My Weird Life

Vol 2 Chapter 865: Empowerment (22)

  Chapter 865 Empowerment (22)

   "I will accept you as a disciple and teach you the great law. After I die, you can inherit my dharma nature and become the 'Buddha on Earth'.

  You should provide me with everything you have, whether it is wealth, food, wife, or children, you should provide me with it, and serve me wholeheartedly.

   But you disciple, why are you so unruly?

   Not to mention sitting on an equal footing with the guru, even a good horse should be provided for yourself to ride first? "Jing Lian was riding on the horse, talking to Su Wu with a gloomy expression.

  Su Wu was driving a white horse that was nearly two feet taller than Jinglian's mount. His black monk robes were blowing in the wind. This tall, handsome monk riding a white horse was more attractive than Jinglian.

  He looked sideways at Jinglian, who was driving the horse slowly beside him, and said with a smile: "Respected Master has never taught me the Dharma, and it is nonsense to say that I will inherit the Dharma after death.

Although I worship under the honored teacher seat, in fact, there is no half-substantial master-student friendship between you and me, but I can't respect my biological parents in my heart. I respect you, so naturally I won't leave good things to you. It is even more impossible to offer everything to you. "

  Ordinary monks, if they said such words to the "Guru", they would have been killed by the Guru's curse.

  But the current situation between Su Wu and Jinglian is a bit delicate.

Jinglian's consciousness might be revived when -- even if it didn't revive, Su Wu would have nothing to do with the other party. Similarly, Jinglian would never want to kill him -- the two formed a delicate balance under such circumstances, Jinglian Even if Lian Xian wanted to curse and kill this traitor, she was powerless.

   "Disrespecting the guru is like abandoning the Buddha and walking alone, which is heretics.

   will fall into the Vajra Hell, and will never be freed. "Jinglian said in a deep voice to Su Wu.

  Su Wu blinked: "Master, is there no guru?

  The respected teacher can offer all his own, wife, property and food to his master? "

   "..." Jinglian didn't speak.

   "Look, you never did that either.

  Then have you ever fallen into Vajra Hell? " Su Wu asked with a smile.

At this time, Jinglian looked at him, and said in a low tone, "Although I have lost the memory of the past, there is still a deep throbbing, and the pain is hidden deep in my heart. The pain that I have endured again and again is no longer inferior to me. In Vajra Hell."

   Now, Su Wu was speechless again.

  He also knows exactly what the other party claims is more painful than falling into the Vajra Hell.

  Thinking about it carefully, if Su Wu was treated like this by Jinglian, he would also feel deep pain in his heart.

Jinglian turned back, looked up at the sun on the zenith, pointed to the sun in the sky and Su Wu said: "Tomorrow at this time, I will perform the 'Vajra Bodhi lotus empowerment' for you. The empowerment ceremony is over, wait for me After death, you can inherit my Dharma-nature and immediately realize the Buddha on the ground."

  Su Wu nodded when he heard the words, but did not speak.

The empowerment ritual is a kind of master-apprentice ritual, which can completely transfer the master's power to the disciple, or transfer it to the disciple after a certain condition is triggered, and it is also a kind of all-round **** to the disciple , receiving the empowerment and the secret rituals, will inevitably be restrained by the guru forever and ever.

   At this moment, did this Jinglian really lose her sense of hatred towards herself? Or are you pretending to be crazy? Su Wu is not clear today.

  However, the other party can use the empowerment method to deal with him, but he also has a way to counter it with the empowerment method.

  Everyone empowers each other and restrains each other, which means that there is no restraint for each other.


  The sky is gradually closing.

  Darkness is about to overwhelm the earth.

  Dan Zeng was carrying a broadsword with a ring head on his back, and hanging the 'Big Red Lotus Embryo Zang' left to him by Su Wu on his waist, and led Ram to part ways with the gray-clothed monks at a fork in the road.

"for you."

   "Save for food on the road."

   "The Buddha never murdered us, but let us go home. We thank him, so we would like to share some food with you.

   After all, you are his friends. "

  The gray-clothed monks took out several bags of tsampa fried noodles, some dried meat, and some scattered silver particles, and handed them to Tenzin.

   "Thank you, thank you, brothers." Tenzin took the food and resources, and waved goodbye to the gray-clothed monks, "Heihei Temple is gone. You have to think carefully about how to deal with the interrogation of Kashag when you get home."

   "Okay, here we go!"

   "I hope you are safe!"

  The gray-clothed monks waved their hands and took another fork in the road.

  Their figures were gradually engulfed by the darkness.

Tenzin tied a few bags of tsampa in a small bag into a string with ropes and carried them on his back. Ram put the small bag of dried meat and silver particles together, followed behind Tenzin, and walked forward. They left Chawang Village, and they didn't know where to go now. They just wanted to go to a place far away from Chawang Village and Heihei Temple.

  The homes of those gray-clothed monks were near the Heihei Temple, so Tenzin naturally couldn't walk with them all the time, so he had to part ways with them halfway.

  The husband and wife are walking on the darkening earth.

  The distant mountains are faint.

  The nearby shrubs are overgrown, and the grass is luxuriant.

  Lam followed behind her husband, listening to the occasional crowing of ravens, his face was very nervous.

