su Wu looked at Jianzhen with an indifferent face on the opposite side, and said slowly, "But now smelting ten large baby stones will lead to the formation of the 'Stone of All Living Beings', and Yuzao will inevitably recover because of it.

   This is contrary to my original intention of forging swords. "

  Jianzhen's shadow remained unchanged, standing opposite, like a stone sculpture that could speak.

   After hearing Su Wuzhi's words, he opened his mouth and said, "The recovery of the stone of all living beings—or Yuzao front, is not as easy as you think.

   After ten big upper baby stones are aggregated, it is the stone of all living beings.

   But the living stones in this state are still far from their true recovery.

   Continue to forge and fuse them, which will speed up their recovery.


during this process,

   As long as you can enter the state of 'complete sympathy between heaven and man', comprehend and obtain the 'complete charm' and fuse it with the blade embryo, you can completely suppress the recovery of the stone of living beings.

not to mention,

  Even if it recovers early, I will deal with it, you don't have to worry. "

   "A complete realm of sympathy between heaven and man, is it very easy to achieve?" Su Wu asked again.

  Jianzhen Shadow shook his head.

   "In my destiny, could it be revealed that when I forge a sword this time, I will definitely be able to enter the realm of complete 'sympathy between heaven and man'?"

   Jianzhen's shadow raised his eyes and glanced at Su Wu,

   still shook his head.

   (end of this chapter)

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