My Weird Life

Vol 2 Chapter 805: Dapeng Book (2/2)

  Chapter 805 Dapeng (22)

  After Master Du Ben's words fell to the ground, Master Du Ben disdainfully said, "What's so mysterious about those monks' methods?

  The monks in the Secret Chanyuan tried to discern the Dharma with me, and I killed several of them, and I used their heads as offerings for sacrificial books!

  I didn't see the subtlety of their method.

   This monk from Tianzhu is not the same as the monk from Tang Dynasty?

  In some areas, where the king’s capital is located, why do the nobles and disciples of the gods and disciples there listen to Jinglian’s Dharma lecture once, and want to convert to him like a demon?

  How could there be nothing strange here? I don't believe it anyway! "

  In the lower garden, there are already quite a few Benedictine masters gathered.

  Many Duben masters heard what the red-faced Duben master said. Some nodded in agreement and praised aloud, some frowned and shook their heads, sighing again and again, and some remained silent.

The previous master Duben who mentioned that "Jinglian taught the Dharma at the Luoxi Guangjutai" also sighed and said: "It may not be the noble person in the Luoxie area, the **** of the Benjiao Dubenshi who is really because of the Jinglian monk. The Dharma door he taught gave rise to fanatical thoughts of refuge.


  Now the general trend of Tubo is on the side of Jinglian Monk...

   King Zanpu supported Monk Jinglian, and he decided to build the first secret teaching temple in Luoxie.

What's more, Monk Jinglian communicated more with the head monk of Luoxie Tantric Monastery 'Mahayan'. It is a certainty that the sect of secret binding Buddhism and Buddhism of Tantric Zen Buddhism will blend together. Uncertainty, even the sect of the gods and spirits will be devoured by the secret Buddhist sect..."

  Red-faced Master Duben heard that the other party mentioned the support of the monks from Tianzhu by "King Zanpu",

   also frowned and remained silent, and did not refute what the other party said.

  The atmosphere in the garden is a bit dull at the moment.

  Lord Naikangze is just a small lord who is attached to Shenshen Benjiao. These Benedictine teachers gathered here, in terms of status, are actually inferior to Lord Naikangze.

  In the highly hierarchical Bon religion,

  They are just the subordinate Duben masters of Zhu Beast Longchi——Among the many Duben masters gathered here, most of them only practice the "Dragon Follower Sacrifice Book". In the entire hierarchy of the religion, their order ranks second to last.

  The last sequence is the 'beast version'.

  In the legend of the gods and religions, the offspring of the 'dragon' and the 'beast from the dragon' are the beasts of the world.

   Beasts are already at the bottom class.

The present Benedictine masters are better than those beast Benedict Benedicts who are bitter and a few servants of the religion. The sacrificial scriptures they have cultivated are called "Long Cong Ben", which means they have a certain "dragon" singleness. Some physical signs, such as the sacrifice itself is covered with dragon scales, such as having dragon horns and so on.

They have a certain degree of autonomy in the gods and spirits, but if each of them cannot cultivate from a "dragon" to a "beast dragon", they will be confined to the surrounding area of ​​a certain "beast dragon pool" throughout their lives, and take care of the "beast dragon pool" around the "beast dragon pool" From Longchi'.

  Only after practicing the 'Beast Dragon Sacrifice Book', can the wizards of the Shenling Ben religion enter the hall.

  The status is equal to that of the great lord of the same land, and he can freely enter and exit everywhere.

   Even got the opportunity to practice in the 'Kangchensang Mountain'.

Therefore, the current "longcongben wizards" can't decide their own destiny at all. They have no choice whether to surrender to the secret Buddhism or fight against each other. Only the Benben wizards who control a beast dragon pool can decide whether they will stay or not , decide their life and death!

  Everyone can talk freely about the situation in Tubo.

  But thinking about my own status, I feel uninterested, and have no interest in talking about the current topic in depth.

  Su Wu, whose pseudonym was 'Linka', sat in a corner, poured himself a glass of wine, and slowly ate the mutton on the short table. He listened to the discussions of the people around him about the current situation in Tibet, and his eyes were quite serious.

Su Wu did not expect that during the few days when he was traveling between the various veins of the 'Kangqin Sang Mountains' and every 'Long Cong Benchi', Jinglian had already made a lot of money logically. Great fame.

  —With the infinite blessing of the yang side of the Secret Tibetan Region to Jinglian, and the "Eight Consciousness Heart King" possessed by Jinglian itself, its growth rate is far from that of Su Wu today.

  But Su Wu was not in a hurry.

  He proceeded step by step, carrying out his own plan at a leisurely pace.

Today Jinglian is in the bright place, and he is in the dark place, just like the relationship between the "Yang side" and "Dahua" in the origin of the Great Secret Canon—I just don't know if the current situation will be completely reversed when the world is turned upside down one day ?

  In the garden where the atmosphere became a little silent, I don’t know which Master Ben Ben said first: “This year, the time for the dragons to die from the pool seems to be much faster than in previous years?

  A few days ago, the brother who was in charge of guarding a certain "Niulong Congben Pool" in "Zhuolang Hill" told me that all the eight dragons from this pool on Zhuolang Hill had dried up, and there was no "Ben" power flowing in the pool.