  She speeded up her pace a little, moved closer to her husband, and spoke in a low voice to relieve the tension in her heart: "Su-Su Wu said, Lunzhu is waiting for us somewhere on our way.

  Let's go forward like this, can we find our Lunzhu? "

"He's said that, so he can't be wrong." Tenzeng nodded. After thinking for a while, he grabbed the big red lotus womb around his waist, held it in his arms, and said to Ram, "Such a good knife , Even the magic tools of the Buddhas can be cut in two.

  Su Wu left such a good knife to me to protect my Lunzhu, he did so, what he said must be right. "

  Lam looked at the beautiful and elegant long knife in the scabbard in Tenzin's arms, and nodded, believing her husband's words.

  Dan Zeng looked up at the getting darker sky, Shen Sheng said to his wife: "Hurry up and find a place to live, it's not safe to drive at night.

   After a day of walking, I am also tired and want to eat something. "

   "We are not familiar with the road here.

   I don’t know if there is a place where I can live and where the bosses will not come to ask for money. " Ram said worriedly.

  Dan Zeng smiled, his eyes sparkled: "We don't need to be afraid of the leader.

  Heads should be afraid of us. "

  Lam opened his mouth, feeling that her husband was a little different from before.

  Compared to before, she actually likes her husband better now.

  The sun gradually sank below the horizon, and the earth fell into complete darkness.

  The temperature gradually decreases.

  Tanzeng and Ram put on their tattered clothes and marched supporting each other, but it was difficult for them to resist the cold night.

   Fortunately, when the two were shivering from the cold, they finally found a wild temple by the roadside.

The two walked into the temple cautiously, inspected it, and after confirming that the temple was uninhabited, Ram piled up the discarded firewood in the temple, lit a fire, and went out of the temple with a knife in his hand. I picked up some dry firewood around the small temple, tied them into several bundles of flexible shrub branches, and carried them into the temple.

  Afterwards, Ram boiled a pot of hot water, mixed the tsampa, and kneaded it into several big balls.

  Dan Zeng used several bundles of firewood, scattered wood chips and stones to block the leaky temple wall, erected the collapsed door panels, and sealed the temple gate.

  The couple sat around in front of the fire, drank the 'broth' made with a few pieces of dried meat, and ate tsampa, and they finally seemed to be somewhat alive.

   Breathing out a long stream of white air, Dan Zeng put down the iron pot and said to Ram: "This kind of life is really good."

   "That's great, you can still eat meat." Ram smiled and narrowed his eyes.

   Seeing the smile on her face, Tenzin also laughed a few times.

  Lam lowered his head and looked at the oil flowers in the bowl, but his smile gradually faded: "I just don't know where our Lunzhu is, can we still find it?"

   "I can find it, I can find it!

   It will be fine, don't worry! Tenzin comforted his wife.

  He leaned closer to the door, and glanced out through the crack of the door.

  It was dark outside, and gusts of low wind swept across the ground, causing the shrubs and grasses to tremble and make rattling, rattling sounds.

  Dan Zengling added a few logs of firewood to the fire, and lay on the thatched pile next to him with his wife in his arms.

After working with him all day, his wife finally had a rest and soon fell asleep next to him. The sound of slow and rapid breathing sounded beside him. He closed his eyes and listened to the gradual The fierce wind, thinking of his own Lunzhu, also gradually became a little drowsy.

  However, when he was drowsy, the wind outside suddenly became more intense.

   It sounded like someone was pulling a shrill voice!

   A strong wind suddenly rises!

  The bundles of firewood and stones that blocked the hole in the wall were blown away by the wind!

  The two door panels were thrown open by the strong wind blowing from outside, and the door panels hit the wall directly opposite the door, smashing them to pieces!

  The bonfire on the ground was full of sparks!

   Ram suddenly woke up!

  Den Zeng pulled her up, and immediately pulled out the big red lotus womb around his waist. He gave his wife a reassuring look, turned around, walked slowly to the gate of the temple, and looked outside.

  It was dark outside the door.

  It was pitch black outside the hole in the wall.

   Only the strong wind shakes the world.

  Weeds and dead trees were swept up into the sky, and then fell in all directions.

  The majesty of the sky is mighty, and the wind is fierce!

   A gust of wind blew away all the heat from Tenzin and Ram!

  In the dark darkness swept by the wind, pairs of red or green eyes emerged from the darkness.

  The 'eye' gradually approached the ruined temple.

   Behemoths like mountains, houses, or ligers surrounded the ruined temple on the third floor and the outer three floors!

  Dan Zeng looked at such a majestic monster with a dog-like head, his heart was beating wildly, and his face was pale!

   Ram's lips trembled, and he was even speechless!

  At this time, the group of dog-headed giant beasts facing the temple gate slowly separated to the two sides.

  A snow-white, liger-like gigantic dog-headed beast came slowly from the separated herd. Its steps were precise, its body was elegant, and its figure was square. On its back was a black cloth bag.

  The giant snow-white beast walked up to Tenzeng, let out a low growl, crawled down slowly, removed the black cloth bag on its back, then turned around, and led the group of beasts slowly back into the darkness.

   Haofeng gradually died down.

  (end of this chapter)

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