My Weird Life

Vol 2 Chapter 875: Uniqueness (22)

  Chapter 875 Uniqueness (22)

   "This method is considered safe."

  Su Wu nodded after listening to Zhou Bo's report, took out a few spells, and pasted them on the backs of the 'Pathfinders' selected by the caravan members.

  He said to several pathfinders: "I will attach this talisman to your back. If you encounter a dangerous situation, I will be able to sense it and help you."

  The pathfinders looked grateful and saluted Su Wu repeatedly.

   They were selected by the horse gang brothers, naturally because they each have excellent skills.

  However, if there are no difficulties and dangers in the road ahead, then everything will be fine, but if there is any danger in the road ahead, they will have unpredictable endings.

   Now that Su Wu sends spells to each other, there is a high probability that they will save their lives.

  —If people like Mr. Su help them, even if they can't save their lives and let them escape, they are willing to do so.

  Afterwards, Zhou Bo and his brothers told the Pathfinders to give them the wooden knife and many pills and powders for self-defense. After everything was ready, the Pathfinders said goodbye to everyone.

  The lead horse took a thick hemp rope, connected to the riders of the second, third, and fourth horses, and ran to a distance.

  Seeing the four people running along the road, their figures gradually disappearing, Su Wu turned around and asked Zhou Bo, "Have you ever collected the 'Grass of Life and Death'?"

   "I have collected a lot." Zhou Bo nodded to Chen Bing.

  Chen Bing went to a carriage and took out a wooden box. Zhou Bo opened the wooden box, revealing five or six plants of life and death grass that had been air-dried and sealed.

  Six herbs, all with only one leaf.

   "Can you lend me a plant of Life and Death Grass for experimentation?" Su Wu asked Zhou Bo.

  Zhou Bo smiled and handed the wooden box to Su Wu: "My life can only be saved if Mr.

  Not to mention borrowing a herb, even if Mr. Su wants us to kill you right now, we don't have the slightest complaint! "

   "What do I want you to do with your life?"

  Su Wu joked with Zhou Bo, and carefully took out a plant of Life and Death Grass, closed the wooden box, and handed it back to Zhou Bo.

  He pinched the life and death grass, thinking slightly.

Behind him, the silent "Jinglian" approached, pinched the Dharma seal with his hands, and moved the "Wrathful Guru Rinpoche's dharma nature" with his intention, turned into a sharp knife, and carefully scraped off all kinds of adhering to the root of the herb. Weird shadow.

  This time, Su Wu cooperated with 'myself', and the error rate was greatly reduced.

  He collected about 80% of the shadows that were scraped off by the sharp knife of dharma, and all of them were transformed into people with one thought to attach to the shadows and then seal them up.

  On the root of the grass of life and death, where all the strange shadows were scraped off, a very short and thin strand of hair appeared.

  Looking at that strand of hair, Su Wu was slightly dazed.

  In the moment he was in a daze, he had exited the simulation and started the simulation again.

   After a moment, he came back to his senses.

   Staring at the 'Lu Mu's hair' in his hand, he said nothing.

  In his last simulation, even if he obtained the same 'Grass of Life and Death' from Zhou Bo, the weird shadow still remained on the root of the grass of Life and Death, but under the weird shadow, there was no 'Lu Mu's hair'.

  This 'Lu Mu's hair' only exists in his current simulation world.

  It is very likely to be 'unique' and 'exclusive'.

   It cannot be reproduced by the simulator.

  Su Wu also tried to borrow another Life and Death Grass from Zhou Bo in that simulation. After scraping off the strange shadow on it, a piece of 'Mother Lu's skin' wrapped in the shadow appeared.

  And when Su Wu returned to the current simulation world, borrowed the Life and Death Grass from Zhou Bo, and after scraping off the shadow, the root of the Life and Death Grass was empty, and there was no trace of 'Lu Mu's skin'.

   All these situations have already shown that the things shed from the "Mother of Lu" are unique and cannot be reproduced by the simulator.

  Su Wu was twisting two plants of Life and Death Grass in his hand.

  After the strange shadows on the rhizomes of the medicinal herbs were scraped off, and the things that fell off Lu Mu's body disappeared, the leaves of the Life and Death Prairie, which were quite green, suddenly turned withered and yellow.

"The medicinal properties of these two herbs have been lost." Su Wu said to Zhou Bo, handed the two herbs to the other party for inspection, and then asked, "After you took the Life and Death Herb before, except for the 'Avalokitesvara disease', the disease has been cured. Apart from restraint, can you have any other abnormal reactions?"

  Zhou Bo put down the dry grass of life and death, thought about it seriously, and replied to Su Wu: "But I don't feel anything abnormal on my body."

  The members of the caravans around also spoke out one after another:

   "Aside from the improvement of my body condition, I really don't feel anything wrong."

   "How about the curative effect of the 'Life and Death Grass' in the famine in Sichuan and Shu? The Life and Death Grass is really amazing!"

   "In my opinion, the efficacy of this herb is only inferior to Mr. Su's medicinal rice!"

   "We boiled more than a dozen herbs and bones together in a pot at one time, and each of us shared a bowl of soup and meat to eat. In fact, we have never really taken the grass of life and death.

  —The grass of life and death was sent to Mrs. Wang's car, and she was told to eat it. "

  The voices of the caravan brothers caught Su Wu's attention.