  In previous years, when the peach blossoms were in full bloom, the dragons would dry up from the pool, but this year it was two months earlier than in previous years.

  —The “Pig Dragon Cong Ben Pond” under the “Naikang Zeqiu Mountain” under my care has also recently dried up.

   I don’t know what’s going on with you there? "

  As soon as Master Duben finished speaking, someone nodded in response: "You and I belong to the Beast Dragon Pool of 'Naikang Zeqiu Mountain', and the Dragon Ben Pool I looked after has also dried up."

   "Me too, same situation."


   "I heard from my brothers in Bashikaqiu Mountain that the dragon ponds they looked after have also dried up."

   "The dragon has dried up from this pool ahead of time, so I wonder if it can regenerate earlier?

  I always feel that this kind of thing is not a good omen..."

   "This kind of thing happens every year. It's just that there are too many dragons in this pool this year, so it looks very abnormal-I don't think there is anything to worry about, it's just that the dragon's pool is exhausted.

   At any time, water can be brought back from the pool of the beast dragon. What are you afraid of?

   Is it not the beast dragon Honchi that is exhausted? "

  Everyone discussed for a while about the drying up of the dragons from the pool.

  Su Wu sat in the corner, never participating in the topics of these Benedicts, as if he was an outsider.

  —However, if all the dragon masters recorded the specific time when the dragon ponds under their care were exhausted, it would be able to correspond to the time when Su Wu passed through each dragon pond!

   The discussions in the garden especially kept ringing.

  At this time, each maid served a delicate pastry to each of the short tables.

  Masters Abemoto didn’t enjoy the pastry right away, but stopped talking after the pastry was served.

  The garden gradually became quiet.

  There was a sound of footsteps at the gate of the garden.

Accompanied by the sound of footsteps, a short middle-aged nobleman wearing a buckskin hat, a heavy fur coat, and silk, came from the gate of the garden accompanied by several attendants and Master Benedict. He walked away with a smile. Passing through the forest of flowers and trees, every time he passed, the masters sitting behind the short table stood up one after another and saluted him.

  By the time he got to the top seat, all the teachers in the garden had already got up.

   "Everyone, please sit down, please sit down."

  The short nobleman is undoubtedly the owner of the entire Naikangze manor—'Naikangze' himself.

  Nai Kang raised his hands up, signaling for everyone to sit down.

Standing behind him, a young man who was much taller than him and also dressed in silk satin, also smiled and saluted many Benedictine masters. His posture was exactly the same as that of Naikang, so it was not difficult to distinguish his identity. The eldest son 'Dun Hong'.

The reason why the current manor owner invites all Duben masters from Kangzeqiu Mountain and passing Duben masters to have a banquet in his garden is mostly to ask everyone to protect his eldest son Dunhong, so that he can successfully complete the first "sacrifice" Rituals of practice.

   "The kitchen also boiled a few sheep.

  After Dunhong completed the ritual of offering sacrifices, the sheep would probably be cooked.

  When the time comes, let’s eat together. " Naikang was talking to all his masters with a smile.

  All the Benedictine masters also echoed, praising Lord Naikangze for his generosity.

The seat was the closest to Naikangze, and apparently among the most powerful Benedictine wizards among the many Benedictine masters here, someone asked Naikangze: "My lord, I don't know where your eldest son, young nobleman Dunhong, came from?" The sacrificial script salvaged from that pond?

  After understanding the corresponding Longchi and Longben, we can also protect the little nobleman in a targeted manner and help him successfully complete the ritual of this first ritual of offering sacrifices to the book.

  The first practice of offering sacrifices to the foundation is often more dangerous, and if you are not careful, you may turn yourself into the 'base'.

  But after the first practice is completed and the 'Dragon Book' is finalized, all you need to do is to make various offerings to it and combine with it on time. "

  Nai Kang listened to what the gray-haired old master Duben said, and nodded in agreement.

  After the other party finished speaking, he turned his head and glanced at the eldest son 'Dun Hong' behind him, then turned his head and said to everyone in a gentle tone: "The first ritual ritual practice is very important, I know it.

  That's why I invite everyone to the banquet together.

  When Dunhong completes this practice, I have a generous gift for you. "

   "You are too kind!"

   "We will never neglect a single bit!"

   "Little nobleman Dunhong, the practice of offering sacrifices this time must go smoothly!"

  All Benedictine masters nodded one after another.

   I heard Naikang continue to say: "Everyone should have heard that my mother Rinchen Tsangpa passed away three months ago, and I sent my mother to a secret cave in a mountain far away.

  We dug up the secret cave that only existed in the classics, and buried my mother in the cave.

  There are some relics hidden in that ancient cave. My son Dunhong entered the cave at that time and found those relics following some kind of guidance.

  And from among the many ruins, a magic object was discovered.

  ——That is a magical object from the era of the "Xiang Zhung" Dapeng Yincheng.

   It may be held by a certain wizard of the Swastika Ben religion.

And that dharma item has been handed down to this day, and there is still a certain "book" on it-according to other classics that my people found in the cave at that time, the corresponding sacrificial book of this dharma object may be 'Pengben'. "

  Nai Kangze's words were like throwing a boulder into Pinghu Lake, causing stormy waves in an instant.

  The expressions of all the Benedictine wizards present became dignified and excited.

  (end of this chapter)

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