  Su Wu looked at the person who made the sound, and asked him: "You have never taken the grass of life and death, but only the medicinal soup stewed with the grass of life and death?"

   "Yes!" The man responded quickly, looked at the brothers around him for a while, and then replied to Su Wu, "We have too many brothers, and a few herbs are not enough for us to share equally!

  In addition, Mrs. Wang was more seriously ill at that time, so I left the grass of life and death for her to take.

  We each share a bowl of medicinal soup to drink, and it can also have a strong effect! "

   "Is that so?" Su Wu looked at Zhou Bo.

  Zhou Bo also nodded in response: "That's true.

  Originally, I thought Mr. Su, when you said 'take the grass of life and death', you meant to use the medicinal properties of the grass of life and death. In this way, each of us has benefited from the medicinal properties of the grass of life and death.

  Now it seems that I will be wrong.

  What you said about 'taking the grass of life and death' refers to whether we have eaten the grass of life and death itself? "

   "Yes." Su Wu nodded.

  The root of the 'Mother of Lu' is unknown, whether it belongs to 'Li Gui' or is unknown, Su Wu can't tell why now.

However, the things that fall off from her body have the "uniqueness of time and space". From this point of view, Lu Mu's personality must be extremely high, and every strand of her hair has the uniqueness of time and space. It is difficult to say whether cooking with ordinary flames can make people What fell off from his body melted away.

If Zhou Bo and the others really swallowed the things that fell off Lu Mu's body, but Su Wu didn't notice any clues on them today, it means that Su Wu's methods are not enough, and Lu Mu's mystery is far from the current situation. He can reach it.

  He also needs to be careful of the caravans at this moment.

  Beware of any strange changes in the people who have eaten the grass of life and death.

   Although Zhou Bo and others have never really eaten the grass of life and death, it is even more difficult to determine whether there are any things that fell off from Lu Mu's body in the bowls of medicinal soup obtained by stewing the grass of life and death...

  Su Wu thought for a while, then looked at Zhou Bo, and said, "Can you lend me another Life and Death Grass?"

  Zhou Bo laughed, pushed the wooden box that hadn't been put back to Su Wu, and said, "You can use it as you please."

"Thank you." Su Wu took out a plant of life and death grass from the wooden box, set up an iron pot on the spot, and asked the caravan members about the usual process of cooking the life and death herbal soup, and poured it into the pot in strict accordance with the order that the caravan people said Pour in cold water, boil a pot of cold water, stew the meat bones, and skim off the foam.

  When the broth was boiled to milky white, it was thrown into the grass of life and death, and simmered for a while.

  The broth in the pot kept rolling with the grass of life and death.

  The grass of life and death gradually turns black in the boiling soup.

   Strands of strange shadows melted in the pot.

  The piece of ‘Lu Mu’s skin’ that connects the rhizome of the medicinal herb does not fall off in the boiling soup.

  The whole pot of medicinal soup is ready, and there is still a small piece of Lu Mu's skin attached to the rhizome of the Life and Death Grass, but the strange shadows attached to Lu Mu's skin have melted into the hot soup.

   "It seems that the weird shadows attached to Lu Mu's skin melted into the hot soup, producing some effect, temporarily suppressing the progress of the 'Nuwa soil disease'."

   Su Wu changed his mind and scooped up a spoonful of milky white broth.

  From this spoonful of broth, there is no trace of any strange shadows.

  What is the strange shadow attached to the rhizome of the grass of life and death?

  Are they derived from 'Lu Mu'?

   Or did it originate from the huge corpses emerging from the 'empty'?

   Are they opposite to Lu Mu, or are they unified, or are they unified by opposites?

  Su Wu put down the iron spoon, glanced at the boiling broth in the pot, and said to everyone: "Don't eat the contents of this pot. From now on, if you find the grass of life and death, don't take it rashly."


  Zhou Bo and others agreed one after another.

   "A few of them are in danger, you stay here and don't move around.

  I'll go and have a look, and I'll be back later.

   If you need anything, you can find this monk in yellow. "Su Wu pointed to the 'Jinglian' beside her.

  Hearing what he said, Zhou Bo's eyes were a little dazed at first, but after a few blinks, he suddenly realized: "It's Xiaozhou, Wang Huzi and the brothers who went to explore the road?!"


  Su Wu nodded.

  The next moment, his figure disappeared from the spot.

  Leave all the caravan members and 'Jinglian' in place!


  The sky is sunny.

  The golden sunshine reflects the snow-capped mountains in the far distance into a platinum color, full of holy and solemn connotations.

  'Wang Beard' rode a strong horse and walked in the forefront.

A hemp rope as thick as an arm was tied to his saddle, and the hemp rope was stretched backwards, passed through the copper buckles on the saddles of the second and third caravan brothers, and was firmly tied to the fourth caravan brother's boat. ' in the saddle.

  The speed of the four horses is consistent, and the distance between them is not too close or far.

   "What a weird day!"

  The boat at the end looked up at the sky, and shouted loudly: "The end of the sky is white, and the sun hangs there, but our heads are a bit dark, as if the sun's light only shines there, not our heads!"

   Just as Xiao Zhou said, the sky was white and golden.

   Above the heads of the four people, they were groggy and blue.

   And the blue light on the top of the day is still fading.

   Darker colors cloud the sky.

  (end of this chapter)

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